Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY? Jim Acosta seems to think so!

He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

Are you a retard? You said lies lol

Yes, I said the word "lies" to paraphrase what Acosta was talking about in the video which was that the media should have done a better job pushing back on the White House. Because the OP had misconstrued via Brietbart what Acosta's point was. Then you reply to me asking what one of those lies was and I told you that isn't relevant to this thread. Then you accused me of lying and I'm trying to get you to state where I lied.

Jesus, I hope that sums it up. I'm sure it won't and I don't think you're capable of understanding much but if you could at least point out where I lied since you claimed I did would be great.

So lies are a issue for you .. but you can’t give me an example of a lie? Interesting

You want an example? Sure, you said I lied in this thread, I didn't. I've asked you multiple times to point out that lie and you have completely failed to do so.

You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
The media is not a third party the majority of them are just an extension of the Democratic party. What CNN Jim Acosta and many other's in the media have forgotten is their job is to report the news fairly and accurately not create the news or support one party or the other not support and push policies they agree with or push their own personal agendas.
Cable News... unlike broadcast news, they do not have to follow the "fairness doctrine".... they can do whatever they want, and do not have to follow the fairness doctrine, where they have to present BOTH side

FOX news, 20+ years ago, started the "one sided" news....to hound on Bill Clinton... and they got the number 1 spot....

the rest of cable news was slow to catch on, but now they are following FOX's model, it seems... whatever makes them money goes....
Last edited:
Are you a retard? You said lies lol

Yes, I said the word "lies" to paraphrase what Acosta was talking about in the video which was that the media should have done a better job pushing back on the White House. Because the OP had misconstrued via Brietbart what Acosta's point was. Then you reply to me asking what one of those lies was and I told you that isn't relevant to this thread. Then you accused me of lying and I'm trying to get you to state where I lied.

Jesus, I hope that sums it up. I'm sure it won't and I don't think you're capable of understanding much but if you could at least point out where I lied since you claimed I did would be great.
So lies are a issue for you .. but you can’t give me an example of a lie? Interesting

You want an example? Sure, you said I lied in this thread, I didn't. I've asked you multiple times to point out that lie and you have completely failed to do so.
You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???
A free press serves a role in our society

They keep government in check
Yes, I said the word "lies" to paraphrase what Acosta was talking about in the video which was that the media should have done a better job pushing back on the White House. Because the OP had misconstrued via Brietbart what Acosta's point was. Then you reply to me asking what one of those lies was and I told you that isn't relevant to this thread. Then you accused me of lying and I'm trying to get you to state where I lied.

Jesus, I hope that sums it up. I'm sure it won't and I don't think you're capable of understanding much but if you could at least point out where I lied since you claimed I did would be great.
So lies are a issue for you .. but you can’t give me an example of a lie? Interesting

You want an example? Sure, you said I lied in this thread, I didn't. I've asked you multiple times to point out that lie and you have completely failed to do so.
You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
The media is not a third party the majority of them are just an extension of the Democratic party. What CNN Jim Acosta and many other's in the media have forgotten is their job is to report the news fairly and accurately not create the news or support one party or the other not support and push policies they agree with or push their own personal agendas.
Cable News... unlike broadcast news, they do not have to follow the "fairness doctrine".... they can do whatever they want, and do not have to follow the fairness doctrine, where they have to present BOTH sides.

FOX news, 20+ years ago, started the "one sided" news....to hound on Bill Clinton... and they got the number 1 spot....

the rest of cable news was slow to catch on, but now they are following FOX's model, it seems.
Even Fox claims to be entertainment
So lies are a issue for you .. but you can’t give me an example of a lie? Interesting

You want an example? Sure, you said I lied in this thread, I didn't. I've asked you multiple times to point out that lie and you have completely failed to do so.
You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
I have I don’t see any trump lies... so maybe you need some help
You want an example? Sure, you said I lied in this thread, I didn't. I've asked you multiple times to point out that lie and you have completely failed to do so.
You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
I have I don’t see any trump lies... so maybe you need some help

Then you aren't too bright. Do you mind trolling someone else, you're boring me, kid. Have another Rosé.
You had lies in your post .. WHAT LIES!?!! Hellooooooooooo mcflyyyy

You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
I have I don’t see any trump lies... so maybe you need some help

Then you aren't too bright. Do you mind trolling someone else, you're boring me, kid. Have another Rosé.
You just trolled the president and and slandered him.. you got caught.. don’t come in here with that garbage.. you got served
You claimed I lied, quote where I did. Be a man, J.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
I have I don’t see any trump lies... so maybe you need some help

Then you aren't too bright. Do you mind trolling someone else, you're boring me, kid. Have another Rosé.
You just trolled the president and and slandered him.. you got caught.. don’t come in here with that garbage.. you got served

I trolled "and and" slandered the president? OK, moron, move along.
I just did lol 4 up you said “lies” WHAT LIES???

Oh, I see. I'm lying because you don't understand this threadmand my original posts in it.

I didn't claim any lies, I simply paraphrased what Acosta said and what his point was. That is the topic of this thread, the media's role. You want to have a separate off topic debate about the lies Trump and the White house have told. Pick another thread, they are literally all over this board or start one of your own. You're off topic here, do you drink too much wine in the morning as well, J?
I have I don’t see any trump lies... so maybe you need some help

Then you aren't too bright. Do you mind trolling someone else, you're boring me, kid. Have another Rosé.
You just trolled the president and and slandered him.. you got caught.. don’t come in here with that garbage.. you got served

I trolled "and and" slandered the president? OK, moron, move along.
And that’s how you serve a democrat
Network news and news print will never be trusted as they once were and every one in those two sectors of news should be very ashamed today....
now i long for the time we get to the point where we can stop saying LOOK AT THIS IDIOT and just move on and stop pointing out the idiots and keeping their 15 minutes alive far too long.
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

what about the lies about trump? why is he not calling those out too?

76 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

this has been growing for some time and i never hear them hold themselves as accountable as they seem to require of others. til then they can go fuck themselves.
The media is not a third party the majority of them are just an extension of the Democratic party. What CNN Jim Acosta and many other's in the media have forgotten is their job is to report the news fairly and accurately not create the news or support one party or the other not support and push policies they agree with or push their own personal agendas.
Cable News... unlike broadcast news, they do not have to follow the "fairness doctrine".... they can do whatever they want, and do not have to follow the fairness doctrine, where they have to present BOTH side

FOX news, 20+ years ago, started the "one sided" news....to hound on Bill Clinton... and they got the number 1 spot....

the rest of cable news was slow to catch on, but now they are following FOX's model, it seems... whatever makes them money goes....
Reporting the news accurately has nothing to do with the Fairness Doctrine. If you are an actual journalist not a talk show host who is misrepresenting the facts you are at best a spokesperson at worst a propagandist. There used to be a clear distinction between actual reporting and opinion now to many journalists are passing off their opinions as reporting.
I did back up my claim. My claim is that Acosta was saying the media should have done a better job dealing with Trump and I provided the video where he says that.
Media should report the news with out slant

OK, I would argue that the media should point out lies when they happen. But enjoy that non-slant media you get at Fox News, Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades or whatever rock you slink under when you want to find out what Q is up to. Hypocrite.
What lies??? Back it up.. stop slandering

What are you on? I said the media should point out lies when they happen, wouldn't you agree with that?
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
There is only one problem the GOP propaganda machine lies nonstop especially in primetime and then there's Rush Limbaugh. One lie? how about anything they said about Hillary being a criminal, the rich paying too much in taxes, anything about the deep state etc etc conspiracy theories everywhere nothing ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. You live on an imaginary planet dumbasses.

Please concentrate. Your post has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Try harder.
Quote the whole conversation instead of taking it out of context. The dupes want to hear GOP lies I gave them a bunch an infinite number in fact....
The media is not a third party the majority of them are just an extension of the Democratic party. What CNN Jim Acosta and many other's in the media have forgotten is their job is to report the news fairly and accurately not create the news or support one party or the other not support and push policies they agree with or push their own personal agendas.
Cable News... unlike broadcast news, they do not have to follow the "fairness doctrine".... they can do whatever they want, and do not have to follow the fairness doctrine, where they have to present BOTH side

FOX news, 20+ years ago, started the "one sided" news....to hound on Bill Clinton... and they got the number 1 spot....

the rest of cable news was slow to catch on, but now they are following FOX's model, it seems... whatever makes them money goes....
Reporting the news accurately has nothing to do with the Fairness Doctrine. If you are an actual journalist not a talk show host who is misrepresenting the facts you are at best a spokesperson at worst a propagandist. There used to be a clear distinction between actual reporting and opinion now to many journalists are passing off their opinions as reporting.
the fairness doctrine meant that there would be debate and you dupes would not stay in your fugue State forever lol. Hannity and Rush Limbaugh could not stand 5 minutes of debate an hour, they are totally fos.
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

what about the lies about trump? why is he not calling those out too?

76 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

this has been growing for some time and i never hear them hold themselves as accountable as they seem to require of others. til then they can go fuck themselves.

Vs the 3000 lies coming out of the Trump administration?

Not even close
Media should report the news with out slant

OK, I would argue that the media should point out lies when they happen. But enjoy that non-slant media you get at Fox News, Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades or whatever rock you slink under when you want to find out what Q is up to. Hypocrite.
What lies??? Back it up.. stop slandering

What are you on? I said the media should point out lies when they happen, wouldn't you agree with that?
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
It was his plan lol
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

what about the lies about trump? why is he not calling those out too?

76 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

this has been growing for some time and i never hear them hold themselves as accountable as they seem to require of others. til then they can go fuck themselves.

Vs the 3000 lies coming out of the Trump administration?

Not even close

Those are journalistic mistakes that were retracted and apologized for, something the GOP propaganda machine never does. They have a whole imaginary planet for the dupes.

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