Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY? Jim Acosta seems to think so!

He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

what about the lies about trump? why is he not calling those out too?

76 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

this has been growing for some time and i never hear them hold themselves as accountable as they seem to require of others. til then they can go fuck themselves.

Vs the 3000 lies coming out of the Trump administration?

Not even close

Those are journalistic mistakes that were retracted and apologized for, something the GOP propaganda machine never does. They have a whole imaginary planet for the dupes.

News reports on information they have at the time
If it is inaccurate, they retract and apologize .....then provide the correct information

Our, President has never retracted or apologized for his thousands of lies
OK, I would argue that the media should point out lies when they happen. But enjoy that non-slant media you get at Fox News, Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades or whatever rock you slink under when you want to find out what Q is up to. Hypocrite.
What lies??? Back it up.. stop slandering

What are you on? I said the media should point out lies when they happen, wouldn't you agree with that?
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
It was his plan lol
Bologna. He did not even want a mandate, he thought it would work without one...
What lies??? Back it up.. stop slandering

What are you on? I said the media should point out lies when they happen, wouldn't you agree with that?
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
It was his plan lol
Bologna. He did not even want a mandate, he thought it would work without one...
Yea yea cool story
What are you on? I said the media should point out lies when they happen, wouldn't you agree with that?
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
It was his plan lol
Bologna. He did not even want a mandate, he thought it would work without one...
Yea yea cool story
Google it and see that you are wrong as always. Try some real news someday, super duper.
Give me an example?? Why lie?? Like you can keep you plan and your doctor?
Those are not lies, those are predictions that were changed by Congress... lies are like everything the dupes know about Hillary the deep state tax rates etc etc etc
It was his plan lol
Bologna. He did not even want a mandate, he thought it would work without one...
Yea yea cool story
Google it and see that you are wrong as always. Try some real news someday, super duper.
Yea cool story
There is only one problem the GOP propaganda machine lies nonstop especially in primetime and then there's Rush Limbaugh. One lie? how about anything they said about Hillary being a criminal, the rich paying too much in taxes, anything about the deep state etc etc conspiracy theories everywhere nothing ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. You live on an imaginary planet dumbasses.
Please tell me how Rush Limbaugh is a media and primetime.
Acosta says he fears the day when a Trump supporter will kill a journalist. it's almost as if he's looking forward to it, so he can play the victim card for years to come!

"Trump is putting our lives in danger" - Acosta told a room of San Jose State U students
Acosta has politics in his blood, my friends. his parents were subscribers to the washington post, which led to Acosta's interest in journalism
"Benghazi, the formation and rise of ISIS, Fast And Furious, the Obamacare website are all scandals which CNN covered during the Obama Administration" - Acosta...
Acosta says he receives death threats from Trump supporters, and that he wont be intimidated. everyone receives death threats in this day and age, including trump himself. it's not particular to one group of people!
"why can't we take out these ISIS bastards?" - Jim Acosta question to Obama

you don't have to ask that to Trump, he already had the answer!
CNN is probably losing in ratings because unlike Fox and MSNBC (who I do not consider equally honest) have targeted audiences who want biased news for better or worse. CNN, who probably took the most honest approach does not have that built in audience and so they suffer for it, unfortunately.

CNN and MSNBC crashed in the ratings because for over two years, among other reasons, they PROMISED their viewers that there had been COLLUSION between Russia and the Trump Campaign. Then, when the Mueller Report came out, instead of proving COLLUSION, the report proved there was NO COLLUSION. They were both proven to have been lying to their viewers.

If that was not enough, CNN and MSNBC treated, and even questioned Michael Avenatti about RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In about a two month period, Avenatti appeared on their shows a combined total of 108 times. Then we learned that Michael Avenatti was a total slimeball attorney who stole from his clients, including Stormy Daniels. Given all his criminal charges, the former idol of CNN and MSNBC faces more than 800 years in prison.

CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media

Michael Avenatti / YouTube
BY: David Rutz
May 11, 2018 11:00 am
The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti's favorite shows include CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" (14), CNN's "New Day" (12), CNN's "Tonight with Don Lemon" (eight), and MSNBC's "Deadline White House" (seven).
CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media Time

How can anyone wonder why these former giants have crashed and are burning. Instead of wondering why, we should wonder how it took so long!
Acosta says he fears the day when a Trump supporter will kill a journalist. it's almost as if he's looking forward to it, so he can play the victim card for years to come!

"Trump is putting our lives in danger" - Acosta told a room of San Jose State U students
Trump does build up the hate towards the media
CNN is probably losing in ratings because unlike Fox and MSNBC (who I do not consider equally honest) have targeted audiences who want biased news for better or worse. CNN, who probably took the most honest approach does not have that built in audience and so they suffer for it, unfortunately.

CNN and MSNBC crashed in the ratings because for over two years, among other reasons, they PROMISED their viewers that there had been COLLUSION between Russia and the Trump Campaign. Then, when the Mueller Report came out, instead of proving COLLUSION, the report proved there was NO COLLUSION. They were both proven to have been lying to their viewers.

If that was not enough, CNN and MSNBC treated, and even questioned Michael Avenatti about RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In about a two month period, Avenatti appeared on their shows a combined total of 108 times. Then we learned that Michael Avenatti was a total slimeball attorney who stole from his clients, including Stormy Daniels. Given all his criminal charges, the former idol of CNN and MSNBC faces more than 800 years in prison.

CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media

Michael Avenatti / YouTube
BY: David Rutz
May 11, 2018 11:00 am
The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti's favorite shows include CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" (14), CNN's "New Day" (12), CNN's "Tonight with Don Lemon" (eight), and MSNBC's "Deadline White House" (seven).
CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media Time

How can anyone wonder why these former giants have crashed and are burning. Instead of wondering why, we should wonder how it took so long!

MSNBC is catching up to Fox and remember, Fox doesn't have any competition in terms of being far right.
CNN is probably losing in ratings because unlike Fox and MSNBC (who I do not consider equally honest) have targeted audiences who want biased news for better or worse. CNN, who probably took the most honest approach does not have that built in audience and so they suffer for it, unfortunately.

CNN and MSNBC crashed in the ratings because for over two years, among other reasons, they PROMISED their viewers that there had been COLLUSION between Russia and the Trump Campaign. Then, when the Mueller Report came out, instead of proving COLLUSION, the report proved there was NO COLLUSION. They were both proven to have been lying to their viewers.

If that was not enough, CNN and MSNBC treated, and even questioned Michael Avenatti about RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In about a two month period, Avenatti appeared on their shows a combined total of 108 times. Then we learned that Michael Avenatti was a total slimeball attorney who stole from his clients, including Stormy Daniels. Given all his criminal charges, the former idol of CNN and MSNBC faces more than 800 years in prison.

CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media

Michael Avenatti / YouTube
BY: David Rutz
May 11, 2018 11:00 am
The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti's favorite shows include CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" (14), CNN's "New Day" (12), CNN's "Tonight with Don Lemon" (eight), and MSNBC's "Deadline White House" (seven).
CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media Time

How can anyone wonder why these former giants have crashed and are burning. Instead of wondering why, we should wonder how it took so long!

MSNBC is catching up to Fox and remember, Fox doesn't have any competition in terms of being far right.
MSNBC is the Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski whore show... Only people they have on that network are extremist progressives...
CNN is probably losing in ratings because unlike Fox and MSNBC (who I do not consider equally honest) have targeted audiences who want biased news for better or worse. CNN, who probably took the most honest approach does not have that built in audience and so they suffer for it, unfortunately.

CNN and MSNBC crashed in the ratings because for over two years, among other reasons, they PROMISED their viewers that there had been COLLUSION between Russia and the Trump Campaign. Then, when the Mueller Report came out, instead of proving COLLUSION, the report proved there was NO COLLUSION. They were both proven to have been lying to their viewers.

If that was not enough, CNN and MSNBC treated, and even questioned Michael Avenatti about RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In about a two month period, Avenatti appeared on their shows a combined total of 108 times. Then we learned that Michael Avenatti was a total slimeball attorney who stole from his clients, including Stormy Daniels. Given all his criminal charges, the former idol of CNN and MSNBC faces more than 800 years in prison.

CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media

Michael Avenatti / YouTube
BY: David Rutz
May 11, 2018 11:00 am
The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti's favorite shows include CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" (14), CNN's "New Day" (12), CNN's "Tonight with Don Lemon" (eight), and MSNBC's "Deadline White House" (seven).
CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media Time

How can anyone wonder why these former giants have crashed and are burning. Instead of wondering why, we should wonder how it took so long!

MSNBC is catching up to Fox and remember, Fox doesn't have any competition in terms of being far right.
MSNBC is the Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski whore show... Only people they have on that network are extremist progressives...

Neither one is an extremist just because they don't like Trump. Do you guys have a way of modulating your emotions or are you always "on"?
Media works for the DNC
They learned how in WWII when the gov had them pump up the propaganda in the Media and they saw how much power it had. It just grew from that to what it is today.
every respected media around the world agrees that you are a brainwashed functional moron and fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc heritage the Koch brothers are totally fos wake up and smell the coffee stupid
CNN is probably losing in ratings because unlike Fox and MSNBC (who I do not consider equally honest) have targeted audiences who want biased news for better or worse. CNN, who probably took the most honest approach does not have that built in audience and so they suffer for it, unfortunately.

CNN and MSNBC crashed in the ratings because for over two years, among other reasons, they PROMISED their viewers that there had been COLLUSION between Russia and the Trump Campaign. Then, when the Mueller Report came out, instead of proving COLLUSION, the report proved there was NO COLLUSION. They were both proven to have been lying to their viewers.

If that was not enough, CNN and MSNBC treated, and even questioned Michael Avenatti about RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In about a two month period, Avenatti appeared on their shows a combined total of 108 times. Then we learned that Michael Avenatti was a total slimeball attorney who stole from his clients, including Stormy Daniels. Given all his criminal charges, the former idol of CNN and MSNBC faces more than 800 years in prison.

CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media

Michael Avenatti / YouTube
BY: David Rutz
May 11, 2018 11:00 am
The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti's favorite shows include CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" (14), CNN's "New Day" (12), CNN's "Tonight with Don Lemon" (eight), and MSNBC's "Deadline White House" (seven).
CNN, MSNBC Have Given Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in Earned Media Time

How can anyone wonder why these former giants have crashed and are burning. Instead of wondering why, we should wonder how it took so long!

MSNBC is catching up to Fox and remember, Fox doesn't have any competition in terms of being far right.
MSNBC is the Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski whore show... Only people they have on that network are extremist progressives...

Neither one is an extremist just because they don't like Trump. Do you guys have a way of modulating your emotions or are you always "on"?
Has nothing to do with Trump, everyone on that network is extremist progressive. They are all fucked in the head and should be treated as such

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