Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?
Sure you neocons go ahead! :D I am sure you can get Mossad and IDF to join you....Seeya!
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
I disagree, one on them and one on Islamic State. Just flat get rid of them.
Depends on who you ask.

Republicans and Israel both say yes.

Israel wants ther US to do their fighting for them and of course, any chance to pile up dead Americans is okay with Repubs.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
I disagree, one on them and one on Islamic State. Just flat get rid of them.

And then there are the nutters who want to see lots of innocent children killed, or at least maimed.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill jews I agree but six million at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

There we go! Better.
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?
Yeah, time for Turkey to shit or get off the crapper.

This Muslim schism wrapped in a Persian/Turk struggle over who will rule the Arabs is NONE of our business.
Has the time come to invade Iran?

I hope not.

As a matter of fact, let's just not do it.

If we feel compelled to destroy them, let's do it from the air, and leave 'em sifting through the smoking rubble.

But, come to think of it, I don't want to do that either, and would only favor such a thing as a last resort, should they push us in that direction.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
I disagree, one on them and one on Islamic State. Just flat get rid of them.
The "Islamic State" is scattered in cells from Mauritania to the Philippines.

You cannot nuke an IDEA.

Now, maybe one on the Kaaba during Ramadamadingdong might cramp their style, but, that is a whole different thing.
Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
I disagree, one on them and one on Islamic State. Just flat get rid of them.
The "Islamic State" is scattered in cells from Mauritania to the Philippines.

You cannot nuke an IDEA.

Now, maybe one on the Kaaba during Ramadamadingdong might cramp their style, but, that is a whole different thing.
The main force in the middle east would do. There are 1.5 Billion muslims so coming up short 100k in radicals is really no loss to either. The loss would allow "moderates" if any to take the lead.

Boots on the ground is NOT what is called for. They WANT a nuke? I say send them one right over their main city. We need to kill muslims I agree but tens of thousands at ONCE.

Then and only then will we have their attention.

Sorry, but that's way over the line.
I disagree, one on them and one on Islamic State. Just flat get rid of them.
The "Islamic State" is scattered in cells from Mauritania to the Philippines.

You cannot nuke an IDEA.

Now, maybe one on the Kaaba during Ramadamadingdong might cramp their style, but, that is a whole different thing.
The main force in the middle east would do. There are 1.5 Billion muslims so coming up short 100k in radicals is really no loss to either. The loss would allow "moderates" if any to take the lead.
I fail to see how we get them all to gather under our nukes.

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