Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?

It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Republicans have had invasion on the brain since '05. If not gonna be one of the boots on the ground, shut the fuck up. Have friends on active duty I'd like to keep on talking to without having to attend their funeral to fulfill some bloodthirst neocon's fantasy of empire and glory.
You leftist nitwits are always jawing about "invading Iran".. who the hell is calling for an invasion of Iran? You're the only ones talking about it.
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Republicans have had invasion on the brain since '05. If not gonna be one of the boots on the ground, shut the fuck up. Have friends on active duty I'd like to keep on talking to without having to attend their funeral to fulfill some bloodthirst neocon's fantasy of empire and glory.
Idiot! This is about far more than your "friends". It's about your friends and my friends and everybody else, including you and me, getting vaporized if/whenever jihadist lunatics get their hands on nuclear bombs. And to stop that, just as it was in World War II, this even more dangerous World War against international jihad, has to be fought and won.

If you don't want to participate then YOU shut the fuck up, and stay out of the way, or else you count as doing nothing but helping the enemy, and I don't want to see MY friends lives jeopardized by you, and other liberal fools who treat this as if it was just a matter of helping a political party get votes.

As for me, I served 5 years in the Army, and got 2 honorable discharges. so I've already BEEN the "boots on the ground", how about you ?
You leftist nitwits are always jawing about "invading Iran".. who the hell is calling for an invasion of Iran? You're the only ones talking about it.
Invasion of Iran is the TOPIC of this thread. Try reading the OP. And I'm not exactly a leftist.
If we launch on Iran we'd better get (1) their Leadership, (2) their nuke-labs, (3) their nuke-fuel stockpiles and (4) their ICBM silos. Their conventional stuff we can handle.

I just don't see us as having reached that point yet.
Wanna wait until 10 major US cities have been obliterated ? Neville Chamberlain didn't see Britain having reached "that point yet" either.
If we launch on Iran we'd better get (1) their Leadership, (2) their nuke-labs, (3) their nuke-fuel stockpiles and (4) their ICBM silos. Their conventional stuff we can handle.

I just don't see us as having reached that point yet.

No guarantees of getting any of that stuff. It's either invade or make a deal, nothing short of that could be effective.
If it comes to war, do we drop bunker-busters (conventional and/or nuke-tipped) to get the labs?
How about going INSIDE them, and busting them up with baseball bats ?
I fail to see how we get them all to gather under our nukes.
One mile ABOVE ground burns everything for a radius of forty miles. Everything, so right over their capital. I have been reading the fallout factors and learned a few things.
1, Ground contact...hard surface increases fallout.
2, Water contact. reduced radiation because of the "give" of water.
3, Air explosion LEAST fallout possible. Could be re-inhabited in less then a year.

Forty square miles of Tehran just gone, vaporized into nothing. NO life no plants no buildings. The living will be more then happy to talk peace with not only us but the world.

None of which would do anything to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You burn down the house and mowing the lawn becomes a LOT less important.

Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
No, the time has come to double our science budget and to land Americans on mars. A war with Iran would cause trillions of bucks and we wouldn't get shit out of doing so...At least with the doubling of science we'd get something out of it.
Obama and his administration is clearly floundering. The ME is chaotic. My surmise is that our military is humoring the President...nodding their head as he makes his indecisive decisions. And the military is also watching as Sunnis kill Shiia and vice versa...and as sunni nations get more involved. At some point all hell will break loose and let's hope our military has a plan to foment chaos in iran and bring that regime down.
Let's hope after 8 years of Obama obliteration of our military, we still HAVE a military, period.
You leftist nitwits are always jawing about "invading Iran".. who the hell is calling for an invasion of Iran? You're the only ones talking about it.
Invasion of Iran is the TOPIC of this thread. Try reading the OP. And I'm not exactly a leftist.

Iran is 2 1%2 times as big as Iraq. Much more powerful military and the middle east at this point in history would collapse into a regional war. I wouldn't want to see America get into the middle of it.
If we launch on Iran we'd better get (1) their Leadership, (2) their nuke-labs, (3) their nuke-fuel stockpiles and (4) their ICBM silos. Their conventional stuff we can handle.

I just don't see us as having reached that point yet.

No guarantees of getting any of that stuff. It's either invade or make a deal, nothing short of that could be effective.
If it comes to war, do we drop bunker-busters (conventional and/or nuke-tipped) to get the labs?

Either way there's no guarantee we know where all the underground sites are.
The way to guarantee it is too inspect every square foot of the country. Leave no stone unturned. In war, you do what you HAVE TO DO.
No, the time has come to double our science budget and to land Americans on mars. A war with Iran would cause trillions of bucks and we wouldn't get shit out of doing so...At least with the doubling of science we'd get something out of it.
Huh ? Unless you're joking, and this is sarcasm humor, we've never gotten a damn thing out of the space program, and Mars has nothing much to offer anyone either, except for the people whose jobs rely on the silly thing. With war in Iran, we get something very valuable >> OUR LIVES.
You leftist nitwits are always jawing about "invading Iran".. who the hell is calling for an invasion of Iran? You're the only ones talking about it.
Invasion of Iran is the TOPIC of this thread. Try reading the OP. And I'm not exactly a leftist.

Iran is 2 1%2 times as big as Iraq. Much more powerful military and the middle east at this point in history would collapse into a regional war. I wouldn't want to see America get into the middle of it.
EARTH TO MATTHEW: NOBODY wants to see America in a regional war, but in case you haven;t noticed, America is ALREADY in a WORLD War (III) against international jihad, of which Iran and Pakistan are the most dangerous elements, due to their NUCLEAR capabilities.

It's not a matter of being in a war vs. not being in one. It's a matter of being in a war vs being annihilated. Same as world War II, except this World War is more dangerous to us, because of the NUCLEAR component. American who talk like you need to get their heads out of the sand, before their heads get wacked with a nuclear warhead.
"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.
One mile ABOVE ground burns everything for a radius of forty miles. Everything, so right over their capital. I have been reading the fallout factors and learned a few things.
1, Ground contact...hard surface increases fallout.
2, Water contact. reduced radiation because of the "give" of water.
3, Air explosion LEAST fallout possible. Could be re-inhabited in less then a year.

Forty square miles of Tehran just gone, vaporized into nothing. NO life no plants no buildings. The living will be more then happy to talk peace with not only us but the world.

None of which would do anything to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You burn down the house and mowing the lawn becomes a LOT less important.

Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Model it after the Mexico attack? You really are a delusional old fool, aren't you. You just don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about, do you.
If we launch on Iran we'd better get (1) their Leadership, (2) their nuke-labs, (3) their nuke-fuel stockpiles and (4) their ICBM silos. Their conventional stuff we can handle.

I just don't see us as having reached that point yet.

No guarantees of getting any of that stuff. It's either invade or make a deal, nothing short of that could be effective.
If it comes to war, do we drop bunker-busters (conventional and/or nuke-tipped) to get the labs?

Either way there's no guarantee we know where all the underground sites are.
The way to guarantee it is too inspect every square foot of the country. Leave no stone unturned. In war, you do what you HAVE TO DO.
I despise stupid old fuckers like you. You don't know anything about war because you've never been anywhere near one. But you feel free to beat the drums anyway. You're just an ignorant nobody who pretends to be something.
One mile ABOVE ground burns everything for a radius of forty miles. Everything, so right over their capital. I have been reading the fallout factors and learned a few things.
1, Ground contact...hard surface increases fallout.
2, Water contact. reduced radiation because of the "give" of water.
3, Air explosion LEAST fallout possible. Could be re-inhabited in less then a year.

Forty square miles of Tehran just gone, vaporized into nothing. NO life no plants no buildings. The living will be more then happy to talk peace with not only us but the world.

None of which would do anything to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You burn down the house and mowing the lawn becomes a LOT less important.

Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Not much of a historian, are you crazy man.
Most of the people I know who are always calling for war have never been in one and have no one that will be sent to fight in one.

We have spent enough money and lost enough lives in futile efforts in the ME. Let someone else send their youth off to die.

The doubling of the science budget sounds like a much better use of our time & money.
"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible liberals such as C_Clayton_Jones or Barrack Obama are never again in positions of power or authority to endanger the American people, by allowing the international jihad to strengthen, as is the case with ISIS, Hamass, Boko Harum, al Shabbab, and Iran, and to allow Americans to die needlessly as in Benghazi, and to allow dangerous high-rank Taliban to go free to get back a deserter.

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