Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?

None of which would do anything to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You burn down the house and mowing the lawn becomes a LOT less important.

Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Not much of a historian, are you crazy man.
You just posted 3 EMPTY, ASSININE posts which did not have a shred of substance. You can call names if you like, but that only shows you are incapable of posting INFORMATION/FACTS and actually saying something to contribute to the topic. 8 year olds in the 3rd grade can call names too.

So for your 3 zero posts, Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3.

So now we've established you're an ageist bigot, not capable of debating a real topic, you don't read the thread since you obviously missed my military background, and you're great at name-calling. >>> Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself ?
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"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible liberals such as C_Clayton_Jones or Barrack Obama are never again in positions of power or authority to endanger the American people, by allowing the international jihad to strengthen, as is the case with ISIS, Hamass, Boko Harum, al Shabbab, and Iran, and to allow Americans to die needlessly as in Benghazi, and to allow dangerous high-rank Taliban to go free to get back a deserter.

The time has come to have the rest of the international community put their sons and daughters in harms way instead of just whining and waiting for the Americans to do it.
"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible liberals such as C_Clayton_Jones or Barrack Obama are never again in positions of power or authority to endanger the American people, by allowing the international jihad to strengthen, as is the case with ISIS, Hamass, Boko Harum, al Shabbab, and Iran, and to allow Americans to die needlessly as in Benghazi, and to allow dangerous high-rank Taliban to go free to get back a deserter.

The time has come to have the rest of the international community put their sons and daughters in harms way instead of just whining and waiting for the Americans to do it.

There is no justification for making war on Iran.
You burn down the house and mowing the lawn becomes a LOT less important.

Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Not much of a historian, are you crazy man.
You just posted 3 EMPTY, ASSININE posts which did not have a shred of substance. You can call names if you like, but that only shows you are incapable of posting INFORMATION/FACTS and actually saying something to contribute to the topic. 8 year olds in the 3rd grade can call names too.

So for your 3 zero posts, Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3.

So now we've established you're an ageist bigot, not capable of debating a real topic, you don't read the thread since you obviously missed my military background, and you're great at name-calling. >>> Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself ?

Your alleged military background evidently didn't teach you anything. A ground war in Iran? Really? With what? The invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan has already proven that this country is no longer capable of conducting a protracted campaign with conventional forces.
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

Please tell me you are not so profoundly retarded that you actually expected all of the terms of the negotiations to be carried out five minutes before you heard about them.

Oh, wait. You ARE that retarded. Never mind.
We don't need to invade Iran. There are many economic steps that we could take that would do huge damage to Iran's economy, far more than the damage that has been done so far. And we need to start substantively supporting Iranian opposition groups, as opposed to Obama's cowardly, shameful response to the Iranian green movement back in 2009.

As a last resort, we could take out Iran's nuclear facilities. But the Iranians know Obama does not have the guts, nor the will, to do that.
The coalition has of yet been able to achieve a clear
decisive victory in either Afghanistan or Iraq, do they really need another military
Time to deal with Iran is long since passed.

But "invading" never made sense.

Bombing into a lake of glass in a single day had some merit but, alas, the days of America being a world power are six years behind us.
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

Please tell me you are not so profoundly retarded that you actually expected all of the terms of the negotiations to be carried out five minutes before you heard about them.

Oh, wait. You ARE that retarded. Never mind.

Please tell me you are not so profoundly retarded that you actually expected there to be a such thing as an agreement with Iran.

The very :lame2: "Oh wait" phrase lost its cutenesss about 5 years ago.
Fortune cookie wisdom won't deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Not much of a historian, are you crazy man.
You just posted 3 EMPTY, ASSININE posts which did not have a shred of substance. You can call names if you like, but that only shows you are incapable of posting INFORMATION/FACTS and actually saying something to contribute to the topic. 8 year olds in the 3rd grade can call names too.

So for your 3 zero posts, Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3.

So now we've established you're an ageist bigot, not capable of debating a real topic, you don't read the thread since you obviously missed my military background, and you're great at name-calling. >>> Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself ?

Your alleged military background evidently didn't teach you anything. A ground war in Iran? Really? With what? The invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan has already proven that this country is no longer capable of conducting a protracted campaign with conventional forces.
That statement is both FALSE and ridiculous. Both the campaigns of Afghanistan and Iraq were successful. Been watching MSNBC lately ?
We don't need a full scale invasion.......................Destroy the sites via air and missile attacks and degrade their capabilities to a point that would set them back decades.........................

Get in, get out and leave before the dust settles.....................do not rebuild them..........and leave them nothing to shoot back at.........

Invasion and occupation leads to the same IED's and suicide attacks they are famous for..........No need to fight the battle on their terms.
"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible liberals such as C_Clayton_Jones or Barrack Obama are never again in positions of power or authority to endanger the American people, by allowing the international jihad to strengthen, as is the case with ISIS, Hamass, Boko Harum, al Shabbab, and Iran, N
"Has the Time Come to Invade Iran ?"

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible conservatives such as the OP are never again in positions of power or authority to start another failed, illegal war.

The time has come for the American people through the political process to ensure reckless, irresponsible liberals such as C_Clayton_Jones or Barrack Obama are never again in positions of power or authority to endanger the American people, by allowing the international jihad to strengthen, as is the case with ISIS, Hamass, Boko Harum, al Shabbab, and Iran, and to allow Americans to die needlessly as in Benghazi, and to allow dangerous high-rank Taliban to go free to get back a deserter.

The time has come to have the rest of the international community put their sons and daughters in harms way instead of just whining and waiting for the Americans to do it.

There is no justification for making war on Iran.
Oh no. No justification. Just the MOST THREATENING SCENARIO TO THE USA IN ALL ITS HISTORY, that's all. No big deal. So we get nuked, and a dozen major cities disappear all at once. We'll be OK. MSNBC said so, right ?
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Get out of the Middle East, and let the Middle East do what it wants.
We don't need a full scale invasion.......................Destroy the sites via air and missile attacks and degrade their capabilities to a point that would set them back decades.........................

Get in, get out and leave before the dust settles.....................do not rebuild them..........and leave them nothing to shoot back at.........

Invasion and occupation leads to the same IED's and suicide attacks they are famous for..........No need to fight the battle on their terms.
The problem lies with finding ALL the nuclear weapon sites and destroying them. And then occupying the country (as Germany and Japan still are 70 years after World War II) - to keep them from rebuilding the nukes. Until that is done, the US cannot be secure.
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Get out of the Middle East, and let the Middle East do what it wants.
Including nuclear annihilate the USA ?
It is being said that the talking with Iran has made the world LESS safe. It's being said that the meetings have produced nothing at all for all the countries threatened by Iran. Everything has been in Iran's favor, and their chief negotiator is being hailed in Iran as a hero.

What has been accomplished ? Has any centrifuges been shut down ? Any Uranium, or Plutonium been confiscated ? have the many long-range missles been destroyed ? Have all the locations of weapons development been located ? Has Iran renounced their calls (as late as 2 weeks ago) of "Death to America" ? Or to wipe Israel of the face of the earth ? Has any of Iran's military imperialism been reduced (it's been increased).

The talks are a joke. The Iranians are continuing development of their nuclear arms, and there long range missle can travel 1200 miles (Israel is 900 miles from Iran)

Is it possible that the thing to do now is invade Iran with a coalition of threatened countries ? Enter with hundreds of thousands of troops ? Fight the Iranians,and ultimately surround Tehran much like US troops did to Mexico City in 1846. Then interrogate the Iranians to get as much information as possible. Search every square yard of the country for nuclear weapon development, and destroy every bit of it.

Then it would be necessary to keep US troops there for years into the future, like troops are still in Korea Japan and Germany.

Is it possible that Obama's avoidance of war (at any cost) is just a repeat of Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in the 1930s ? Is our peaceful approach nothing but just what Iran needs to build up and become another Hitler war machine, only with a nuclear component ?

Get out of the Middle East, and let the Middle East do what it wants.
Same apply to the cockroaches coming accross our southern border?
Nor will negotiations...so what is left?
Full scale attack. Model it after the Mexico attack in 1846.
Not much of a historian, are you crazy man.
You just posted 3 EMPTY, ASSININE posts which did not have a shred of substance. You can call names if you like, but that only shows you are incapable of posting INFORMATION/FACTS and actually saying something to contribute to the topic. 8 year olds in the 3rd grade can call names too.

So for your 3 zero posts, Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3.

So now we've established you're an ageist bigot, not capable of debating a real topic, you don't read the thread since you obviously missed my military background, and you're great at name-calling. >>> Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself ?

Your alleged military background evidently didn't teach you anything. A ground war in Iran? Really? With what? The invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan has already proven that this country is no longer capable of conducting a protracted campaign with conventional forces.
That statement is both FALSE and ridiculous. Both the campaigns of Afghanistan and Iraq were successful. Been watching MSNBC lately ?

No, they have both been complete failures from day one, poorly planned and executed, no provisions made for a long occupation, no plan at all.
We don't need a full scale invasion.......................Destroy the sites via air and missile attacks and degrade their capabilities to a point that would set them back decades.........................

Get in, get out and leave before the dust settles.....................do not rebuild them..........and leave them nothing to shoot back at.........

Invasion and occupation leads to the same IED's and suicide attacks they are famous for..........No need to fight the battle on their terms.
The problem lies with finding ALL the nuclear weapon sites and destroying them. And then occupying the country (as Germany and Japan still are 70 years after World War II) - to keep them from rebuilding the nukes. Until that is done, the US cannot be secure.
Our technology is far greater than in WWII....................our military satellites are state of the art................we pretty much know where the main threats are over there.............and as for maybe sites take them out for good measure..................

Missile tech...............we can shoot a cruise missile up a camels ass at a range of a thousand miles...........no problem......................

No need for a prolonged ground engagement in Iran....................Bust their asses and leave.
We don't need a full scale invasion.......................Destroy the sites via air and missile attacks and degrade their capabilities to a point that would set them back decades.........................

Get in, get out and leave before the dust settles.....................do not rebuild them..........and leave them nothing to shoot back at.........

Invasion and occupation leads to the same IED's and suicide attacks they are famous for..........No need to fight the battle on their terms.
The problem lies with finding ALL the nuclear weapon sites and destroying them. And then occupying the country (as Germany and Japan still are 70 years after World War II) - to keep them from rebuilding the nukes. Until that is done, the US cannot be secure.

The US will never be totally secure or safe. To think it is possible is delusional.

We have enemies. Putting troops on the ground increases those enemies. And we will not be able to remove all the options for nuclear weapons. There were between 80 and 100 "suitcase nukes" missing after the fall of the Soviet Union. How many of those are for sale? How many of them are owned by jihadists?

The idea that you think you can make the world safe and secure is nonsense.

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