Has the "truth" movement made any progress in 8 years?

Hi Candy:

So you're answer is no.

We agree. The time for getting 9/11 right has LONG since passed. 9/11 Inside-Job Murderers of innocent Americans are orchestrating the U.S./Global Meltdown 'and' are about to flip the switch on the H1N1/H5N1 Biological Weapon (my Topic) that will cull more than 90 percent of the population of this planet.

In other words, we are writing to a very high number of walking corpses that will never know what hit them . . . like those murdered on 9/11 . . . because that is exactly what We The Stupid Sheeple deserve (#1-10) . . .



Whew! Sounds just like the Twilight Zone. Will your foil hat save you? :cuckoo:

I'll defend Terral the poster (not the man). Many (if not most) of the retards here are just contrarian to be contrarian and get the attention on the internet they're not interesting enough to garner in real life. Terral--at least when I knew him--didn't seek the noteriety for the sake of seeking the noteriety. He actually bought the BS and for some reason, you've got to respect that. He was wrong for the right reasons; not just to get attention.
In other news: it seems the Brits have more effective ways (than those available to freedom loving Americans) to hold their media sources to account for biased coverage and participation in cover-ups.

Let's all hope that something comes of it.
Hi Candy:

We agree. The time for getting 9/11 right has LONG since passed. 9/11 Inside-Job Murderers of innocent Americans are orchestrating the U.S./Global Meltdown 'and' are about to flip the switch on the H1N1/H5N1 Biological Weapon (my Topic) that will cull more than 90 percent of the population of this planet.

In other words, we are writing to a very high number of walking corpses that will never know what hit them . . . like those murdered on 9/11 . . . because that is exactly what We The Stupid Sheeple deserve (#1-10) . . .



Whew! Sounds just like the Twilight Zone. Will your foil hat save you? :cuckoo:

I'll defend Terral the poster (not the man). Many (if not most) of the retards here are just contrarian to be contrarian and get the attention on the internet they're not interesting enough to garner in real life. Terral--at least when I knew him--didn't seek the noteriety for the sake of seeking the noteriety. He actually bought the BS and for some reason, you've got to respect that. He was wrong for the right reasons; not just to get attention.

I can't speak to his past but what I see here is a self-serving shill thumping his theories and Internet radio show.
Since the link in the article I referenced is currently inactive, here's the Tony Farrell story: [ame=http://youtu.be/8P0oBseWMRQ]OFFENSIVE - THE STORY OF TONY FARRELL - YouTube[/ame]
The intro alone is worth watching.​
Whew! Sounds just like the Twilight Zone. Will your foil hat save you? :cuckoo:

I'll defend Terral the poster (not the man). Many (if not most) of the retards here are just contrarian to be contrarian and get the attention on the internet they're not interesting enough to garner in real life. Terral--at least when I knew him--didn't seek the noteriety for the sake of seeking the noteriety. He actually bought the BS and for some reason, you've got to respect that. He was wrong for the right reasons; not just to get attention.

I can't speak to his past but what I see here is a self-serving shill thumping his theories and Internet radio show.

Sure but he believes them...

Few (if any) of the twoofers/birthers/other retards believe what they are saying here. It's a way to get attention they cannot earn in real life. And that is incrediby sad.
Since the link in the article I referenced is currently inactive, here's the Tony Farrell story: OFFENSIVE - THE STORY OF TONY FARRELL - YouTube
The intro alone is worth watching.​

Hint, if you want to make a point about something stop posting 2 hour videos, no one is going to watch them.

HINT: the point I was going for was made simply by linking up the video that was rendered inactive (for whatever reason) on this page.

As for whether anyone watches the documentary in its entirety or not, that's completely his or her own business. All I can do is lead the horse to the water.
I doubt the 911 truth people will have much effect, not even if they could prove to the American people that the 911 was a US based conspiracy.

The American people will reject that truth (however compelling it is) because its too terrifying to believe.

EXACTLY as they have done as it regards the JFK assassination conspiracy.

The ONLY way the American people are going to buy into that truth is if the GOVERNMENT ITSELF tells us that they have discovered the conspiracy and the GOVERNMENT is taking those conspirators to task.


I hate having to post in a thread from a disinfo agent troll but this is easily the best post on this thread bar none.Could not have said it better.:clap2::udaman::dance::mm::beer:

so I had no choice but to post here in this thread.
Well it has kept a few of them off the streets and out of trouble. Gave them something safe to play with and all that. And it has probably supplied a few extra patients to the Mental wards. So all's good. Sort of.

so lets get this straight you consider the expert and highly honored veterans and patriots featured on this site to be .mentally ill..is that correct ..is that your argument ?

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

thats the logic of Gomer Pyle Ollie,Candyass,and the rest of the bunch of the official conspiracy theory apologists.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Ignore what high credential experts say and worship our corrupt bought off and paid for government and congress say even though congress has a 6% approval rating,the lowest in its history because they are blatantly ignoring the wishes of the american people,they worhip them and the corporate media to know end without uising logic andf common sense in the process.:cuckoo:
Well it has kept a few of them off the streets and out of trouble. Gave them something safe to play with and all that. And it has probably supplied a few extra patients to the Mental wards. So all's good. Sort of.

so lets get this straight you consider the expert and highly honored veterans and patriots featured on this site to be .mentally ill..is that correct ..is that your argument ?

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

thats the logic of Gomer Pyle Ollie,Candyass,and the rest of the bunch of the official conspiracy theory apologists.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Ignore what high credential experts say and worship our corrupt bought off and paid for government and congress say even though congress has a 6% approval rating,the lowest in its history because they are blatantly ignoring the wishes of the american people,they worhip them and the corporate media to know end without uising logic andf common sense in the process.:cuckoo:

And that is exactly what you do time and time again. You will ignore 15 experts in a field that don't agree with you and believe the one who says what you want the truth to be..
You can deny it all you'd like but we've seen it too many times......

And why are we going back over 3 years? You run out of things to say finally?
My nephew is a pilot and he says that the official story is impossible...Just adding my part..:) I think you might read my evidence under the thread about sovereignty and the war in Afghanistan as a reason for 9/11...

My thread has more than enough evidence for why...it could have happened....go to Afghanistan on the board

"A conspiracy theory is only such until CNN tells the people it is true." No one believed that the government initiated the coup against Allende, either, but it's on the Department of State website, or was five years ago.

Does anyone notice how all serious threads degenerate when trolls arrive? Planned?....Ignore and keep posting,,It defeats them...
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Invite your nephew to join in at any time......

That's half the problem with truther theories, so much of them are so and so says that this is true....And we only get the part that makes what they want to be true......

So bring your nephew on and I'll be glad to discuss his beliefs........
My nephew is a pilot and he says that the official story is impossible...Just adding my part..:) I think you might read my evidence under the thread about sovereignty and the war in Afghanistan as a reason for 9/11...

Does anyone notice how all serious threads degenerate when trolls arrive? Planned?....Ignore and keep posting,,It defeats them...

the two that have posted on this page here and the thread starter are paid shills.You notice they never have anything intelligent to say so the fart comments are the only comments they are really worthy of.:D someone else posted this below about them on another 9/11 thread and it decribes those three posters to a tee.

The professional debunkers use four primary tactics to accomplish their propaganda feats:

1) They refuse to mention, much less attempt to disprove, the most irrefutable and damaging evidence.

2) They take great delight in debunking only those conspiracy theories that are the weakest or that are planted by other government sympathizers to help discredit the more credible conspiracy facts. This is what is referred to as a "straw man" argument, where a weak or false argument is set up so that it can easily be knocked down.

3) They only select "experts" who agree with the official conclusion.

4) They snicker at or mock anyone who believes that government engages in criminal behavior or covers up crimes in collusion with judges, investigators, prosecutors, media heads, and hand-picked commissions. Worse, they label dissenters as unpatriotic or mentally imbalanced.

if you follow their posts,you'll again notice that describes THEM to a tee.they defend ANY government corruption no matter HOW absurd the offcial explanation is and how much it has been proven to be b.s such as the official version of 9/11.
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Please do not side with 9-11fruitcake, it destroys your credibility immediately......
still another fart from you Gomer.:9:

I really need to stop. Im giving you way too much attention as it is that you seek.
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