Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?

When the people find that they can vote themselves funds from the public treasury, they thereafter vote for those who promise the most benefits.

That's why Romney lost. He's not a sore loser, he is a realist. Democrats just don't like it that Romney knows the real reason he lost.

Democrats don't need fraud to win they just need to keep being generous.

What in the hell do you mean "when"?
They have already found out. Long time ago.
Romney was tightening the requirements on the parasite class.
How dare they have to give up ANY of their free shit?

and if the plutocrats had fairly shared the benefits of America's wealth with those actually doing the work, people wouldn't vote for that shit.

You can't drive people to government dependency and then whine when they vote for more of it.

When Romney cut all those good union jobs at GS Steel and AmPad and replaced them with shit McJobs at Staples, he created his own mess.
Al Gore.
But he is a take from the producers and give to the moocher parasite class so he is classified AS GOD by the media and the "progressives".
Romney states facts and is called a sore loser.
Amazing the fraud in this election and no one is interested. 100% of precincts voting Obama in PA. 108% of the registered voters voted in Ohio.
But beating up on a producer who has more $$$ than them is all the rage now. To hell with election fraud.

Nobody has proven fraud happened in this election.

Is it really so difficult to believe that 100% of precincts in all black neighborhoods in Philadelphia went for Obama? We are talking about a few city blocks where there are only a handful of voters even registered as Republicans.

Also, 108% of the registered voters did not vote in Ohio. That just isn't true and there is nothing to back that statement up.

99 precincts in Philadelphia went 100% for Obama, NOT ONE Romney vote.
Now maybe you are right as the New Black Panther's presence there caused fear.
And 59 precincts in Cuyouga county in Ohio voted 100% Obama.
And I had it wrong on the 108%, it was one of those precincts had a 108% increase, in a depressed neighborhood with no home sales, in voter registration, most of the increase the last day of registration.
And CNN is in King county, Texas alleging voter fraud because ONE of the precincts there had ONLY 5 votes for Obama.
Do the math. 1 + 1 does not equal 3.
When the people find that they can vote themselves funds from the public treasury, they thereafter vote for those who promise the most benefits.

That's why Romney lost. He's not a sore loser, he is a realist. Democrats just don't like it that Romney knows the real reason he lost.

Democrats don't need fraud to win they just need to keep being generous.

What in the hell do you mean "when"?
They have already found out. Long time ago.
Romney was tightening the requirements on the parasite class.
How dare they have to give up ANY of their free shit?

and if the plutocrats had fairly shared the benefits of America's wealth with those actually doing the work, people wouldn't vote for that shit.

You can't drive people to government dependency and then whine when they vote for more of it.

When Romney cut all those good union jobs at GS Steel and AmPad and replaced them with shit McJobs at Staples, he created his own mess.

Who stops YOU from sharing YOUR wealth Joe?
Have at it, give it all away.
You are a closet plutocrat.

99 precincts in Philadelphia went 100% for Obama, NOT ONE Romney vote.
Now maybe you are right as the New Black Panther's presence there caused fear.
And 59 precincts in Cuyouga county in Ohio voted 100% Obama.
And I had it wrong on the 108%, it was one of those precincts had a 108% increase, in a depressed neighborhood with no home sales, in voter registration, most of the increase the last day of registration.
And CNN is in King county, Texas alleging voter fraud because ONE of the precincts there had ONLY 5 votes for Obama.
Do the math. 1 + 1 does not equal 3.

Dude, I used to think you were one step above characters like Caveman and Staph, but when you repeat crap like this, I have to honestly wonder.

I've been to Cleveland, I can't see why anyone who has to live there, a place where half the homes and stores are empty because people are fleeing in droves, would ever vote for a creature like Romney, a "Producer" who has produced nothing but misery in places like that.

99 precincts in Philadelphia went 100% for Obama, NOT ONE Romney vote.
Now maybe you are right as the New Black Panther's presence there caused fear.
And 59 precincts in Cuyouga county in Ohio voted 100% Obama.
And I had it wrong on the 108%, it was one of those precincts had a 108% increase, in a depressed neighborhood with no home sales, in voter registration, most of the increase the last day of registration.
And CNN is in King county, Texas alleging voter fraud because ONE of the precincts there had ONLY 5 votes for Obama.
Do the math. 1 + 1 does not equal 3.

Dude, I used to think you were one step above characters like Caveman and Staph, but when you repeat crap like this, I have to honestly wonder.

I've been to Cleveland, I can't see why anyone who has to live there, a place where half the homes and stores are empty because people are fleeing in droves, would ever vote for a creature like Romney, a "Producer" who has produced nothing but misery in places like that.

Was in Philly a few weeks ago as I have relatives in King of Prussia just north of there. Crossed over the line to Water Works NJ at the DuPont plant Joe and had a few interviews there with your union buddies. Another story for another day that one.
NBP were there at the precincts this election.
Joe, MY WIFE IS FROM CLEVELAND, went to Brecksville High. Cleveland has come back BIG TIME and the downtown district is revitalized.
After the unions left the professional jobs flocked there.
WE FOUND ONE!:clap2::eusa_boohoo:

Mitt is a very rich man and expects to get whatever he wants. He did not get the Presidency...and that makes him angry! He has quickly burned all his bridges for a future run, by again telling the majority of the electorate that they are freeloaders looking for a "gift." The GOP can do better....maybe.....kinda....

Maybe I'm a little more conspiracy minded, but Romney knows this was his last election.

So maybe he's just playing "bad cop" so the rest of the GOP can play good cop. "We don't really think you freeloaders are freeloaders", said Jindal and Walker the very same day.


It's not the GOP that was the problem, it was Romney. (WHich begs the question of why they nominated him to start with.)

It was a team fail all around; Romney was a dreadful candidate and ran a clueless campaign. But fellow republicans succeeded in making the Party look as out of touch as their nominee.

And it’s likely the entire GOP underestimated Obama, assuming their ham sandwich strategy would work against the hated incumbent.

You are right. Instead of focusing on how terrible a job Obama has done we went with the gay boogeyman and abortion issues.
And got our asses handed to us.
You have to consider the billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars Obama and his Chicago style political machine had due to the stimulus funds at their disposal and the considerable amount of time they had to use them.

Considering this outrageous advantage, Romney actually did pretty damn good.
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Was in Philly a few weeks ago as I have relatives in King of Prussia just north of there. Crossed over the line to Water Works NJ at the DuPont plant Joe and had a few interviews there with your union buddies. Another story for another day that one.
NBP were there at the precincts this election.
Joe, MY WIFE IS FROM CLEVELAND, went to Brecksville High. Cleveland has come back BIG TIME and the downtown district is revitalized.
After the unions left the professional jobs flocked there.

I was in the downtown district for a week. I didn't even want to leave the hotel, the one across the street from the Corporate named ballpark where the Indians play. the one that has an iron gate around the parking lot so no one rips off the cars.

You have a funny idea of what constitutes "revitalized". The only buidlings that were new, no surprise, belonged to the banks... everything else was gray, crumbling and in decline.
You have to consider the billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars Obama and his Chicago style political machine had due to the stimulus funds at their disposal and the considerable amount of time they had to use them.

Considering this outrageous advantage, Romney actually did pretty damn good.

Wow, seriously, guy?

Come on, you guys really need to stop talking out of both sides of your mouth about the Stimulus, which was either completely ineffective or won the hearts of millions. (I personally think the Stimulus was too small, we need to spend trillions to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.)

Romney should have all rights won. Carter got voted out with a 7.5% unemployment rate and Bush-41 with one that was 7.3. Ford had one that was 7.5 and got voted out.

Obama had one that was 7.9... and he still won.

Romney had some huge advantages, but the one thing he didn't have going for him is that most Americans know people like him are at the root of our misery right now.

Until the GOP stops being the party that watches It's a Wonderful Life and cheers for Mr. Potter, they will keep losing elections.
You are right. Instead of focusing on how terrible a job Obama has done we went with the gay boogeyman and abortion issues.
And got our asses handed to us.

No, you got your asses handed to you because working guys like me don't fall for your shit anymore. Because frankly, this guy has become the ideal of the GOP...


"I'm a producer, dammit!"

It's sort of dishonest to blame the values voters for the GOP's loss. They are pretty much the only thing keeping the GOP afloat.

The worst day of your life is the day you start serving Plutocracy without a side of Jesus.
You have to consider the billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars Obama and his Chicago style political machine had due to the stimulus funds at their disposal and the considerable amount of time they had to use them.

Considering this outrageous advantage, Romney actually did pretty damn good.

Wow, seriously, guy?

Come on, you guys really need to stop talking out of both sides of your mouth about the Stimulus, which was either completely ineffective or won the hearts of millions. (I personally think the Stimulus was too small, we need to spend trillions to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.)

Romney should have all rights won. Carter got voted out with a 7.5% unemployment rate and Bush-41 with one that was 7.3. Ford had one that was 7.5 and got voted out.

Obama had one that was 7.9... and he still won.

Romney had some huge advantages, but the one thing he didn't have going for him is that most Americans know people like him are at the root of our misery right now.

Until the GOP stops being the party that watches It's a Wonderful Life and cheers for Mr. Potter, they will keep losing elections.

You don't believe Obama/Democrats could use the stimulus funds to their political advantage?

You don't believe Obama/Democrats could use the stimulus funds to their political advantage?

Not really. Most of it was tax cuts for businesses the GOP insisted on. A lot of it was payments to states to keep them solvent. A small amount of it went to actual infrastructure projects.

It was 800 billion over three years.. 300 billion a year in a 15 Trillion dollar economy is about as effective as fairy wings on a cement truck.

What put Obama over the top is that folks weren't buying what Romney was selling.

After 30 years, people finally figured out Trickle Down doesn't.
Was in Philly a few weeks ago as I have relatives in King of Prussia just north of there. Crossed over the line to Water Works NJ at the DuPont plant Joe and had a few interviews there with your union buddies. Another story for another day that one.
NBP were there at the precincts this election.
Joe, MY WIFE IS FROM CLEVELAND, went to Brecksville High. Cleveland has come back BIG TIME and the downtown district is revitalized.
After the unions left the professional jobs flocked there.

I was in the downtown district for a week. I didn't even want to leave the hotel, the one across the street from the Corporate named ballpark where the Indians play. the one that has an iron gate around the parking lot so no one rips off the cars.

You have a funny idea of what constitutes "revitalized". The only buidlings that were new, no surprise, belonged to the banks... everything else was gray, crumbling and in decline.

Always knew you were deaf and dumb but not blind.
The Flats east project brought 300 million downtown. Also the casinos.
And most importantly THE PEOPLE AND THE HOUSING.
All the inner city markets over off of 25th and the bars and restaurants.
The historic warehouse district that has been re-done, the historic gateway district, RTA new rail system, the Cleveland Arcade which is a huge shopping district.
And many more. Been going there for 36 years and it is going on now!
But of course to you only plants with smoke stacks is progress.
You live in a cave in the 60s Joe.
It is 2012 and we compete GLOBALLY now.

Always knew you were deaf and dumb but not blind.
The Flats east project brought 300 million downtown. Also the casinos.
And most importantly THE PEOPLE AND THE HOUSING.
All the inner city markets over off of 25th and the bars and restaurants.
The historic warehouse district that has been re-done, the historic gateway district, RTA new rail system, the Cleveland Arcade which is a huge shopping district.
And many more. Been going there for 36 years and it is going on now!
But of course to you only plants with smoke stacks is progress.
You live in a cave in the 60s Joe.
It is 2012 and we compete GLOBALLY now.

Guy, if you really think Casinos represent "Progress", I'm just not sure there is much hope for you.

My week in Cleveland makes me glad I live in Chicago, a city where we didn't go along with all the OkyDokes and haven't elected a Republican Mayor in 90 years.

The place was a shithole, and frankly, I was depressed as hell when I left. (Also the training I got there was so useless I had to retake it all somewhere else.)
GaDawgs' idea of Progress..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgOKiZ5Mkzk]"It's A Wonderful Life: Slumlord Song" (parody) (mft1234 original song) - YouTube[/ame]
lol, MY GAWD..
education is for snobs...lot of good that "edumacation" is doing with 8% UNEMPLOYMENT and RISING

But you keep spreading your bs over and over and over and over

Hurr durr

Everyone knows that the last thing an education will do is make it easier for you to get a job.

Fuck, you're incredibly dumb.

Let's walk this one back a bit from the partisan bullshit. (on both sides).

As another poster pointed out, there are three million positions unfilled due to lack of skills.

A large part of our problem is we tell kids that they need to go to college to get a good job, but frankly, all those Liberal Arts "would you like fries with that" degrees don't really help people get good jobs.

But we've taken an attitude that training people in the trades and vocational schools isn't as worthy a pursuit.

Right now, I have a buddy who I used to work with, who can't find a job in our feild because 90% of all jobs in purchasing now require a college degree. I knew another woman who had a hard time finding a job because despite 30 years as a buyer, her lack of college precluded her from consideration.

I'm an awesome buyer, but frankly, it has nothing to do with what I learned in College in the 1980's.

If college really prepares you for jobs, then, absolutely, we should have more of it.

If College is just a filter because High School graduation isn't even a garuntee you can read, then we've kind of missed the point making kids put themselves massively in debt from the start of their careers.

Yes, let's do walk it back a bit. It was Obama who said we can't just support Colleges and Universities, we also need to support "technical schools" and "Jr. Colleges" with "retraining" programs. He said no company will hand over a million dollar piece of equipment without the proper skill set and helping people get the skill set is one of our priorities.

Now that is paraphrased because I didn't memorize the speech. But it was Santorum thinking he could score a few cheap political points by saying education is for snobs and twisting the president's words leaving out half of what Obama actually said.

This is typical for Republicans. This demonstrates that their hatred is so great, they will cut off their own noses to spite their own face.

Then you have ignorant dumb fucks like this Stephanie mocking education. What is she? A dishwasher? While I applaud hard work, there is more. I was a dishwasher. It's an honest living. But it isn't the ONLY living.
You are right. Instead of focusing on how terrible a job Obama has done we went with the gay boogeyman and abortion issues.
And got our asses handed to us.

No, you got your asses handed to you because working guys like me don't fall for your shit anymore. Because frankly, this guy has become the ideal of the GOP...


"I'm a producer, dammit!"

It's sort of dishonest to blame the values voters for the GOP's loss. They are pretty much the only thing keeping the GOP afloat.

The worst day of your life is the day you start serving Plutocracy without a side of Jesus.

Exactly what is a "working guy" Joe?
I work 3 jobs, which one qualifies?
I am sole proprietor for a detective agency. Most all of my work is for litigation purposes, interviewing witnesses for civil cases of all kinds.
Now I know you have a Harvard law degree so tell us why that is not a "working" job.
I do indigent defense work for the county at 1/3 my normal rate. This is for people that have no $$$ to hire a defense lawyer. Many cases I work pro bono. So again, use your vast legal knowledge from that Harvard law degree and explain to me how that is not "working".
After driving old cars for 40 years, current one has 285K on it, the $$ I have saved I invest in property here. I maintain these lots, many of my investment lots had kudzu on them and I know how to kill it and ME AND ME ALONE HAS DONE THIS FOR 20 YEARS. I do ALL the work myself. I then have the lots surveyed and then sell them to people that build the homes there. How is that not a "working" job?
You are one arrogant fuck to believe that YOU AND YOU ALONE determine what is working and what is not.
Hurr durr

Everyone knows that the last thing an education will do is make it easier for you to get a job.

Fuck, you're incredibly dumb.

Let's walk this one back a bit from the partisan bullshit. (on both sides).

As another poster pointed out, there are three million positions unfilled due to lack of skills.

A large part of our problem is we tell kids that they need to go to college to get a good job, but frankly, all those Liberal Arts "would you like fries with that" degrees don't really help people get good jobs.

But we've taken an attitude that training people in the trades and vocational schools isn't as worthy a pursuit.

Right now, I have a buddy who I used to work with, who can't find a job in our feild because 90% of all jobs in purchasing now require a college degree. I knew another woman who had a hard time finding a job because despite 30 years as a buyer, her lack of college precluded her from consideration.

I'm an awesome buyer, but frankly, it has nothing to do with what I learned in College in the 1980's.

If college really prepares you for jobs, then, absolutely, we should have more of it.

If College is just a filter because High School graduation isn't even a garuntee you can read, then we've kind of missed the point making kids put themselves massively in debt from the start of their careers.

Yes, let's do walk it back a bit. It was Obama who said we can't just support Colleges and Universities, we also need to support "technical schools" and "Jr. Colleges" with "retraining" programs. He said no company will hand over a million dollar piece of equipment without the proper skill set and helping people get the skill set is one of our priorities.

Now that is paraphrased because I didn't memorize the speech. But it was Santorum thinking he could score a few cheap political points by saying education is for snobs and twisting the president's words leaving out half of what Obama actually said.

This is typical for Republicans. This demonstrates that their hatred is so great, they will cut off their own noses to spite their own face.

Then you have ignorant dumb fucks like this Stephanie mocking education. What is she? A dishwasher? While I applaud hard work, there is more. I was a dishwasher. It's an honest living. But it isn't the ONLY living.

Why would an 18 year old choose a vocational school where he has to learn a trade and go to work within 18 months when all of his friends are going to the university at taxpayer's expense away from home where they can party and take basket weaving 101 for 6 years?
Real world here. Obama has done NOTHING to encourage and force those kids that have no marketable skills to go into WHAT THE MARKET DEMANDS.

Now that is paraphrased because I didn't memorize the speech. But it was Santorum thinking he could score a few cheap political points by saying education is for snobs and twisting the president's words leaving out half of what Obama actually said.


Whose paraphrasing now? Santorum said nothing of the sort.

He said Obama was a snob for wanting everyone to go to college.

Not everyone needs to go to college and not everyone should.

College has become the kind of corporate business that you would under normal circumstances hate- selling someone an overpriced product they don't need, and putting them in debt for life to pay for it. From the low-end University of Pheonix diploma mills to the higher-end "real" colleges that run on huge scholarship funds that the rest of us pay for.

And it's become that way because Public Education has become so degraded that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

(Sorry, after weeks of slapping down RW bullshit, I occassionally need to slap down the Left Wing bullshit when it comes along.)

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