Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?

Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RMSb-tS_OM]Richard Nixon's "Last" Press Conference (1962) - YouTube[/ame]
Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?

Is the election coming up before SCOTUS?

Then yes, there has been. Limp wristed Liberals are still claiming Gore won.
Limp wristed Liberals are still claiming Gore won.

How about a recount, some hanging chads, and a whine-fucking-fest.
Al Gore - and his supporter. Fucking PATHETIC

And don't forget - let's blame Bush for everything from a hangnail to nuclear holocaust!
Romney’s entitlements:
I am entitled to complain about the economy even when my stock price, my portfolio and my profits are at record levels.
I am entitled to a healthy and well-educated workforce, a Read More...
I am entitled to complain bitterly about taxes that are always too high, even when they are at record lows.
I am entitled to have my earned income taxed as capital gains and my investment income taxed at the lowest rate anywhere in the world — or not at all.
I am entitled to inside information and favorable investment opportunities not available to ordinary investors. I am entitled to brag about my investment returns.
I am entitled to pass on my accumulated wealth tax-free to heirs, who in turn, are entitled to claim that they earned everything they have.
I am entitled to use unlimited amounts of my own or company funds to buy elections without disclosing such expenditures to shareholders or the public.
I am entitled to provide political support to radical, uncompromising politicians and then complain about how dysfunctional Washington has become.
I am entitled to publicly criticize the president and members of Congress, who are not entitled to criticize me.
I am entitled to fire any worker who tries to organize a union. I am entitled to break any existing union by moving, or threatening to move, operations to a union-hostile environment.
I am entitled to load companies up with debt in order to pay myself and investors big dividends — and then blame any bankruptcy on over-compensated workers.
I am entitled to contracts, subsidies, tax breaks, loans and even bailouts from government, even as I complain about job-killing government budget deficits.
I am entitled to take credit for all the jobs I create while ignoring any jobs I destroy,
I am entitled to claim credit for all the profits made during a booming economy while blaming losses or setbacks on adverse market or economic conditions.
I am entitled to deny knowledge or responsibility for any controversial decisions made after my departure from the company, even while profiting from such decisions if they enhance shareholder value.
I am entitled to all the rights and privileges of running an American company, but owe no loyalty to American workers or taxpayers.

I am entitled.

Yeah, I think that about covers it.

What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about Patraeus' sex life.

These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. Cont at:

The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:
http://obamavoterfraud.blogspot.com/]Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

Most of 'Obama Voter Fraud' activity is moving to FaceBook.

'Obama Voter Fraud Volunteers'

Sign their petition- over 99,000 and counting -cards, emails-


Another petition, The 'We The People' petition has 60,000 signatures and counting-

Voter Fraud Links

The American Dream; 22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham

Town Hall : Obama Lilely Won The Election Through Voter Fraud
http://townhall.com/columnists/rach...y_won_reelection_through_election_fraud]Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

American Thinker: Was The Election Stolen?
Articles: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

WSVN-TV Almost 1K Ballots Found In Broward Elections Warehouse:

Pundit Press; In Florida Obama Got Over 99% In Broward County Precincts:

Natural News.com: 19,605 to Zero IS Statistical Proof Of Outright Vote Fraud in 2012 Presidential Election:

Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?

WND: Here’s How Touchscreens Killed Romney Votes

WND: The Big List Of Voter Fraud Reports:
Last edited:
in defense of them choosing mitt... the options weren't all that good. although i think huntsman would have done much better.

Doesn't matter who the messenger is, it's the message.

The republicans need to go back to the drawing board. Trickle-down economics has failed, the republican social agenda is draconian and archaic, and unless they jettison pretty much their entire ideology, they're done as a major party. Their base isn't the answer, their base is the problem.

all true.

but do you really think the party can go back to its halcyon days when it was the smart guys in the room?

It all depends on the message... Stay tuned.

I still see the republican base as the party's biggest liability.
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

Compared to his supporters, Mitt is all class.
Bullies are pussies.

That's a basic truth about those who gang up on classmates and then cut off their hair.

And, in this case, very probably a strong sign of latent homosexual tendencies. And, I'd bet money on that.

Bottom line is that he is not and never could be, qualified to be president of the US.

I hate to think of the damage he would do in 4 years of following the orders of Bush's Brain and creepy Norquist.

What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about Patraeus' sex life.

These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. Cont at:
Elections Have Not Yet Been Certified, Here’s What You Can Do | The Competent Conservative

The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:
http://obamavoterfraud.blogspot.com/]Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

Most of 'Obama Voter Fraud' activity is moving to FaceBook.

'Obama Voter Fraud Volunteers'

Sign their petition- over 99,000 and counting -cards, emails-

Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election | Petition2Congress

Another petition, The 'We The People' petition has 60,000 signatures and counting-

Voter Fraud Links

The American Dream; 22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
22]Nothing found for Archives 22-signs-that-voter-fraud-is-wildly-out-of-control-and-the-election-was-a-sham]22

Town Hall : Obama Lilely Won The Election Through Voter Fraud
http://townhall.com/columnists/rach...y_won_reelection_through_election_fraud]Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

American Thinker: Was The Election Stolen?
Articles: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

WSVN-TV Almost 1K Ballots Found In Broward Elections Warehouse:
Almost]404 Not Found 1K ballots Found in Broward Elections Warehouse

Pundit Press; In Florida Obama Got Over 99% In Broward County Precincts:
//www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2957786/posts]In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts

Natural News.com: 19,605 to Zero IS Statistical Proof Of Outright Vote Fraud in 2012 Presidential Election:
19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election

Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?
Realville]Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?

WND: Here’s How Touchscreens Killed Romney Votes
Here’s how touchscreens killed Romney votes

The American Dream: Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99% Of The Vote in More Than 100 Ohio Precincrs
http://endoftheamericandream.com/ar...vote-in-more-than-100-ohio-precincts]Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99 Percent Of The Vote In More Than 100 Ohio Precincts

WND: The Big List Of Voter Fraud Reports:
THE]WND - BIG LIST of vote fraud reports


What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about Patraeus' sex life.

These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. Cont at:
Elections Have Not Yet Been Certified, Here’s What You Can Do | The Competent Conservative

The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:
http://obamavoterfraud.blogspot.com/]Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

Most of 'Obama Voter Fraud' activity is moving to FaceBook.

'Obama Voter Fraud Volunteers'

Sign their petition- over 99,000 and counting -cards, emails-

Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election | Petition2Congress

Another petition, The 'We The People' petition has 60,000 signatures and counting-

Voter Fraud Links

The American Dream; 22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
22]Nothing found for Archives 22-signs-that-voter-fraud-is-wildly-out-of-control-and-the-election-was-a-sham]22

Town Hall : Obama Lilely Won The Election Through Voter Fraud
http://townhall.com/columnists/rach...y_won_reelection_through_election_fraud]Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

American Thinker: Was The Election Stolen?
Articles: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

WSVN-TV Almost 1K Ballots Found In Broward Elections Warehouse:
Almost]404 Not Found 1K ballots Found in Broward Elections Warehouse

Pundit Press; In Florida Obama Got Over 99% In Broward County Precincts:
//www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2957786/posts]In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts

Natural News.com: 19,605 to Zero IS Statistical Proof Of Outright Vote Fraud in 2012 Presidential Election:
19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election

Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?
Realville]Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012?

WND: Here’s How Touchscreens Killed Romney Votes
Here’s how touchscreens killed Romney votes

The American Dream: Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99% Of The Vote in More Than 100 Ohio Precincrs
Election]Nothing found for Archives Election-fraud-obama-won-more-than-99-percent-of-the-vote-in-more-than-100-ohio-precincts]Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99 Percent Of The Vote In More Than 100 Ohio Precincts

WND: The Big List Of Voter Fraud Reports:
THE]WND - BIG LIST of vote fraud reports


You'll think, 'piffle'.
Just give us time.
We'll get the Marxist/Muslim usurper out of the White House.
If not by proof of voter fraud, then by 'Fast and Furious', Benghazi or his seedy, sealed up past.
Romney may be a sore loser, but not half the losers and half as sore as Americans will be after another four years.
naaa, we would of seen bigger ones right here if the Dear Leader had lost..

hell, we've seen nothing but HE WON GET OVER IT naa naa naaa na na as it is..

WE FOUND ONE!:clap2::eusa_boohoo:

Mitt is a very rich man and expects to get whatever he wants. He did not get the Presidency...and that makes him angry! He has quickly burned all his bridges for a future run, by again telling the majority of the electorate that they are freeloaders looking for a "gift." The GOP can do better....maybe.....kinda....

okey dokey, who cares.
You all have your dear leader, I just want you TO ENJOY all that's coming..

Get back to serving that sloppy joe to the kids lunch lady.
Maybe I'm a little more conspiracy minded, but Romney knows this was his last election.

So maybe he's just playing "bad cop" so the rest of the GOP can play good cop. "We don't really think you freeloaders are freeloaders", said Jindal and Walker the very same day.


It's not the GOP that was the problem, it was Romney. (WHich begs the question of why they nominated him to start with.)

When you have people shouting out "let him die" at Republican debates, and your leaders saying "education is for snobs" and "we have no smart people" followed by huge applause, the problems are more than one man.

lol, MY GAWD..
education is for snobs...lot of good that "edumacation" is doing with 8% UNEMPLOYMENT and RISING

But you keep spreading your bs over and over and over and over

So romney is a snob, got it!
Americans are morons for re-electing Obama. There's no way around that fact.
naaa, we would of seen bigger ones right here if the Dear Leader had lost..

hell, we've seen nothing but HE WON GET OVER IT naa naa naaa na na as it is..

WE FOUND ONE!:clap2::eusa_boohoo:

Mitt is a very rich man and expects to get whatever he wants. He did not get the Presidency...and that makes him angry! He has quickly burned all his bridges for a future run, by again telling the majority of the electorate that they are freeloaders looking for a "gift." The GOP can do better....maybe.....kinda....

Maybe I'm a little more conspiracy minded, but Romney knows this was his last election.

So maybe he's just playing "bad cop" so the rest of the GOP can play good cop. "We don't really think you freeloaders are freeloaders", said Jindal and Walker the very same day.


It's not the GOP that was the problem, it was Romney. (WHich begs the question of why they nominated him to start with.)

It was a team fail all around; Romney was a dreadful candidate and ran a clueless campaign. But fellow republicans succeeded in making the Party look as out of touch as their nominee.

And it’s likely the entire GOP underestimated Obama, assuming their ham sandwich strategy would work against the hated incumbent.
Al Gore.
But he is a take from the producers and give to the moocher parasite class so he is classified AS GOD by the media and the "progressives".
Romney states facts and is called a sore loser.
Amazing the fraud in this election and no one is interested. 100% of precincts voting Obama in PA. 108% of the registered voters voted in Ohio.
But beating up on a producer who has more $$$ than them is all the rage now. To hell with election fraud.

Nobody has proven fraud happened in this election.

Is it really so difficult to believe that 100% of precincts in all black neighborhoods in Philadelphia went for Obama? We are talking about a few city blocks where there are only a handful of voters even registered as Republicans.

Also, 108% of the registered voters did not vote in Ohio. That just isn't true and there is nothing to back that statement up.

Shhhh... someone told Gawdawg he might have to share with people, and he's horribly upset about that.
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

Can't think one off the top of my head, but Obama is a really sore winner.

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