Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?


Exactly what is a "working guy" Joe?
I work 3 jobs, which one qualifies?
I am sole proprietor for a detective agency. ....

Yawn.. your life is only interesting to you.

As usual you run from your claims like a monkey on fire.
You can not answer any of my questions or back up any of your claims.
The true communist you are.

No, guy, I just get tired of you dissing working people while telling us how awesome you are when you steal cars from people.
The Republicans have been very calm and reserved overall. They've accepted their defeat and are moving on. That would not have been the case if the Democrats had lost. Romney has made a few comments, but that's to be expected. He just answered some questions that were asked. But realistically, no one can say the Democrats would have handled their loss with this same calm and class. Their History shows they are very sore losers. And now it looks like they're sore winners too.
Yawn.. your life is only interesting to you.

As usual you run from your claims like a monkey on fire.
You can not answer any of my questions or back up any of your claims.
The true communist you are.

No, guy, I just get tired of you dissing working people while telling us how awesome you are when you steal cars from people.

Blah, blah blah bull shit as usual. No substance, all ideology only.
As usual you run from your claims like a monkey on fire.
You can not answer any of my questions or back up any of your claims.
The true communist you are.

No, guy, I just get tired of you dissing working people while telling us how awesome you are when you steal cars from people.

Blah, blah blah bull shit as usual. No substance, all ideology only.

Not idealogy, pragmatism.

You idiots who support plutocracy are making this a very dangerous society to live in, and when you say, "Hey, we built a Casino in the middle of the Cleveland Ruins", and act like that's progress, I just have to shake my head and wonder how you can seem reasonably smarter than a Daveman or a Stephanie, but still come off as so retarded...

Now that is paraphrased because I didn't memorize the speech. But it was Santorum thinking he could score a few cheap political points by saying education is for snobs and twisting the president's words leaving out half of what Obama actually said.


Whose paraphrasing now? Santorum said nothing of the sort.

He said Obama was a snob for wanting everyone to go to college.

Not everyone needs to go to college and not everyone should.

College has become the kind of corporate business that you would under normal circumstances hate- selling someone an overpriced product they don't need, and putting them in debt for life to pay for it. From the low-end University of Pheonix diploma mills to the higher-end "real" colleges that run on huge scholarship funds that the rest of us pay for.

And it's become that way because Public Education has become so degraded that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

(Sorry, after weeks of slapping down RW bullshit, I occassionally need to slap down the Left Wing bullshit when it comes along.)


Because Obama didn't say everyone should go to college.

But Santorum did call Obama a snob for saying something Obama didn't actually say.

Did you get that?

It's a favorite past time of the right wing. To make shit up then attack the left for having said it. Only liberals never said it. The right just made it up.

What the right wind doesn't seem to understand is that there is "videotape".

Now that is paraphrased because I didn't memorize the speech. But it was Santorum thinking he could score a few cheap political points by saying education is for snobs and twisting the president's words leaving out half of what Obama actually said.


Whose paraphrasing now? Santorum said nothing of the sort.

He said Obama was a snob for wanting everyone to go to college.

Not everyone needs to go to college and not everyone should.

College has become the kind of corporate business that you would under normal circumstances hate- selling someone an overpriced product they don't need, and putting them in debt for life to pay for it. From the low-end University of Pheonix diploma mills to the higher-end "real" colleges that run on huge scholarship funds that the rest of us pay for.

And it's become that way because Public Education has become so degraded that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

(Sorry, after weeks of slapping down RW bullshit, I occassionally need to slap down the Left Wing bullshit when it comes along.)


Because Obama didn't say everyone should go to college.

But Santorum did call Obama a snob for saying something Obama didn't actually say.

Did you get that?

It's a favorite past time of the right wing. To make shit up then attack the left for having said it. Only liberals never said it. The right just made it up.

What the right wind doesn't seem to understand is that there is "videotape".

what Obama stated to the Urban League is that 'everyone that wants to go to college should be able to"
When "Community College" is mentioned, it truly is a "community" college. There are programs available that have business involvement. Many times business gets involved to identify workers they want to hire. And there aren't there for liberal arts. They teach plumbing, HVAC, equipment operation, how to CNC program.

Too bad these right wingers won't just stop hating Obama and take a serious look at what he is doing. It's why so many American voted for him.

Obama Proposes $8 Billion for Job Training - Businessweek

Obama calls for focus on vocational training | Reuters

Community colleges welcome Obama's challenge

ETA News Release: Obama administration announces $500 million in community college grants to expand job training through local employer partnerships [09/19/2012]

Building American Skills Through Community Colleges | The White House
Whose paraphrasing now? Santorum said nothing of the sort.

He said Obama was a snob for wanting everyone to go to college.

Not everyone needs to go to college and not everyone should.

College has become the kind of corporate business that you would under normal circumstances hate- selling someone an overpriced product they don't need, and putting them in debt for life to pay for it. From the low-end University of Pheonix diploma mills to the higher-end "real" colleges that run on huge scholarship funds that the rest of us pay for.

And it's become that way because Public Education has become so degraded that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

(Sorry, after weeks of slapping down RW bullshit, I occassionally need to slap down the Left Wing bullshit when it comes along.)


Because Obama didn't say everyone should go to college.

But Santorum did call Obama a snob for saying something Obama didn't actually say.

Did you get that?

It's a favorite past time of the right wing. To make shit up then attack the left for having said it. Only liberals never said it. The right just made it up.

What the right wind doesn't seem to understand is that there is "videotape".

what Obama stated to the Urban League is that 'everyone that wants to go to college should be able to"

Don't disparately try to tie him down to ONE fucking speech. Look at his entire message.

In the comments under this announcement, right wingers endlessly mock education. What the fuck is wrong with them? Their racist hatred is going to leave them so far back and in the dust, they will cripple themselves for a couple of generations.

Check out this one delusional post:

This President is a total JOKE! Community College? More waste & fraud. What kind of degree can you get from a community college that the private sector cannot provide? The degree is worthless & you be in debt! Not only that, the private sector pays you also, rather than u pay the Community College. Not only OBAMA taxed us, he is wasting it on college bureaucrats, admins, & UNIONs jobs & charging us for it, which the private sector can pay u to do, rather than u pay OBAMA for him to waste it!

Business isn't a charity. Even Mitt Romney wanted to bring immigrants with degrees here so we don't have to waste money on his ignorant base.
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His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

I think Al Gore would fit the answer to this question :eusa_eh:
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

Did he take the winner to court to try and steal the election? If not then he can not e the biggest loser.

Because Obama didn't say everyone should go to college.

But Santorum did call Obama a snob for saying something Obama didn't actually say.

Did you get that?

It's a favorite past time of the right wing. To make shit up then attack the left for having said it. Only liberals never said it. The right just made it up.

What the right wind doesn't seem to understand is that there is "videotape".

what Obama stated to the Urban League is that 'everyone that wants to go to college should be able to"

Don't disparately try to tie him down to ONE fucking speech. Look at his entire message.

In the comments under this announcement, right wingers endlessly mock education. What the fuck is wrong with them? Their racist hatred is going to leave them so far back and in the dust, they will cripple themselves for a couple of generations.

Check out this one delusional post:

This President is a total JOKE! Community College? More waste & fraud. What kind of degree can you get from a community college that the private sector cannot provide? The degree is worthless & you be in debt! Not only that, the private sector pays you also, rather than u pay the Community College. Not only OBAMA taxed us, he is wasting it on college bureaucrats, admins, & UNIONs jobs & charging us for it, which the private sector can pay u to do, rather than u pay OBAMA for him to waste it!

Business isn't a charity. Even Mitt Romney wanted to bring immigrants with degrees here so we don't have to waste money on his ignorant base.

race card?
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His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

McCain is proving to be a bigger sore loser.
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

I think Al Gore would fit the answer to this question :eusa_eh:


Because he won the popular vote and lost the electoral college.
The Republicans have been very calm and reserved overall. They've accepted their defeat and are moving on. That would not have been the case if the Democrats had lost. Romney has made a few comments, but that's to be expected. He just answered some questions that were asked. But realistically, no one can say the Democrats would have handled their loss with this same calm and class. Their History shows they are very sore losers. And now it looks like they're sore winners too.

Democrats can't even handle winning! Probably because they won by a very small margin.

What does it mean when 48% of the voting public is adamantly opposed to the current regime's policies? It means a distinct lack of cooperation. In essence democrats are still campaigning! They are still trying to twist arms into agreement. Romney is still the enemy. obama is still the candidate.

Democrats know that this ran deeper than the election. They now have to deal with 48% of the American public that is dedicated to obstruction and non cooperation on a very individual and personal level.

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