Has there ever been a bigger sore loser than Mitt Romney?

Al Gore.
But he is a take from the producers and give to the moocher parasite class so he is classified AS GOD by the media and the "progressives".
Romney states facts and is called a sore loser.
Amazing the fraud in this election and no one is interested. 100% of precincts voting Obama in PA. 108% of the registered voters voted in Ohio.
But beating up on a producer who has more $$$ than them is all the rage now. To hell with election fraud.

Nobody has proven fraud happened in this election.

Is it really so difficult to believe that 100% of precincts in all black neighborhoods in Philadelphia went for Obama? We are talking about a few city blocks where there are only a handful of voters even registered as Republicans.

Also, 108% of the registered voters did not vote in Ohio. That just isn't true and there is nothing to back that statement up.
When the people find that they can vote themselves funds from the public treasury, they thereafter vote for those who promise the most benefits.

That's why Romney lost. He's not a sore loser, he is a realist. Democrats just don't like it that Romney knows the real reason he lost.

Democrats don't need fraud to win they just need to keep being generous.
Sore Winners. That sums up most Dem-Bots i've run into. Even they know in their hearts that very dark days are ahead. Food & Gas Prices will continue to skyrocket and overall misery is their future. Winning just isn't everything. It may feel nice for a couple of days, but then reality begins to set in again. Their own lives are likely gonna get rougher. That's just the way it is.
Let's walk this one back a bit from the partisan bullshit. (on both sides).

As another poster pointed out, there are three million positions unfilled due to lack of skills.

A large part of our problem is we tell kids that they need to go to college to get a good job, but frankly, all those Liberal Arts "would you like fries with that" degrees don't really help people get good jobs.

But we've taken an attitude that training people in the trades and vocational schools isn't as worthy a pursuit.

Right now, I have a buddy who I used to work with, who can't find a job in our feild because 90% of all jobs in purchasing now require a college degree. I knew another woman who had a hard time finding a job because despite 30 years as a buyer, her lack of college precluded her from consideration.

I'm an awesome buyer, but frankly, it has nothing to do with what I learned in College in the 1980's.

If college really prepares you for jobs, then, absolutely, we should have more of it.

If College is just a filter because High School graduation isn't even a garuntee you can read, then we've kind of missed the point making kids put themselves massively in debt from the start of their careers.

College isnt for everybody. Just look at Steph for proof.

I think vocational schools are great and should be an option for everyone.

I grew up in Plymouth, MA. We had two high schools...both had a regular academic program and one was also a vocational school. It was perfect for the non college bound.

I'm all about giving every American that same choice and opportunity.

Not to mention that liberal arts programs teach critical thinking skills....something else Stuphie missed out on.

Ravi & critical thinking skills have never actually met in reality...:D
naaa, we would of seen bigger ones right here if the Dear Leader had lost..

hell, we've seen nothing but HE WON GET OVER IT naa naa naaa na na as it is..

WE FOUND ONE!:clap2::eusa_boohoo:

Mitt is a very rich man and expects to get whatever he wants. He did not get the Presidency...and that makes him angry! He has quickly burned all his bridges for a future run, by again telling the majority of the electorate that they are freeloaders looking for a "gift." The GOP can do better....maybe.....kinda....
When the people find that they can vote themselves funds from the public treasury, they thereafter vote for those who promise the most benefits.

That's why Romney lost. He's not a sore loser, he is a realist. Democrats just don't like it that Romney knows the real reason he lost.

Democrats don't need fraud to win they just need to keep being generous.

What in the hell do you mean "when"?
They have already found out. Long time ago.
Romney was tightening the requirements on the parasite class.
How dare they have to give up ANY of their free shit?
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

Deja vu. He's right you losers. Give me free this and that I'm a spoiled no good piece of lazy American shit.
naaa, we would of seen bigger ones right here if the Dear Leader had lost..
hell, we've seen nothing but HE WON GET OVER IT naa naa naaa na na as it is..
WE FOUND ONE!:clap2::eusa_boohoo:Mitt is a very rich man and expects to get whatever he wants. He did not get the Presidency...and that makes him angry! He has quickly burned all his bridges for a future run, by again telling the majority of the electorate that they are freeloaders looking for a "gift." The GOP can do better....maybe.....kinda....

To Latinos who came here illegally get free amnesty Well black unemployment is at 14% so Obama certainly didn't give them jobs but phones wow. And students, free school on the backs of taxpayers, gee thanks. seniors already had their stuff Obama did shit.
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Romney said women voted for Obama to get free contraception. You know how women are. They just want to have wild and continuous non stop nasty and loud sex. Where does Romney find these women because I can't seem to?

Im guessing chicago, detroit , philadelphia and new orleans for starters.......
lol, MY GAWD..
education is for snobs...lot of good that "edumacation" is doing with 8% UNEMPLOYMENT and RISING

But you keep spreading your bs over and over and over and over

That's your problem. You say something stupid, then someone merely points out the obvious and you feel "picked on". Stop saying stupid and you won't get that "I'm being bullied" feeling you hate so much and whine about constantly.

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs - Bloomberg

Three million jobs with good starting salaries go unfilled - lack of skillset

You need to understand the value of education. If you don't, it's because, well, you know.....

no you are the one whining here, NOT ME:eusa_boohoo:

you can't FORCE people to get a education, no matter how much you PEOPLE want to..

Then why force them to get a job? Dumb. Dumber. Dumbest.
When you have people shouting out "let him die" at Republican debates, and your leaders saying "education is for snobs" and "we have no smart people" followed by huge applause, the problems are more than one man.

lol, MY GAWD..
education is for snobs...lot of good that "edumacation" is doing with 8% UNEMPLOYMENT and RISING

But you keep spreading your bs over and over and over and over

Hurr durr

Everyone knows that the last thing an education will do is make it easier for you to get a job.

Fuck, you're incredibly dumb.

It's one thing to argue about what kind of education, but to see no connection between education and getting a job? She must be a hooker or have some kind of job where your only skill is to "lay there". What else could it be?
oh boy, like we all don't know Mitt is a loser

but this is important as to what is happening in our country so the beat goes on..


Yawn is right!!! It sounds as though you are writing these posts in your sleep!!!

the only riot was over with the white kids Ole Miss

grow up

I actually think the Republicans as a whole, have handled this loss with much class and dignity. Just imagine if things went the other way? We all know how the Democrats handle losses. It would have been very ugly. If anything, Democrats like this OP have been very sore winners. Still looking for something to whine about even though they have all the power. They can't help it though, it's their Entitlement mentality. No, Romney has handled this loss very well. Much better than any Democrat woud have.
His comments after losing boil down to calling Americans losers that are easily bought. Republicans everywhere are distancing themselves from him.

They must be looking in the mirror and asking themselves, what the hell were we thinking???

in defense of them choosing mitt... the options weren't all that good. although i think huntsman would have done much better.

Doesn't matter who the messenger is, it's the message.

The republicans need to go back to the drawing board. Trickle-down economics has failed, the republican social agenda is draconian and archaic, and unless they jettison pretty much their entire ideology, they're done as a major party. Their base isn't the answer, their base is the problem.

all true.

but do you really think the party can go back to its halcyon days when it was the smart guys in the room?
kinda sad really, consigned to always being a wanna and never a be.

mitt who?

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