Has this administration changed your views? Poll

Considering the SOTU, and have you changed your support?

  • 1. No, I'm still supporting Biden and his administration 100%

  • 2. I'm still supporting Biden, but my support is dwindling

  • 3. I'm fed up with the whole mess.

  • 4. Biden lost my support, but I still won't vote republican

  • 5. I've dropped my support for Biden and will be voting GOP in November

  • 6. I normally vote against the democrats, but I'm now supporting Biden.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Dachau is one camp. You said you would leave this site forever, defect. So you lied.
Awww...poor retard. Thought you can challenge me and win! LOL

Sorry, retard. You lose, again. But, you are used to that, right? Not only a racist but a racist loser!!

What the fuck did you think? A big loser like you could go up against me and win? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Awww...poor retard. Thought you can challenge me and win! LOL

Sorry, retard. You lose, again. But, you are used to that, right? Not only a racist but a racist loser!!

What the fuck did you think? A big loser like you could go up against me and win? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
How did I lose? Defect. I quoted you and you partially cut my post. Tsk tsk tsk and you lied about leaving. My post stands as fact. You lost. You lied. You’re a defect. And an antisemite.
Awww...poor retard. Thought you can challenge me and win! LOL

Sorry, retard. You lose, again. But, you are used to that, right? Not only a racist but a racist loser!!

What the fuck did you think? A big loser like you could go up against me and win? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
1933 he started targeting Jews, defect. When was Dachau built? You must leave this site. Or you have no honor

You said “prove it” and if I did you would leave the the site forever. In my post I did say “did not target Jews first” and you said if you actually said that then you would leave the site forever. Guess you’re not a man of your word. Right, defect?

He targeted Jews in 1933. You’re a defect.

I was quoting history, you retard. The question in the other thread was that Nazis and Communists were one and the same. I proved that once Hitler got power, he went after Communists way before he went after Jews.

You don't like that? Tough. That's history. But then, you are a retard. A racist, loser retard. Fuck off, loser. Go whine like your orange douche bag.
1933 he started targeting Jews, defect. When was Dachau built? You must leave this site. Or you have no honor

Fuck you loser. I proved my case. Prove me wrong. You can't. You know why? Because not only are you a racist retard but also a loser. Fuck off.
1933 he started targeting Jews, defect. When was Dachau built? You must leave this site. Or you have no honor

He's a stupid progressive. Of course he has no honor. One must be self aware to have a sense of shame.

He's most likely a sociopath.

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