Has this administration changed your views? Poll

Considering the SOTU, and have you changed your support?

  • 1. No, I'm still supporting Biden and his administration 100%

  • 2. I'm still supporting Biden, but my support is dwindling

  • 3. I'm fed up with the whole mess.

  • 4. Biden lost my support, but I still won't vote republican

  • 5. I've dropped my support for Biden and will be voting GOP in November

  • 6. I normally vote against the democrats, but I'm now supporting Biden.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Defect. I am Jewish. The Klan hates me more than any other persons. Are you ever not a complete defect? Lol
So what? You are a self-hating Jew. Besides, the KKK hates not only Jews but also anyone who is not white.

It is interesting that you only take offense to the KKK hating Jews and not Blacks. Now, do you get why you are a racist retard? Maybe not, you are a retard after all. :itsok:
So what? You are a self-hating Jew. Besides, the KKK hates not only Jews but also anyone who is not white.

It is interesting that you only take offense to the KKK hating Jews and not Blacks. Now, do you get why you are a racist retard? Maybe not, you are a retard after all. :itsok:
Klan also hates Catholics, defect. They may be white. Are you ever not a defect? I do not care what inbred racist hicks like you believe, defect.
and yet he got his tax cuts passed and signed off on a trillion dollar in increased spending.


And the wealthy watched their tax rates increase, while the middle class saw actual gains in their net worth for the first time in 40 years.
Klan also hates Catholics, defect. They may be white. Are you ever not a defect? I do not care what inbred racist hicks like you believe, defect.
Sure they do. And they also hate blacks. And yet, you have no problem with that, eh? You fucking racist KKK.
I have to laugh that you are implying that the Democrats are a party of integrity and honor.
When compared to the Neo-GOP? Not a single losing Democrat candidate for president didn't concede their loss and call for unity across the isle. Even Al Gore when the SC made their decision, publicly conceded. Trumps Neo-GOP will never concede that they lost. They have no integrity or honor.
Sure they do. And they also hate blacks. And yet, you have no problem with that, eh? You fucking racist KKK.
Of course I have an issue with that, Defect. KKK wants what is left of my people exterminated. Why would I support them? Are you ever not a retard, you Jew hating defect? Find one racist post from me. I ask again. Defect.
When compared to the Neo-GOP? Not a single losing Democrat candidate for president didn't concede their loss and call for unity across the isle. Even Al Gore when the SC made their decision, publicly conceded. Trumps Neo-GOP will never concede that they lost. They have no integrity or honor.
Oh yeah, right…..Hillary “conceded” and then worked behind the scenes to create a treasonous conspiracy theory to oust a duly elected president. What honor! What integrity!
When compared to the Neo-GOP? Not a single losing Democrat candidate for president didn't concede their loss and call for unity across the isle. Even Al Gore when the SC made their decision, publicly conceded. Trumps Neo-GOP will never concede that they lost. They have no integrity or honor.

What the fuck? The second your hero, the shrilary lost, she began working to undermine the duly elected President of the USA.

You're not just stupid, you are blind.
What the fuck? The second your hero, the shrilary lost, she began working to undermine the duly elected President of the USA.

You're not just stupid, you are blind.
Exactly. I just said the same thing. Hillary “concedes” - and then works to oust the duly elected president by created a disgusting treasonous story.

You can always count on the leftists to do what they accuse Republicans of - only 10x worse. They’re complete hypocrites.
and then worked behind the scenes to create a treasonous conspiracy theory

The second your hero, the shrilary lost, she began working to undermine the duly elected President

Boo fuckin hoo. Sounds like politics and just what McConnel did to Obama in his quest to make him a one term resident. The Neo-GOP can obviously dish out the unfounded accusations like clockwork but damn, they whine like little girls when they have to take their own medicine.

Boo fuckin hoo. Sounds like politics and just what McConnel did to Obama in his quest to make him a one term resident. The Neo-GOP can obviously dish out the unfounded accusations like clockwork but damn, they whine like little girls when they have to take their own medicine.

Wow. So you call people who object to fraudulent election as having no honor, but when it’s pointed out how Hillary created a fake conspiracy theory to try to oust the president who beat her honestly, it’s “boo freakin hoo?”

If you nasty leftists didn’t have double standards, well….you know the rest.
Wow. So you call people who object to fraudulent election as having no honor, but when it’s pointed out how Hillary created a fake conspiracy theory to try to oust the president who beat her honestly, it’s “boo freakin hoo?”

If you nasty leftists didn’t have double standards, well….you know the rest.

Endless accusations of a multi state fraud with no evidence submitted in any State? Yeah no honor. No honor in pointing to Hillary and claiming yet again she is some kind of criminal master mind with nothin but accusations.

Oh btw the Pizza Guy is here. Did ya'll order the Anchovy special?

The Neo-GOP has no standards. It's whatever Benedict Donnie tells them today.
Boo fuckin hoo. Sounds like politics and just what McConnel did to Obama in his quest to make him a one term resident. The Neo-GOP can obviously dish out the unfounded accusations like clockwork but damn, they whine like little girls when they have to take their own medicine.


No, she spied on the president and tried to engineer a coup you fucking third world loving piece of shit.
Of course I have an issue with that, Defect. KKK wants what is left of my people exterminated. Why would I support them? Are you ever not a retard, you Jew hating defect? Find one racist post from me. I ask again. Defect.
You first, retard. Find one post of mine that puts down Jews, Blacks, Mexicans anyone.

But let me guess...you won't. You fucking lazy ass KKK retard. You just like to challenge. But will run away as soon as you are challenged.

But, hey, surprise me. Show me you are not a coward. Go ahead, I'll wait for your lazy retard racist ass to show me I'm wrong. Go.
No, she spied on the president and tried to engineer a coup you fucking third world loving piece of shit.

She is either the greatest criminal master mind ever, or the Neo-GOP is more incompetent than the Keystone Cops were, or you're just full of shit.

You know I'm going with option three Ted. You're just full of shit.
No, she spied on the president and tried to engineer a coup you fucking third world loving piece of shit.
PRECISELY!! That POS leftist is making excuses for her trying to oust the sitting president with a fabricated case of treason - and then says the people objecting to the unprecedented anomalies of the 2020 election lack integrity.
She is either the greatest criminal master mind ever, or the Neo-GOP is more incompetent than the Keystone Cops were, or you're just full of shit.

You know I'm going with option three Ted. You're just full of shit.
Well, you have to admit that there Is a long trail of dead bodies where the Clintons are concerned. Not criminals, you say? Hah!

We all know about Ron Brown and Vince Foster, as one of many, but the reporter who broke the story of Bill Clinton conspiring with the DOJ head on the tarmac days before Hillary’s trial was found dead, too. Yup, another Clinton “suicide.”

You first, retard. Find one post of mine that puts down Jews, Blacks, Mexicans anyone.

But let me guess...you won't. You fucking lazy ass KKK retard. You just like to challenge. But will run away as soon as you are challenged.

But, hey, surprise me. Show me you are not a coward. Go ahead, I'll wait for your lazy retard racist ass to show me I'm wrong. Go.
I do not need to by your operational definition, defect. You think Jews are retards as you keep calling me that. Poor little defect. You said I was a racist. So find one racist post, defect.
I do not need to by your operational definition, defect. You think Jews are retards as you keep calling me that. Poor little defect. You said I was a racist. So find one racist post, defect.
He’s just jealous because he knows that Jews, as a group, are one of the most intelligent people around. Jealousy - the root of antI- semitism.

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