Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

Has Trump been Divisive or Inclusive?

  • He's been divisive/partisan

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • He's been inclusive/bi-partisan

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters
Trump won't even appear anywhere in the country unless he won that district in the election .

Yeah he's devisive !
If he went to blue areas, you animals would resort to rioting and mayhem. So, he is being considerate.

you hacks are the animals.... now go take health care away from 23 million Americans.

it's not even like you benefit from any of this garbage. you're just a spiteful trump loon

Who is taking healthcare away from people...oh yeah, obama......you have insurance...you just can't have actual treatment because you can't afford the premiums or the deductible......the Republicans are going to fix that....

By the way...why do you want all Americans to get the same medical care that our veterans get through the Veterans Administration.....the actual single payer system that we already have?
If you look in the dictionary under "liar" you will see Trump's face.

That's how much he lies.

He lies multiple times in a single sentence, often opposing what he says in that very sentence.

His lemmings lap it up and ask for more.

Instead of attempting to unite, the fool embarks on a victory tour, his lemmings lap it up.

He attacks the media, including individually, for exposing the truth, his lemmings lap it up.

I wonder what they'll do when his ask is being boot out of Office for his misdeeds and wrongdoing.

America has never been this divided, at least not in modern-history.

Trump is making it WORSE!

Funny....when you actually open the dictionary you see hilary and obama there.....you must have the Fake News Edition of the dictionary...
He's the most divisive president we've ever had.
Really? You forget Lincoln. Part of the country left the Union and plunged the nation into actual civil war over his election. It took 4 years and 600,000 casualties to fix it.
I don't think he's been divisive necessarily (just I don't think Obama was), I think that the country is already so sharply divided that if Trump/Obama came out and said that A was the first letter of the alphabet-half of the country would call them a liar.
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?

Marc....no one has been more divisive than the Democrat Party. They have played the identity politics card for decades.....basically, they have attempted to divide us into competing tribes of hyphenated Americans. You know...LBGT Americans....Hispanic Americans....African Americans...etc...etc.

Trump talks about all Americans. Us. The only distinction I have routine heard him make is talking about the difference between us as American citizens and those who are here illegally and therefore are non-citizens.

That is not divisive imho. He is simply stating fact.
Threads that pose as unbiased polls followed by op's rant three pages later qualifies as divisive in my book.
Didn't take stupid fucking poll either.
He has been neither......it isn't his job to be "inclusive" it is his job to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to execute the powers of the executive branch......
"Defend the Constitution of the United States"

Very subjective.

I've noted your refusal and/or inability to answer the OP question.
Threads that pose as unbiased polls followed by op's rant three pages later qualifies as divisive in my book.
Didn't take stupid fucking poll either.
Was Donald's Birther Movement divisive as well?
He's the most divisive president we've ever had.
Really? You forget Lincoln. Part of the country left the Union and plunged the nation into actual civil war over his election. It took 4 years and 600,000 casualties to fix it.

And of course the democrats are the ones who started that fight too....they wanted to keep blacks as their slaves......Republicans had to show them they were wrong...
He has been neither......it isn't his job to be "inclusive" it is his job to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to execute the powers of the executive branch......
"Defend the Constitution of the United States"

Very subjective.

I've noted your refusal and/or inability to answer the OP question.

I did...your question wasn't accurate of what the job of the President is....
Threads that pose as unbiased polls followed by op's rant three pages later qualifies as divisive in my book.
Didn't take stupid fucking poll either.
Was Donald's Birther Movement divisive as well?

No...that was started by the hilary campaign....Trump simply brought it to a conclusion when he forced obama to actually release some kind of birth certificate...
Marc....no one has been more divisive than the Democrat Party. They have played the identity politics card for decades.....basically, they have attempted to divide us into competing tribes of hyphenated Americans. You know...LBGT Americans....Hispanic Americans....African Americans...etc...etc.

Trump talks about all Americans. Us. The only distinction I have routine heard him make is talking about the difference between us as American citizens and those who are here illegally and therefore are non-citizens.

That is not divisive imho. He is simply stating fact.
Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.
No...that was started by the hilary campaign....Trump simply brought it to a conclusion when he forced obama to actually release some kind of birth certificate...
Hillary is out, stop bringing her up, be what you claim to be, take personal responsibility.

With that said, was Trump lying when he promised the American public via the MSM that they're going to be VERY surprised about the things his investigators discovered about Obama's birth certificate, and/or lack theroef?

Yes or no?

Secondly, when did Trump accept Obama's birth certificate?
He has most of the country thinking we're living in an alternate reality.
He has divided the country into two factions: the sane and the criminally insane.(35%)
Can I say he is a complete AH without getting kicked off the board?
Marc....no one has been more divisive than the Democrat Party. They have played the identity politics card for decades.....basically, they have attempted to divide us into competing tribes of hyphenated Americans. You know...LBGT Americans....Hispanic Americans....African Americans...etc...etc.

Trump talks about all Americans. Us. The only distinction I have routine heard him make is talking about the difference between us as American citizens and those who are here illegally and therefore are non-citizens.

That is not divisive imho. He is simply stating fact.
Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.
LOL LOL LOL asking a republican to be honest ,,,is like asking a bear not to shit in the woods

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