Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

Has Trump been Divisive or Inclusive?

  • He's been divisive/partisan

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • He's been inclusive/bi-partisan

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters
I wasn't abused, I lived my life and I don't depend on a President to make me happy or sad. It looks like you are affected by Trump, but you being a partisan hack, I expect no different. Keep running your Anti-Trump threads, I get a great laugh out of them, it shows how unhinged you partisan cupcakes really are.
You clearly are touched.

Why so much butthurt?


You are wrong, I have never had a President in office I hated, you do. I don't care who won these last four special elections, you do. I don't care the Trump won the Electoral College and lost the popular vote, you do. For the next few years I don't care if Trump insult all you lefties, you do. I find the lefts total obsession with Trump a big comic skit. You people provide tons of laughs and all at your expense. Thank you and your other lefties.
He has most of the country thinking we're living in an alternate reality.
He has divided the country into two factions: the sane and the criminally insane.(35%)

The country was already divided into the class of thugs (leftists) and the class of victims they preyed on.
I'm some what an outsider and I can tell that lot of racism came out from the white camp just because the president was black.

If one can't see that America did well with Obama, one should question their abilities....the world knows American affairs better than than Americans themselves and Obama is one of the most popular American president and Trump is already the most hated one overseas.

We did okay, with Obama, not well. We burdened the working middle class with the nations health care bill and rewarded them with high premium and high deductible insurance. You are a partisan the fact you try to pretend you are an outsider is amusing. I didn't care what his skin color is, what his religion is, where he was born, what he eats for breakfast, it is his POLITICS that I dislike about Obama, he is an arrogant leftist. As far as how the world views us? It's not relevant to the conversation, just a lefty trying to divert the subject because he is getting his ass kicked.
Neither, no more than Obama or Bush or Clinton.

People can only be divided if they choose to be.

The only real division is between those who WANT division, and the rest of us.

I wouldn't call any of them inclusive, because they're all partisan.
So the French chose to be "divided" from the Germans in 1940?
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?
ahhhh, does he have a fat ass and worst ever comb over?

does Ivanka have ridiculously huge augmented breasts?

are his two eldest sons the creepiest cretins since ... well ...ever?

Is Melania a person who really didn't deserve this?

Does his inner circle of guys like Page and Cohen make one long for the days when the Sopranos were fiction?
"No" to all your lame attacks.
Neither, no more than Obama or Bush or Clinton.

People can only be divided if they choose to be.

The only real division is between those who WANT division, and the rest of us.

I wouldn't call any of them inclusive, because they're all partisan.
So the French chose to be "divided" from the Germans in 1940?
I'm talking about America, 2017.
We were deeply divided by Obama before Trump even thought of running. Anyone who doesn't know that truth, well...isn't worth talking to.
Republicans hate black people. So it's no wonder they would say the first black president divided the nation.

The truth is, the nation was divided into groups under Reagan. The super rich who lead the ignorant GOP 90% white base and the Democrats.

Then you have Bush. You are with us or with the terrorists. The GOP tricked us into Iraq and redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% with the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. And they ruined the economy and participated and led the greatest job loss in the history of the world.

Fortunately Obama was elected. An unbelievably good president fighting a GOP that caused more damage to the US than Isis and al Qaeda put together.

Now we have Trump. And the GOP leading the country. Destroying our nation. We are being laughed at all over the world and our president answers to Vladimir Putin.

100% lies.
Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

No...Trump has been a President amidst the continued sore-loser, butt-hurt, Fake News DNC / snowflake crusade against him - the newly elected President.

How's that working out for you, CNN? :p
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?

Our weird electoral system let him get elected without winning the vote, and he has done absolutely nothing since then to broaden his support, in fact, he's losing support from the people who elected him.
Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

No...Trump has been a President amidst the continued sore-loser, butt-hurt, Fake News DNC / snowflake crusade against him - the newly elected President.

How's that working out for you, CNN? :p

There are 10,000 news outlets out there . They are all against Trunmp?! Lol! Maybe they just report on the dumb things he says n does .
There are 10,000 news outlets out there . They are all against Trunmp?!

You Lie.

Put up or shut up - link? Evidence to support your claim?

Oh wait, I forgot, you snowflakes don't do that....

I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.

I guess divisive is in the eye of the beholder, right? But Marc, it appears your agenda is solely to bash Trump. So as a consequence let me be as precise as possible. Trump is far less divisive than Obama or the Dems. Was the birther thing dumb.....yeah...I've already said so.

Now can you admit divisiveness from the left or from Obama? Probably not. :)
did obama ever say lets get the 2nd amendment people after trump like trump did to clinton? and you pick the birther thing out ? Out of dozens of nasty misspeaks? Now even trumps lawyer is being investigated for steering millions from his charity into his personal account Thieves working with thieves
I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.

I guess divisive is in the eye of the beholder, right? But Marc, it appears your agenda is solely to bash Trump. So as a consequence let me be as precise as possible. Trump is far less divisive than Obama or the Dems. Was the birther thing dumb.....yeah...I've already said so.

Now can you admit divisiveness from the left or from Obama? Probably not. :)
did obama ever say lets get the 2nd amendment people after trump like trump did to clinton? and you pick the birther thing out ? Out of dozens of nasty misspeaks? Now even trumps lawyer is being investigated for steering millions from his charity into his personal account Thieves working with thieves
Trump does it with a level of personal antagonism and low class that really hasn't been seen since segregation. Obama chose to go down the race road in his second term, and he no doubt knew it would antagonize a lot of people, but like Holder who was a key ally in his legal thinking, he thought it was a discussion worth the cost. I think he was partly wrong on his positions on the issues, but sometimes being divisive is not unpresidential. But he was not wrong for taking up the issue. Reagan was certainly divisive, but in the end he won the battle of ideas, which is how the Founders set up the Republic.

Other than Obama's one foray into race, I never saw him as a divisive figure. I thought he was worng on for policy, and I was never a fan of how Obamacare worked, but he was respectful of Bohener, Ryan and McConnell. He ran a bareknuckles campaign against Mitt, but ..... I was disappointed Mitt didn't do better.
We did okay, with Obama, not well. We burdened the working middle class with the nations health care bill and rewarded them with high premium and high deductible insurance. You are a partisan the fact you try to pretend you are an outsider is amusing. I didn't care what his skin color is, what his religion is, where he was born, what he eats for breakfast, it is his POLITICS that I dislike about Obama, he is an arrogant leftist. As far as how the world views us? It's not relevant to the conversation, just a lefty trying to divert the subject because he is getting his ass kicked.
You don't hate Obama, but you can't bring yourself to accept the FACT that America, economically did very well under his Administration, thanks to his policies.

You can't even help yourself but to use subjective, and hateful rhetoric to describe him such as "arrogant leftist."

But, you don't hate Obama...

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We did okay, with Obama, not well. We burdened the working middle class with the nations health care bill and rewarded them with high premium and high deductible insurance. You are a partisan the fact you try to pretend you are an outsider is amusing. I didn't care what his skin color is, what his religion is, where he was born, what he eats for breakfast, it is his POLITICS that I dislike about Obama, he is an arrogant leftist. As far as how the world views us? It's not relevant to the conversation, just a lefty trying to divert the subject because he is getting his ass kicked.
You don't hate Obama, but you can't bring yourself to accept the FACT that America, economically did very well under his Administration, thanks to his policies.

You can't even help yourself but to use subjective, and hateful rhetoric to describe him such as "arrogant leftist."

But, you don't hate Obama...

I don't think people who went into foreclosure and who lost jobs in the great recession did well at all.
I don't think people who went into foreclosure and who lost jobs in the great recession did well at all.
Are you suggesting that a large swath of the American populace went into foreclosure as a direct result of Obama's policies?

If so, how much, and do you have a link?
I don't think people who went into foreclosure and who lost jobs in the great recession did well at all.
Are you suggesting that a large swath of the American populace went into foreclosure as a direct result of Obama's policies?

If so, how much, and do you have a link?
Not because of Obama. But your post was " America, economically did very well under his Administration, thanks to his policies." I think what we saw was that rural workers, esp in areas where there were union plants at one time, simply continued their slow decline. Certainly people in Medicaid expansion states who make 101-130% over the poverty rate were helped.

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