Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

Has Trump been Divisive or Inclusive?

  • He's been divisive/partisan

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • He's been inclusive/bi-partisan

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters
He has most of the country thinking we're living in an alternate reality.
He has divided the country into two factions: the sane and the criminally insane.(35%)
Ever read his art of the deal? All the deals he mentioned except one FAILED
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?

You never asked the same of his predecessor........

"bring a gun to a knife fight"
"reward our friends, punish our enemies"
"they can come along for the ride, but they need to ride in the back of the bus"

You didn't see divisiveness from the previous president over the past 8 years and now you question divisiveness from the White House? You are blind
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?

You never asked the same of his predecessor........

"bring a gun to a knife fight"
"reward our friends, punish our enemies"
"they can come along for the ride, but they need to ride in the back of the bus"

You didn't see divisiveness from the previous president over the past 8 years and now you question divisiveness from the White House? You are blind
Lefty you're the blind one not seeing the difference in your ah rumps threats and what obama said
Marc....no one has been more divisive than the Democrat Party. They have played the identity politics card for decades.....basically, they have attempted to divide us into competing tribes of hyphenated Americans. You know...LBGT Americans....Hispanic Americans....African Americans...etc...etc.

Trump talks about all Americans. Us. The only distinction I have routine heard him make is talking about the difference between us as American citizens and those who are here illegally and therefore are non-citizens.

That is not divisive imho. He is simply stating fact.
Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.

I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
He hasn't just divided the country he has alienated all the rest of the world including our allies! His only friend is Putin. Today one of Trump's derps was in Germany giving a speech and they cut the video/audio feed with him in mid-cackle. They hate Trump and his ass-kissers.

Nobody made any of this up, Trump is a pariah. Macron, the leader of France, arm-wrestled old man Trump into submission at one point. Once the Democrats retake the house in 2018 they need to just hold impeachment vote after impeachment vote, just as the Republicans did with the ACA.

Payback, as they say, is a bitch. Trump will be getting the Full Monty.

Oh now this is rich: "He hasn't just divided the country he has alienated all the rest of the world including our allies!"

Dude, are you fucking for real? The country has been divided for many years now, Trump didn't cause that, nor has he made it any worse.
Trump is simply the manifestation of that divide.
The meat puppet faggot wasn't divisive telling the GOP to "get in the back of the bus", or that "listening to Fox News" wasn't going to get things done in DC?

After 8 years of that incompetent sociopath I want a divisive republicrat to undo the damage that piece of shit inflicted.
You're a nut.
Trump won't even appear anywhere in the country unless he won that district in the election .

Yeah he's devisive !
If he went to blue areas, you animals would resort to rioting and mayhem. So, he is being considerate.

you hacks are the animals.... now go take health care away from 23 million Americans.

it's not even like you benefit from any of this garbage. you're just a spiteful trump loon

Would you fucking lunatics stop with this bs about 22/23 millions Americans having their healthcare taken away ? Please fucking be honest about this for once. Many of these millions have been forced to purchase insurance against their will. Once they are freed from this requirement many will CHOOSE to let the coverage lapse.
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?

You never asked the same of his predecessor........

"bring a gun to a knife fight"
"reward our friends, punish our enemies"
"they can come along for the ride, but they need to ride in the back of the bus"

You didn't see divisiveness from the previous president over the past 8 years and now you question divisiveness from the White House? You are blind
Lefty you're the blind one not seeing the difference in your ah rumps threats and what obama said

You want to refute what I said, then be intelligent and site what Obama said. Go build that.
I don't consider him divisive, I consider the lefties to be divisive, they lost and now are fighting anything Trump says. Obama was the most divisive that I have ever seen.
We were deeply divided by Obama before Trump even thought of running. Anyone who doesn't know that truth, well...isn't worth talking to.
Republicans hate black people. So it's no wonder they would say the first black president divided the nation.

The truth is, the nation was divided into groups under Reagan. The super rich who lead the ignorant GOP 90% white base and the Democrats.

Then you have Bush. You are with us or with the terrorists. The GOP tricked us into Iraq and redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% with the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. And they ruined the economy and participated and led the greatest job loss in the history of the world.

Fortunately Obama was elected. An unbelievably good president fighting a GOP that caused more damage to the US than Isis and al Qaeda put together.

Now we have Trump. And the GOP leading the country. Destroying our nation. We are being laughed at all over the world and our president answers to Vladimir Putin.
Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube. This is who the Republicans are. No wonder they love Trump.
Trump is a political genius like Adolf.

Question is will he last much longer ??

The smart money says no.
I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.
I don't consider him divisive, I consider the lefties to be divisive, they lost and now are fighting anything Trump says. Obama was the most divisive that I have ever seen.
Yeah pap guess you didn't hear what the pos McConnell said about obama in the very beginning of obamas presidency You dare bring up dems being divisive?? when repub scum hold the record
Republicans hate black people. So it's no wonder they would say the first black president divided the nation.

The truth is, the nation was divided into groups under Reagan. The super rich who lead the ignorant GOP 90% white base and the Democrats.

Then you have Bush. You are with us or with the terrorists. The GOP tricked us into Iraq and redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% with the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. And they ruined the economy and participated and led the greatest job loss in the history of the world.

Fortunately Obama was elected. An unbelievably good president fighting a GOP that caused more damage to the US than Isis and al Qaeda put together.

Now we have Trump. And the GOP leading the country. Destroying our nation. We are being laughed at all over the world and our president answers to Vladimir Putin.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube. This is who the Republicans are. No wonder they love Trump.
You...NAILED IT!!!!

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