Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

Has Trump been Divisive or Inclusive?

  • He's been divisive/partisan

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • He's been inclusive/bi-partisan

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters
I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.
How about trump saying 2nd amendment people can take care of Clinton? Or he'll pay for the lawyers etc etc
I don't consider him divisive, I consider the lefties to be divisive, they lost and now are fighting anything Trump says. Obama was the most divisive that I have ever seen.
Yeah pap guess you didn't hear what the pos McConnell said about obama in the very beginning of obamas presidency You dare bring up dems being divisive?? when repub scum hold the record

He pitted patients against doctors, insurance companies against patients, he pitted the rich against the poor, black against white, he pitted everyone against Republicans, he pitted people against banks, he pitted "if he had a son" against whites, he helped create the riots in Baltimore, the riots at Ferguson, the riots after Trumps election. The guy was divisive as he could be.
I don't consider him divisive, I consider the lefties to be divisive, they lost and now are fighting anything Trump says. Obama was the most divisive that I have ever seen.
Yeah pap guess you didn't hear what the pos McConnell said about obama in the very beginning of obamas presidency You dare bring up dems being divisive?? when repub scum hold the record
The poster going by the name Papageorgio is a partisan hack. To him Republicans can do no wrong, and Democrats are of the devil.

He can't fathom anything else.
I don't consider him divisive, I consider the lefties to be divisive, they lost and now are fighting anything Trump says. Obama was the most divisive that I have ever seen.
Yeah pap guess you didn't hear what the pos McConnell said about obama in the very beginning of obamas presidency You dare bring up dems being divisive?? when repub scum hold the record
The poster going by the name Papageorgio is a partisan hack. To him Republicans can do no wrong, and Democrats are of the devil.

He can't fathom anything else.

And you and eddie aren't partisan hacks? Lol! I side with the right about 80% of the time, unlike you and eddie who side with the left about 99% of the time. So spare me your BS. The GOP did some blocking in Congress, that is their job, and the Dems do blocking in Congress, remember Harry Reid tabling every bill the GOP brought to the Senate?

The Republicans were wrong for making Trump their candidate, the Dems were wrong for making Hillary their candidate. So you have two terrible candidates and what did you and eddie do? Voted for Hillary, I went and found a candidate that was a lot better choice than the scum you voted for. So spare me your partisan Bull crap.
I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.

I guess divisive is in the eye of the beholder, right? But Marc, it appears your agenda is solely to bash Trump. So as a consequence let me be as precise as possible. Trump is far less divisive than Obama or the Dems. Was the birther thing dumb.....yeah...I've already said so.

Now can you admit divisiveness from the left or from Obama? Probably not. :)
I thought you were referencing Trump's Presidency or his time running for office. The birther thing was dumb.
I see you didn't answer the question.

I'll try again...

Let's start at the beginning of Trump's foray...the birther movement. Do you think that was divisive?

How about his victory tours? Are they divisive?

Be honest.

I guess divisive is in the eye of the beholder, right? But Marc, it appears your agenda is solely to bash Trump. So as a consequence let me be as precise as possible. Trump is far less divisive than Obama or the Dems. Was the birther thing dumb.....yeah...I've already said so.

Now can you admit divisiveness from the left or from Obama? Probably not. :)

That is exactly right. The poster that goes by the name MarcATL is a partisan hack and believes Republicans are always wrong and Democrats are always right. To get any honesty from him is impossible.
I guess divisive is in the eye of the beholder, right? But Marc, it appears your agenda is solely to bash Trump. So as a consequence let me be as precise as possible. Trump is far less divisive than Obama or the Dems. Was the birther thing dumb.....yeah...I've already said so.

Now can you admit divisiveness from the left or from Obama? Probably not. :)
I didn't ask it was "dumb"

I asked if it was divisive.

So what say you?
Lot say Obama was divisive....i honestly think that his mandate just made lot of racists come out in the open. And the funny part he is half white was brought up by whites...cant comprehend why lot of people in America don't see past human color.

We can argue all day long, but the fact is with or without Obama, economy and job market did very well during his reign and still doing well.
Lot say Obama was divisive....i honestly think that his mandate just made lot of racists come out in the open. And the funny part he is half white was brought up by whites...cant comprehend why lot of people in America don't see past human color.

We can argue all day long, but the fact is with or without Obama, economy and job market did very well during his reign and still doing well.
That's the long and short of it.

However, it's even better than that, because Obama took a FAILING economy, and brought America back from the brink of BANKRUPTCY.

Republicans response to that WHOPPING SUCCESS is to b!tch, moan and complain about how he didn't do it FAST ENOUGH!

Lot say Obama was divisive....i honestly think that his mandate just made lot of racists come out in the open. And the funny part he is half white was brought up by whites...cant comprehend why lot of people in America don't see past human color.

We can argue all day long, but the fact is with or without Obama, economy and job market did very well during his reign and still doing well.

You brought up color, no one else. I disagreed with Obama's politics and his political games. I don't agree with Trump much either, I must hate blacks and whites according to your logic.

To me Obama was very divisive the first four years and mellowed after that, however Obama pitted people against each other. He was relentless in attacking doctors and insurance companies, he went after banks and other financial institutions and after all his saber rattling did nothing. He pitted blacks against police. He allowed riot after Trump was elected. He was divisive.
You brought up color, no one else. I disagreed with Obama's politics and his political games. I don't agree with Trump much either, I must hate blacks and whites according to your logic.

To me Obama was very divisive the first four years and mellowed after that, however Obama pitted people against each other. He was relentless in attacking doctors and insurance companies, he went after banks and other financial institutions and after all his saber rattling did nothing. He pitted blacks against police. He allowed riot after Trump was elected. He was divisive.
Something is seriously wrong with your brain, as Obama did absolutely NONE of those things.

Not saying you didn't PERCEIVE them that way, but that's more evidence of your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You brought up color, no one else. I disagreed with Obama's politics and his political games. I don't agree with Trump much either, I must hate blacks and whites according to your logic.

To me Obama was very divisive the first four years and mellowed after that, however Obama pitted people against each other. He was relentless in attacking doctors and insurance companies, he went after banks and other financial institutions and after all his saber rattling did nothing. He pitted blacks against police. He allowed riot after Trump was elected. He was divisive.
Something is seriously wrong with your brain, as Obama did absolutely NONE of those things.

Not saying you didn't PERCEIVE them that way, but that's more evidence of your Obama Derangement Syndrome.


More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
Hey. I feel bad for you. You were mentally abused by the successful liberal and black Democrat President, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Want a tissue?

More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
Hey. I feel bad for you. You were mentally abused by the successful liberal and black Democrat President, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Want a tissue?

I wasn't abused, I lived my life and I don't depend on a President to make me happy or sad. It looks like you are affected by Trump, but you being a partisan hack, I expect no different. Keep running your Anti-Trump threads, I get a great laugh out of them, it shows how unhinged you partisan cupcakes really are.
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More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
Hey. I feel bad for you. You were mentally abused by the successful liberal and black Democrat President, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Want a tissue?

He was half black. Wild bill was the real first black prez.

Obama's skin color doesn't it matter, it was his lousy politics and the nuts he had following him. Keyes would make a great President.
I wasn't abused, I lived my life and I don't depend on a President to make me happy or sad. It looks like you are affected by Trump, but you being a partisan hack, I expect no different. Keep running your Anti-Trump threads, I get a great laugh out of them, it shows how unhinged you partisan cupcakes really are.
You clearly are touched.

Why so much butthurt?

I'm some what an outsider and I can tell that lot of racism came out from the white camp just because the president was black.

If one can't see that America did well with Obama, one should question their abilities....the world knows American affairs better than than Americans themselves and Obama is one of the most popular American president and Trump is already the most hated one overseas.

You brought up color, no one else. I disagreed with Obama's politics and his political games. I don't agree with Trump much either, I must hate blacks and whites according to your logic.

To me Obama was very divisive the first four years and mellowed after that, however Obama pitted people against each other. He was relentless in attacking doctors and insurance companies, he went after banks and other financial institutions and after all his saber rattling did nothing. He pitted blacks against police. He allowed riot after Trump was elected. He was divisive.
Something is seriously wrong with your brain, as Obama did absolutely NONE of those things.

Not saying you didn't PERCEIVE them that way, but that's more evidence of your Obama Derangement Syndrome.


More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
The meat puppet faggot wasn't divisive telling the GOP to "get in the back of the bus", or that "listening to Fox News" wasn't going to get things done in DC?

After 8 years of that incompetent sociopath I want a divisive republicrat to undo the damage that piece of shit inflicted.

SO you support division in order to win, and nothing more? Politics is just about making you feel good when "your team" wins?
More of your BS, of course you see it differently, you are a partisan lefty.
Hey. I feel bad for you. You were mentally abused by the successful liberal and black Democrat President, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Want a tissue?

He was half black. Wild bill was the real first black prez.

Obama's skin color doesn't it matter, it was his lousy politics and the nuts he had following him. Keyes would make a great President.

Oh I know. It was 8 years of incompetence. It will take some time to recover.

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