Has Trump ever criticized the Democrat voter base like Biden and Hillary did of Republican base?

I did zippy. It's demonstrable by the transcripts and recordings that neither one said that of the base, and both were quite specific on who they were talking about and why.

You then pointed to a squirrel.
Parents aren't squirrels. Dick nose.
You cut the beginning of her statement.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Your attempt to minimize what she said, is now debunked. Please don't waste any more of our time with your dishonest stonewalling.

She smeared a large portion of the country, as bad people, people who had traits that the rest of the country should hate and fear them for, in an attempt to get people to fear those people and thus vote for her.

She thus hurt the country, to help herself.

This thread is about whether or not Trump ever did anything similar. So far, no one has been able to give any example of him doing anything like that.

Yeah, Half his supporter in 2016. Certainly not the entire Republican base. specifically the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic part of his base.

Now get yer pitchforks and defend those racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic among you.
Yeah, Half his supporter in 2016. Certainly not the entire Republican base. specifically the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic part of his base.

Now get yer pitchforks and defend those racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic among you.
Good people.
Parents aren't squirrels. Dick nose.
It is when the topic is "Has the trumpybear ever criticized the Democrat voter base like Biden and Hillary...."
and deflecting to a different topic is a squirrel move, Fido. Did you want to play fetch?

Yeah, Half his supporter in 2016. Certainly not the entire Republican base. specifically the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic part of his base.

Now get yer pitchforks and defend those racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic among you.

Trump got 62 million votes in 2016. That's bascially the whole republican party PLUS MORE.

That you try to present her vile smear as a premise, is you supporting her vile action.

The op asks a simple and reasonable question.

Donald Trump is famous for being a sloppy, antagonistic and hyperbolic speaker. Yet, has he every said anything like that, smearing personally, HALF of the Dem base or the Hillary Supporters, ie a large percentage of the nation, thus trying to turn the rest of the nation AGAINST that segment of our society?

So, far the attempts by the Left to claim he has, have been miserable failures.

That is probably why you are tyring to stonewall and derail this thread with your.... tactics.

The window to try to answer the question is closing. The point were we start discussing what the differnce says about the dems and the republicans is quickly approaching.

Do you want to try to present an example of Trump being as bad as Hillary?
Trump got 62 million votes in 2016.
Millions of those were anti-Clinton votes.
that you try to present her vile smear as a premise, is you supporting her vile action.
Actions are different than words. Other that speaking words, what actions did she take that you claim I support. Personally I think racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic folks are not all completely deplorable....
HALF of the Dem base or the Hillary Supporters,.........
Well yeah actually every time he called her a criminal and led the crowd in the "Lock Her Up" chants, he was just as vilely criticizing every Hillary supporter for that support. He did it at every rally too.
Guys, post a quote from Trump where he vilified the Democrat voters.

We have the quotes from the left. Obama, Hillary, Biden….they all did it…but not Trump.

You cultists are such brainwashed liars.
You mean the "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it" Trump supporters she called out at a that LGBT Gala fund raiser?

The Neo-GOP Groo,,,,um Conditioners, expertly conflated that in the minds of the flock to be synonymous with the entire Republican base didn't they?
NO retard....can you even try to comprehend what was written, AND NOT what you want it to say
try again w/out spewing your stupidity

Both Hillary and Biden have been proven correct in their assessment of the Republican Base

They proved it on Jan 6
proved what, shit stain? that you are a shit stain SCUM demonRAT that has no clue which way is up......
what about the May 29 insurrection--- RETARD

Had nothing to do with the Democratic Party, but nice try at diversion
so you deny that- kum-in-me harris- and the SCUM demonRATS bailed the criminals out?
you are nothing but a anti-AMERICA piece of shit

The Trump cult is quite possibly Satan's greatest invention. It's sending tens of millions of souls down into Hell.
The SCUM demonRAT cult is Satan's greatest invention. It's sending tens of millions of souls down into Hell...

All day every day. Broken brainwashed nasty people.
I don't want to live with them and allow them to manipulate the perfect government to oppress the conservative control of the government. What am I to do? I have been voting for Republicans, but the fight continues, and I am getting tired of the dumb shit.

Does the government work right?
Millions of those were anti-Clinton votes.

Which is fine, and does not change the fact that she defined half of the overall group as bad people, so bad that the rest of society should be opposed to them.

Actions are different than words. Other that speaking words, what actions did she take that you claim I support. Personally I think racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic folks are not all completely deplorable....

You can DO things with words. She smeared a large portion of the population and tried to mobilize much of hte rest of the population to fight against them, politically. That was very divisive and poisonous to our society.

Her attempt was largely successful. As we can see by the increasing division and strife in our society. (not that it is all her fault of course, but she was certainly part of it)

Well yeah actually every time he called her a criminal and led the crowd in the "Lock Her Up" chants, he was just as vilely criticizing every Hillary supporter for that support. He did it at every rally too.

No, he wasn't He was criticizing their action of supporter her, in a way that suggested they were wrong to do so. There was no hint that the Dem base as a whole were bad people or a threat to society that the rest of society had to fear and fight against.

Your insistance of being willfully blind to the point of this thread, so that you can... avoid responding to it honestly, is very much the opposition of contributing to the discussion.

Indeed to the point that you are filling the pages with this... useless confusion, you are derailing the thread.

Get over it. Grasp the point and start addressing it, before we get thread banned for our useless back and forth.

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