Has Trump gone crazy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Has Trump Gone Crazy?
The same media that fanned the flames of hysterical anti-Trump craziness for a year.

Craziness that led to riots, shootings, and mass Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Is now saying Trump’s crazy.

Oh, the irony.


LMAO, there aren't any words to such stupidity. Does the left ever stop making themselves look any dumber than they already are.
....yes...he's crazy like a fox. Outsmarted the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the deep state, the crooked corrupt shameless media, and entrenched swamp-dwelling DC political class.
....yes...he's crazy like a fox. Outsmarted the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the deep state, the crooked corrupt shameless media, and entrenched swamp-dwelling DC political class.

He didn't outsmart anybody. He cheated and lied, and a glitch in the electoral college won his election.
....yes...he's crazy like a fox. Outsmarted the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the deep state, the crooked corrupt shameless media, and entrenched swamp-dwelling DC political class.

He didn't outsmart anybody. He cheated and lied, and a glitch in the electoral college won his election.

What glitch? Lot of democrats stayed home because they didn't like Hillary?
Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater had his mental state questioned during the 60s election where after he lost, he sued a magazine who printed that story, and he won. A law was created with his name fused to it for all time to stop this from ever happening again.
Yale Professor Back Pedals On Her Diagnosis Of Trump's Mental State ⋆ WayneDupree.com

Naw she probably saw the legal law suites swirling around and doesn't want to get caught up in the bs lies these pos bastards have spewed out on Trump.

And you pathetic liberal bastards that believ this mental bs, your are fkn stupid as they are.

YOUR SHIT IS FAKE news the sooner you all figure that out the sooner you might stop making yourselves look like jackasses lol.
....yes...he's crazy like a fox. Outsmarted the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the deep state, the crooked corrupt shameless media, and entrenched swamp-dwelling DC political class.

He didn't outsmart anybody. He cheated and lied, and a glitch in the electoral college won his election.
. He cheated and lied ? Then he's even smarter than we thought, because he beat the left using their own tactics against them ? LOL.
....yes...he's crazy like a fox. Outsmarted the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the deep state, the crooked corrupt shameless media, and entrenched swamp-dwelling DC political class.

He didn't outsmart anybody. He cheated and lied, and a glitch in the electoral college won his election.
He beat a cheating crooked candidate who spent 1.5 billion more than him, and colluded not only with the media but also with the Russians.

As far as glitches, excuses are like arseholes, and here's that lying piece of shit Obama shattering what you just said:

The fact is that Trump has some serious mental issues. He seems to have the mind of a child. The only people that refuse to recognize that are delusional Trump sycophants that may have issues of their own.
The fact is that Trump has some serious mental issues. He seems to have the mind of a child. The only people that refuse to recognize that are delusional Trump sycophants that may have issues of their own.

Sad too. Seems that is supporters take any comments about his deficiencies as a personal insult. The same devotion that Manson enjoyed.
Democrats will whine about this for a while. Then they will take a laxative and move on to something else.
he is bat shit crazy, and has been for years.....imo...... reminds me of my mother, who is suffering from dementia and delusions... and acts like/behaves like a spoiled child now... it's not her fault though....her wiring has gone haywire.....I suppose I should give Trump the same benefit of the doubt....
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) unveiled legislation that would require presidential candidates to have a medical exam and publicly disclose the results before a general election.
Dems Unveil ‘Stable Genius Act’ To Evaluate Trump’s Mental Health


Democratic sheep can never accept playing a fair game be it they are the cultic sheep following or the political retards running themselves. Globalist are screwing you losers and you can't see it since they train you brain dead's into thinking real information is fake , and the fake information is true. They've got you right where they want you lmfao.
This is going to be an excellent plan especially when it is used against the stupid fkrs. They are probably to stupid to even realize that point of it.
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) unveiled legislation that would require presidential candidates to have a medical exam and publicly disclose the results before a general election.
Dems Unveil ‘Stable Genius Act’ To Evaluate Trump’s Mental Health


Democratic sheep can never accept playing a fair game be it they are the cultic sheep following or the political retards running themselves. Globalist are screwing you losers and you can't see it since they train you brain dead's into thinking real information is fake , and the fake information is true. They've got you right where they want you lmfao.

We can file that right in there with the candidates being required to show direct legal proof they are natural born citizens as well before they even get on the roster.

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