Has Trump kept more campaign promises than Obama?

Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.
Way too early to gloat. Signing pieces of paper does not create jobs, solve immigration problems,lower the deficit.
I bet Trump will be impeached or resign before he has a chance to finish any of his half baked ideas.
Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.

Not unless he's decided he's KING. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it congress that hold the purse strings in this country, and they would have to approve & appropriate money for the WALL first? I also think they would have to get involved in the decision of cough cough making "sanctuary cities", deciding which ones are "sanctuary" and which ones aren't first before they could make them pay for it--LOL

Furthermore, right now you have Coyotes planning for the TUNNELS. And they are great at tunnels, in fact they're experts at building tunnels. If Trump would have listened to anyone that lived along the border, which he didn't, the last thing he would be doing is wasting BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars on a wall that will immediately be compromised, (if it hasn't been already.)

So go fish--this is just another one of the Comrade Trump's entertainment programs for those weak minded supporters of his.


Civics 101

Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.

Not unless he's decided he's KING. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it congress that hold the purse strings in this country, and they would have to approve & appropriate money for the WALL first? I also think they would have to get involved in the decision of cough cough making "sanctuary cities", deciding which ones are "sanctuary" and which ones aren't first before they could make them pay for it--LOL

Furthermore, right now you have Coyotes planning for the TUNNELS. And they are great at tunnels, in fact they're experts at building tunnels. If Trump would have listened to anyone that lived along the border, which he didn't, the last thing he would be doing is wasting BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars on a wall that will immediately be compromised, (if it hasn't been already.)

So go fish--this is just another one of the Comrade Trump's entertainment programs for those weak minded supporters of his.


Civics 101
Congress approved and appropriated the money in 2006. You're late for dinner.
Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.

Not unless he's decided he's KING. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it congress that hold the purse strings in this country, and they would have to approve & appropriate money for the WALL first? I also think they would have to get involved in the decision of cough cough making "sanctuary cities", deciding which ones are "sanctuary" and which ones aren't first before they could make them pay for it--LOL

Furthermore, right now you have Coyotes planning for the TUNNELS. And they are great at tunnels, in fact they're experts at building tunnels. If Trump would have listened to anyone that lived along the border, which he didn't, the last thing he would be doing is wasting BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars on a wall that will immediately be compromised, (if it hasn't been already.)

So go fish--this is just another one of the Comrade Trump's entertainment programs for those weak minded supporters of his.


Civics 101
Congress approved and appropriated the money in 2006. You're late for dinner.

LINK to that claim. If they did it in 2006 then why didn't they build it? If the money is there, why did he put out a hit on "sanctuary cities" to pay for it.
Is the wall built?

Its on the way to save the muthafuckin day yeah.

I mean when it's built in will ruthlessly mock and torment all you douche bags saying it won't be built.....
It'll cost 10 billion and won't do a damn thing, dupe. Only an unfakable SS ID card will.

It will, lots of people build walls for a reason.
Not a fan of a fed id card, a.drivers.license and or.passport is sufficient.
Is the wall built?

Its on the way to save the muthafuckin day yeah.

I mean when it's built in will ruthlessly mock and torment all you douche bags saying it won't be built.....

1. You have to have a complete survey.
2. You have to have plans, designs & specifications.
2. It goes out for bids to determine the cost of a ONE THOUSAND MILE WALL based on the specifications.
3. You have to bring it to congress for approval. The Congress either approves it or denies it. If it is approved by the congress, then it goes to the Senate to approve or deny, and then and only then will the President sign off on it.

It's going to take 4 years to do the survey, design it, with complete specifications. By then Democrats will OWN congress, and he's not going to get the FUCKING WALL.

I am not so certain that congress would appropriate money for the design and specifications of a thousand mile wall, which would cost in the millions.

This is just a bullshit executive order to thrill his brainless supporters with GLEE.


There has never been a wall or fence yet that can keep an illegal out of this country.
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Is the wall built?

Its on the way to save the muthafuckin day yeah.

I mean when it's built in will ruthlessly mock and torment all you douche bags saying it won't be built.....
It'll cost 10 billion and won't do a damn thing, dupe. Only an unfakable SS ID card will.

It will, lots of people build walls for a reason.
Not a fan of a fed id card, a.drivers.license and or.passport is sufficient.
They fake the SS card and get a licence....Or fake the license. The GOP and the dupes can keep this BS up forever...
Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.

Not unless he's decided he's KING. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it congress that hold the purse strings in this country, and they would have to approve & appropriate money for the WALL first? I also think they would have to get involved in the decision of cough cough making "sanctuary cities", deciding which ones are "sanctuary" and which ones aren't first before they could make them pay for it--LOL

Furthermore, right now you have Coyotes planning for the TUNNELS. And they are great at tunnels, in fact they're experts at building tunnels. If Trump would have listened to anyone that lived along the border, which he didn't, the last thing he would be doing is wasting BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars on a wall that will immediately be compromised, (if it hasn't been already.)

So go fish--this is just another one of the Comrade Trump's entertainment programs for those weak minded supporters of his.


Civics 101
Congress approved and appropriated the money in 2006. You're late for dinner.

LINK to that claim. If they did it in 2006 then why didn't they build it? If the money is there, why did he put out a hit on "sanctuary cities" to pay for it.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia
Word is he has. ILMAO @ 5 days in office.

Not unless he's decided he's KING. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it congress that hold the purse strings in this country, and they would have to approve & appropriate money for the WALL first? I also think they would have to get involved in the decision of cough cough making "sanctuary cities", deciding which ones are "sanctuary" and which ones aren't first before they could make them pay for it--LOL

Furthermore, right now you have Coyotes planning for the TUNNELS. And they are great at tunnels, in fact they're experts at building tunnels. If Trump would have listened to anyone that lived along the border, which he didn't, the last thing he would be doing is wasting BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars on a wall that will immediately be compromised, (if it hasn't been already.)

So go fish--this is just another one of the Comrade Trump's entertainment programs for those weak minded supporters of his.


Civics 101
Congress approved and appropriated the money in 2006. You're late for dinner.

LINK to that claim. If they did it in 2006 then why didn't they build it? If the money is there, why did he put out a hit on "sanctuary cities" to pay for it.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

Thank you for the link, but apparently you didn't actually read it in it's entirety.

Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence

Opponents of the bill argue that it is not an effective strategy to curb illegal immigration because the fence is not a continuous barrier and can be climbed over or dug under in some areas. They also argue that it could harm US-Mexico relations, disrupt the environment and natural migration of wildlife, as well as increase the danger and risk of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border. Further, opponents argue that because of the increased risk of crossing the border, illegal immigrants who previously pursued seasonal work and then returned home may have to bring their families and live permanently in the country.[2]

Do you know why illegal immigration has increased over the last year? Two words. DONALD TRUMP.

So basically what you're stating, is that in 2006 1.2 billion dollars was appropriated to build a 700 mile "fence."

You can color that 1.2 billion gone. Your article also states that they intended on using more camera's,
surveillance, etc. which they have been doing. We are now using Predator drones to patrol the border, and we weren't doing that in 2006, so I imagine this is where that 1.2 billion went.

This is not a fence, this is a 1000 mile WALL that has to be surveyed with perk tests, designed and built. We have absolutely NO IDEA the cost of it. And congress will NOT appropriate money without knowing what the cost will be.

I have been down to El Paso Texas frequently, and they have holes in the fences that trucks drive through. They don't work, they have never worked, and no WALL no matter how high is going to keep illegals out of this country. It's a total waste of taxpayer dollars which is why they decided AGAINST a 700 mile fence in 2006. They will decide the same when the WALL is brought in front of them

We have the technology to keep our borders safe, if we would just use it. More border stations, sensors that detect movement, etc. Anything that an illegal can SEE--they can & will COMPROMISE.

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