Has your opinion or support of Trump changed much after phony indictment?

Has your opinion or support of Trump changed much after phony indictment?

  • Y

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • most Americans like TRUMP just the same or better

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dims need to remember: "If you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven..."

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I admit, I had several options that were very good, didn't know which to choose :45:

But you know, you can't help thinking about Jesus's words:

"If you don't forgive, you will not be forgiven, for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you [on Judgment Day (I'm sure that's the day he was referring to)]
I can forgive. It's the forgetting that can't be done where I am concerned, especially if there is absolutely no change in the person that I am forgiving.

God bless you always!!!

How so, cupcake?

Did he tell a fish story bigger and better than your'uns?
Nah, just a matter of character, and fealty to the constitution. He has nothing but bad character and money from questionable dealing, and no fealty to the constitution, period if it conflicts with person desire for power.
you know what the Gutter Media has fabricated and then told you. I wish you guys would wise up to the fact you're being manipulated. :disbelief:
propagandized (another word for it)


Iguess they can't think for themselves so they love when CNN tells them what to think
Nah, just a matter of character, and fealty to the constitution. He has nothing but bad character and money from questionable dealing, and no fealty to the constitution, period if it conflicts with person desire for power.
oh look, the creeps with no morals are screaming about a lack of character

sheez... unbelievable
Who are you speaking to? I never said that. I voted for one of the house prosecution lawyers and knowing the guy, did again, though he lost and decided to wash his hands of Washington and be a successful lawyer and business man here in West Tennessee. I was a Fred Thompson supporter, a prosecutor in the Senate Clinton impeachment trial and still had my unqualified support, even supporting his presidential primary, until he dropped out the month before Super Tuesday. You have never heard me say Bill had good morals and he shouldn't have been fking Monica in the Oval office or anywhere else, and yes getting blowjobs was having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski, in my book. So try something else other than Bill shaming, as it won't work.
I don't favor abortion across the board, but I don't set myself up to say all women are always wrong, and it is never the best answer, just because some whoring bimbos do seem to use it as their favored birth control. It will never be stopped and no women of wealth will ever be forced to have a baby, just because of mostly angry old white men, beating their chest. They have gone too far, in my opinion. But, I'll tell ya what. I will continue my record as an aging white guy, having never had an abortion and promise to never one in the future. If that's not good enough, fuck off.
you really, really need Jesus

(ascertained 3 sentences in, which is all I read bc I don't read trash)

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