Hassan guilty

Capital punishment by the United States military - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sentencing and execution[edit source | editbeta]

Capital cases are tried in courts-martial before a panel of at least twelve military members. If the defendant is an enlisted servicemember, they may opt for at least one third of the panel to also be of enlisted rank. All members of the panel must outrank the accused. The defendant cannot plead guilty to the charges. The panel must be unanimous in conviction, that the government has proven necessary aggravating factors, that the aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating factors, and that death is the only sentence applicable. All death sentences are automatically appealed first to the Court of Criminal Appeals for the military service concerned, then to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The sentence must be personally confirmed by the President of the United States.
Military executions would be conducted under regulations issued on January 17, 2006, and would ordinarily take place at the Special Housing Unit of the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, although alternative locations are possible (such as the Federal Correctional Complex, Terre Haute, where federal civilian death row inmates are housed and executed). Of five convicted servicemen awaiting execution, four are confined at the Special Housing Unit and one at Camp Lejeune, all of whom have been convicted of premeditated murder or felony murder.
Until 1961, the last military execution to date, hanging was the sole and official method. Later, the military introduced the electric chair, which was never used.[5] Currently, lethal injection is the sole method.[2]
Not surprising since he represented himself. Said he did it. and failed to put up a defense.
"Hey, Mahmoud, we need to rustle up seventy two virgins, Hasan's on his way."

Dollars to donuts, Barry pardons Nadal, along with the kids that killed the Australian, except for the white one, and the two that killed the WWII Vet. The legal appeals raised by the anal fornicators, muff divers and the carpet munchers will take at least as long the end of Barry's term to work their way through the system..........unless the Pubbies take the Senate in 2014, then all bets of a pardon are off. David Axelrod won't be happy about what happens then.
They did say the death penalty was on the table hopefully so will Hassan.

a link
No Cookies | Herald Sun

dp sounds appropriate. is Leavenworth the highest level of maximum security for the military? i thought there were others--cannot recall. that would work, too.


<The USDB houses the U.S. military's male death row inmates. Since 1945, there have been 21 executions at the USDB, including fourteen German prisoners of war executed in 1945 for murder.[13] The last execution by the U.S. Military was the hanging of Army PFC John A. Bennett, on April 13, 1961, for the rape and attempted murder of an 11-year-old Austrian girl.[14] Bennett's execution took place four years after it was approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. All executions at the USDB thus far have been by hanging, but lethal injection has been specified as the military's current mode of execution. As of June 2013, there are five inmates on death row at the USDB, the most recent addition being Timothy Hennis in 2010. Andrew P. Witt is currently the only Air Force member on the USDB death row.[15]>
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Unless they are going to torture him and make his death long and miserable, I'd be happy with him being left in solitary confinement for the rest of his life with no television, books, or anything. Just give him a wall to look at 24/7.
I hope they put him in with the general population.
Hope he gets the firing squad. Even thats to good for that son of a bitch.

Firing squads are for soldiers, war criminals get hung, and Hasan is a criminal, purely and simply.

Douglas MacArthur captured Japanese General Yamashita in the Phillipines before WWII had ended in the Pacific. Yamashita was responsible for the wanton slaughter of some 100,000 British prisoners after they surrendered at Singapore, February, 1942. MacArthur knew what was in store for the German War Criminals in Europe, formal trials and executions. MacArthur wanted none of those formalities for the man known as the "Butcher of Malaya" so he hurriedly had Yamashita tried and condemned to death by hanging before the Japanese had surrendered. Yamashita's wife publicly begged MacArthur to allow her husband to die a soldier's death by being shot by a firing squad rather than being hung like a criminal. MacArthur refused.

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Not surprising since he represented himself. Said he did it. and failed to put up a defense.

How could he defend what he did? The last leftist lawyer insane enough was William Kunstler. Eric Holder would probably have loved to defend him for that matter, but that might look bad.
News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

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