Hassan guilty

News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.
Hope he gets the firing squad. Even thats to good for that son of a bitch.

Problem I have with that, is he WANTS to die.

I would be ok with him being eaten alive by wild hogs though.

my only question is how much do the jihadists really care about him.

will we then need to go to the highest level of homeland security?

if so, not worth the effort.

certain this has been a consideration since the beginning.
Death's too good for him.

Superglue a blonde wig to his head and send him to the Federal Pen for life without perole. See if he's ready for 72 virgins after he gets butt-fucked by 72 convicts.

Problem is he's paralysed. He wouldn't feel the fucking.

I like the hog feed idea.
"Hey, Mahmoud, we need to rustle up seventy two virgins, Hasan's on his way."

Dollars to donuts, Barry pardons Nadal, along with the kids that killed the Australian, except for the white one, and the two that killed the WWII Vet. The legal appeals raised by the anal fornicators, muff divers and the carpet munchers will take at least as long the end of Barry's term to work their way through the system..........unless the Pubbies take the Senate in 2014, then all bets of a pardon are off. David Axelrod won't be happy about what happens then.

How much will you be willing to BET in that regard? How about $100,000?
Guilty! Thirteen counts. The pigskin with Hasan wrapped like a hot dog inside would definitely be a nice touch.

"Blackjack" Pershing allegedly pulled off something similar to that during the Phillipine Insurrection of 1903. He allegedly took a group of fifty prisoners to a deserted location, had them dig a large pit, then proceeded to execute all but two of the prisoners. He then had two pigs they had brought along with them slaughtered and the pigs blood spread over the fresh corpses. He then let the two surviving prisoners go. The revolt ended two weeks later. But that was when the United States knew how to conduct a war with the intent on winning. With Comrade Barry in charge today, not so much.
News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.

that is true with any politician in any party.
Hope he gets the firing squad. Even thats to good for that son of a bitch.

Firing squads are for soldiers, war criminals get hung, and Hasan is a criminal, purely and simply.

Douglas MacArthur captured Japanese General Yamashita in the Phillipines before WWII had ended in the Pacific. Yamashita was responsible for the wanton slaughter of some 100,000 British prisoners after they surrendered at Singapore, February, 1942. MacArthur knew what was in store for the German War Criminals in Europe, formal trials and executions. MacArthur wanted none of those formalities for the man known as the "Butcher of Malaya" so he hurriedly had Yamashita tried and condemned to death by hanging before the Japanese had surrendered. Yamashita's wife publicly begged MacArthur to allow her husband to die a soldier's death by being shot by a firing squad rather than being hung like a criminal. MacArthur refused.

british surrender at singapore - Bing Images

Waterboarding I believe was one of the things he was convicted of.
"Hey, Mahmoud, we need to rustle up seventy two virgins, Hasan's on his way."

Dollars to donuts, Barry pardons Nadal, along with the kids that killed the Australian, except for the white one, and the two that killed the WWII Vet. The legal appeals raised by the anal fornicators, muff divers and the carpet munchers will take at least as long the end of Barry's term to work their way through the system..........unless the Pubbies take the Senate in 2014, then all bets of a pardon are off. David Axelrod won't be happy about what happens then.

You should get checked for a brain injury.
Guilty! Thirteen counts. The pigskin with Hasan wrapped like a hot dog inside would definitely be a nice touch.

"Blackjack" Pershing allegedly pulled off something similar to that during the Phillipine Insurrection of 1903. He allegedly took a group of fifty prisoners to a deserted location, had them dig a large pit, then proceeded to execute all but two of the prisoners. He then had two pigs they had brought along with them slaughtered and the pigs blood spread over the fresh corpses. He then let the two surviving prisoners go. The revolt ended two weeks later. But that was when the United States knew how to conduct a war with the intent on winning. With Comrade Barry in charge today, not so much.

Urban Legend.
"Hey, Mahmoud, we need to rustle up seventy two virgins, Hasan's on his way."

Dollars to donuts, Barry pardons Nadal, along with the kids that killed the Australian, except for the white one, and the two that killed the WWII Vet. The legal appeals raised by the anal fornicators, muff divers and the carpet munchers will take at least as long the end of Barry's term to work their way through the system..........unless the Pubbies take the Senate in 2014, then all bets of a pardon are off. David Axelrod won't be happy about what happens then.

You should get checked for a brain injury.

the Obama derangement syndrome is strong in this one.
Firing squad the next morning after sentencing! There would be plenty of volunteers.

Of course, the muslim Obama probably won't allow him to be executed.
News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.

Why would the President care about where popular support is? He isnt up for reelection again. He is completely unaccountable to the people.
death penalty, hopefully.

Only if he is then publicly wrapped in a pigskin and then buried, so he can't go to his 72 virgins.... And I want him to know that that is what is going to happen to him. Asshole..

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