Hassan guilty

I hope they put him in with the general population.

I would normally agree, but an article I had read recently on the Bradley Manning sentencing brought up a good point. Military prisons are generally safer than regular prisons, because the inmates are more disciplined. It's possible that since the victims were fellow soldiers he would go through hell, but a good possibility he would be unharmed.

I personally agree with an earlier poster that he should be confined to solitary for the rest of his life, with nothing but a wall to stare at. Talk about torture. I'd rather be killed or waterboarded.
Let me know when a forum member says Bales should have a crucifix shoved up his ass.

Has anyone suggested having an Islamic symbol shoved up Hasan's? (Is there an Islamic symbol one could even do that with?)

I guess you haven't been reading the topic.

Kill him at dawn tomorrow...wrap him in pigskin....bury him face down.

Hope he gets the firing squad. Even thats to good for that son of a bitch.

Problem I have with that, is he WANTS to die.

I would be ok with him being eaten alive by wild hogs though.
See if he's ready for 72 virgins after he gets butt-fucked by 72 convicts.

I like the hog feed idea.

Guilty! Thirteen counts. The pigskin with Hasan wrapped like a hot dog inside would definitely be a nice touch.

"Blackjack" Pershing allegedly pulled off something similar to that during the Phillipine Insurrection of 1903. He allegedly took a group of fifty prisoners to a deserted location, had them dig a large pit, then proceeded to execute all but two of the prisoners. He then had two pigs they had brought along with them slaughtered and the pigs blood spread over the fresh corpses. He then let the two surviving prisoners go. The revolt ended two weeks later. But that was when the United States knew how to conduct a war with the intent on winning. With Comrade Barry in charge today, not so much.

Firing squad the next morning after sentencing! There would be plenty of volunteers.

Of course, the muslim Obama probably won't allow him to be executed.

death penalty, hopefully.

Only if he is then publicly wrapped in a pigskin and then buried, so he can't go to his 72 virgins.... And I want him to know that that is what is going to happen to him. Asshole..

They should wrap him in pigskin before he is executed. Gotta make sure all the bases are covered. :thup:

Let me know when a forum member says Bales should have a crucifix shoved up his ass.
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The pigskin isn't an Islamic symbol.

an equivalent would be wrapping Bales in pages of pornography before being executed. That's assuming he is a Christian which I haven't heard at all.
Automatic appeal and the appellate portion of military justice is very much likely to overturn the conviction because he defended himself. I already posted the fact that the appellate division is a bunch of scared pussies.
Pigskin is the Islamic equivalent to a crucifix?? Who knew?? :dunno:

It's funny how quickly people can understand the suggestion to shove a crucifix up Bales' ass is offensive to Christians and not just Bales, and yet the same people fail to comprehend their bigoted anti-Muslim comments are offensive to Muslims and not just Hasan.

And I guarantee you right now at least one person reading this is hoping all Muslims ARE offended.
Hope he gets the firing squad. Even thats to good for that son of a bitch.

Firing squads are for soldiers, war criminals get hung, and Hasan is a criminal, purely and simply.

Douglas MacArthur captured Japanese General Yamashita in the Phillipines before WWII had ended in the Pacific. Yamashita was responsible for the wanton slaughter of some 100,000 British prisoners after they surrendered at Singapore, February, 1942. MacArthur knew what was in store for the German War Criminals in Europe, formal trials and executions. MacArthur wanted none of those formalities for the man known as the "Butcher of Malaya" so he hurriedly had Yamashita tried and condemned to death by hanging before the Japanese had surrendered. Yamashita's wife publicly begged MacArthur to allow her husband to die a soldier's death by being shot by a firing squad rather than being hung like a criminal. MacArthur refused.

british surrender at singapore - Bing Images

Of course you're right.

Perhaps a good old fashions neck tie party is more appropriate.
Pigskin is the Islamic equivalent to a crucifix?? Who knew?? :dunno:

It's funny how quickly people can understand the suggestion to shove a crucifix up Bales' ass is offensive to Christians and not just Bales, and yet the same people fail to comprehend their bigoted anti-Muslim comments are offensive to Muslims and not just Hasan.

And I guarantee you right now at least one person reading this is hoping all Muslims ARE offended.

You know something? If it guarantees he goes to Hell, I have absolutely no problem with cramming a crucifix up Bales' ass. In fact, go ahead and shove a whole crate of them up there if it insures he gets eternal damnation. :thup:
Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

That is pure unadulterated horseshit. There is a small minority on here who are intolerant FROM BOTH SIDES. Your claim is without merit.
Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.
That is pure unadulterated horseshit. There is a small minority on here who are intolerant FROM BOTH SIDES. Your claim is without merit.

Speaking only for myself, but without a doubt that others would agree--no tolerance for radicals/terrorists. Not thinly veiled at all.

I wouldn't be able to identify a single poster and match his/her beliefs--fairly certain that if an administrator of the board suspected someone of truly evil and possibly deranged beliefs they would ban the poster--would they then contact the FBI? That I do not know.

I get that people are 'beyond anger' over many things.

The truth is--for any reason whatsoever anyone who wanted to do so could place a bomb in my yard, anywhere in the neighborhood and chances are good that would be that. Or go on a killing spree at Ft Hood--if you are past the point of anger over issues like this--God Help You.
Just heard Nidal Hassan has been found guilty on all charges in the Fort Hood massacre can't find a link yet just heard this couple minutes ago.

Good. Now send him to Hell where he belongs.

And i don't want to hear the "But we'd make him a martyr if we gave him the death penalty", because in my mind, he'll just be another dead piece of shit terrorist who'd be nothing but a waste of resources if left alive.
If Hassan is given life in prison they need to throw him in the deepest, darkest, dankst hole they can find throw that hole in another hole then build a outhouse over it for those to young to know what a outhouse is google it.
death penalty, hopefully.
As supportive as I am of the DP, I have to disagree.

He wants to be a martyr. The DP is about punishment, not reward.

He's what, 42 years old?

Sentence him to 40 years in prison, no possibility of parole. When he's done, he won't be able to walk out of prison.

He'll be a failed jihadist.

THAT will punish him.
Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.
No, it's more like dismay and anger that a Soldier coldly and deliberately killed his fellow Soldiers.
Even if given a death penalty it has to go through a couple of approval processes before it ultimately ends up... on the President's desk.
No way in hell Obama will sign this guy's death warrant.
Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

...and a lot of it is not. My bigotry is against RADICAL MUSLIMS, one of which that particularly sorry-ass pig fucker is. He should be fed live and naked to a pen full of hungry hogs.

It is interesting that liberals tend to generalize and straw man any criticism of radical Muslims into unsubstantiated hatred of all Muslims. Interesting, but not unexpected.

Methinks you are in need of some lessons in logic.

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