Hassan guilty

News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.

Why would the President care about where popular support is? He isnt up for reelection again. He is completely unaccountable to the people.

Good point, but his "political capital" allows him to fund raise and campaign for other democrooks. If he could prevent another tea party sweep, or even get the house back, the last 2 years of his administration would be an apocalypse of moonbat legislation.
News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.

Why would the President care about where popular support is? He isnt up for reelection again. He is completely unaccountable to the people.
He has been unaccountable since he was born.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.
News says that the President, being the Commander in Chief...has to sign off on his execution..if they call for it. There has been no military execution since 1961.

Obozo cares nothing for any life beyond his own. If popular support calls for hassan's execution, obozo would sign off in a second.

Hell, if he though it would give him more political sway he'd shoot the fucker himself.

Why would the President care about where popular support is? He isnt up for reelection again. He is completely unaccountable to the people.

a figurehead? we are close to having a Royal Family--I sometimes think.
Go ahead and search on the topics about Bales on this forum. Lots and lots of posts intended to divert away from his crimes. Almost no condemnation or bile over what he did.

It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Hasan wanted to plead guilty and was not allowed to.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Robert Bales Apologies for Massacre, Calls It 'Cowardice' - ABC News

seems like apples and oranges to me but then there was 911 and I really thought something needed to be done.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.
I've thought long and hard about what should happen to Hasan.

Death is too good for him! It would end his miserable life of being confined to a wheelchair and having to have someone else do the things he no longer can. He'd be denied the Nirvanah he so desperately wants, the x number of virgins just beyond his reach.

He would also have to face the knowledge that he failed to do what he wanted - to die a martyr.
Let me know when a forum member says Bales should have a crucifix shoved up his ass.
It is interesting the differences we see in the reactions toward Hasan and the reactions toward Bales.

Right now, some people are going, "Who is Bales?"

It is interesting how much outrage we heard about Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial, but nothing but crickets regarding Bales in that regard.

It is interesting all the different ways people would like to see Hasan executed, and yet no one is working up any froth over Bales.

I guess you're cool if you slaughtered a bunch of innocent Muslims and literally stomped on their babies' heads.

Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Hasan wanted to plead guilty and was not allowed to.

I hadn't heard that. That seems like an absurd waste of government resources. But since when has the government cared about that?
Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

You are an absolute, ignorant jerk, as bigoted as they come. He KILLED his fellow soldiers and wounded many more all in the name of that BS "religion" of hate and bigotry. You can't see that due to your own blind bigotry.

Live with it. Your precious child-molestor prophet and his followers WILL NOT win their war of hatred.:mad:
Bales at least had the wisdom to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. Small consolation to those who he killed though.

Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

I dont know that it's thinly masked bigotry towards muslims than more one committed these atrocities against our nation and the other against people of another. I think it's more angst against terrorists attacking America, but there could be some bigotry to Muslims in general.
"Hey, Mahmoud, we need to rustle up seventy two virgins, Hasan's on his way."

How much will you be willing to BET in that regard? How about $100,000?

The team that was tracking the ringleaders of the group that killed Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glenn Doherty have been pulled out of Libya.

When Valerie Jarrett went up to the Lincoln bedroom where Barack Obama and Reggie love were spending the night, 9/11/2012, to ask about issuing the cross border authorization, she heard the commotion going on inside and saw the sign on the doorknob "If this van is rockin', don't bother knockin" She turned around and informed the generals they couldn't have their cross border authorization.

C'mon, this is the same guy that hemmed and hawed so long over giving the Seals the order to shoot the pirates holding the captain of the Maersk Alabama hostage on a rowboat on the open sea, the Seals finally took matters into their own hands and shot the pirates without getting the order.

And how long did he dither about putting the surge the generals requested into place in Afghanistan? Months!

They tested the Atom bomb in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945. Hiroshima dissappeared on August 6th, 1945, twenty one days later. Nagasaki went the same way three days afterwards, the Japanese accepted the surrender terms six days later, officially signing the Articles of Surrender twenty three days after Nagasaki. From test to complete capitulation, fifty one days, but that was under a President who knew the buck stopped with him. This guy, well its always either George Bush's or the Republicans fault. Anybody but his. The same as its been the white man's fault they haven't worked their way fully into American society after 148 years. You can see that attitude on full display in a certain televison program "Iania Fix My Life!" God helps those who help themselves. Pick yourself up out of the gutter and fix it yourself. America wouldn't be here if we as a people hadn't. Its a cultural thing with Obama. We've gone from Ronald Reagans "Shining City On A Hill" to practically a third world nation in just five years under Barack Obama. If Barack Obama could get another term in office, after this one, we'd be in the desperate economic same straits as Haiti with its people scattering all over the Carribean looking for something, anything, better than it is back home.
Let me know when a forum member says Bales should have a crucifix shoved up his ass.

Has anyone suggested having an Islamic symbol shoved up Hasan's? (Is there an Islamic symbol one could even do that with?)
Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

You are an absolute, ignorant jerk, as bigoted as they come. He KILLED his fellow soldiers and wounded many more all in the name of that BS "religion" of hate and bigotry. You can't see that due to your own blind bigotry.

Live with it. Your precious child-molestor prophet and his followers WILL NOT win their war of hatred.:mad:

How hilarious you try to turn that around. :lol:

You also seem to assume I am a Muslim. I guess it is unfathomable to you that someone who is not a Muslim would defend Muslims against the naked bigotry toward them we see on this forum. :lol:

You just aren't very bright, are you.
Bales is a savage fuck, and deserves to die. This thread isn't about him though.

I brought up Bales as a contrast because a lot of the self-righteous bullshit we are seeing over Hasan is just thinly masked bigotry toward Muslims.

You are an absolute, ignorant jerk, as bigoted as they come. He KILLED his fellow soldiers and wounded many more all in the name of that BS "religion" of hate and bigotry. You can't see that due to your own blind bigotry.

Live with it. Your precious child-molestor prophet and his followers WILL NOT win their war of hatred.:mad:

The last line kind of proves the point he was making.

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