Hassan Nasrallah - The War Mongering Scumbag

Years ago a Mossad agent got close enough to Nasrallah to smear a tar like substance ( deadly poison) on his neck. Unfortunately Nasrallahs thugs took hold of the agent and would not release him without the antidote.

At that point Nasrallah had less than 24 hours before he would be dead. Rumor has it he was begging for his life. So much for that wish of martyrdom. Guess he leaves that one to his followers, eh?

Israelis decided their agents life was far more valuable than Nasrallahs ( who could disagree with that? ) so they exchanged the antidote for the Mossad agent and that is why this filth is still alive today.

True story.
Just another zionist feel good fable......... :cuckoo: :lol:

Some fables are nice, sunni----some are idioitc ------
did you hear the one about the pig who flew over
Jerusalem ----on a FLYING HORSE? Its called
"the flying pig-----the one who never lost an
opportunity to dig his snout into the dinner
plates of decent and clean people and to
defecate on their holy places"
The horse was horrified

:eusa_hand: Coffee just went through my nose and onto my computer screen. Missing the keyboard completely. Please give warning next time. Thanks, Rosie!
Years ago a Mossad agent got close enough to Nasrallah to smear a tar like substance ( deadly poison) on his neck. Unfortunately Nasrallahs thugs took hold of the agent and would not release him without the antidote.

At that point Nasrallah had less than 24 hours before he would be dead. Rumor has it he was begging for his life. So much for that wish of martyrdom. Guess he leaves that one to his followers, eh?

Israelis decided their agents life was far more valuable than Nasrallahs ( who could disagree with that? ) so they exchanged the antidote for the Mossad agent and that is why this filth is still alive today.

True story.
Just another zionist feel good fable......... :cuckoo: :lol:

Some fables are nice, sunni----some are idioitc ------
did you hear the one about the pig who flew over
Jerusalem ----on a FLYING HORSE? Its called
"the flying pig-----the one who never lost an
opportunity to dig his snout into the dinner
plates of decent and clean people and to
defecate on their holy places"
The horse was horrified

:eusa_hand: Coffee just went through my nose and onto computer screen. Missing the keyboard completely. Please give warning next time. Thanks, Rosie!
Years ago a Mossad agent got close enough to Nasrallah to smear a tar like substance ( deadly poison) on his neck. Unfortunately Nasrallahs thugs took hold of the agent and would not release him without the antidote.

At that point Nasrallah had less than 24 hours before he would be dead. Rumor has it he was begging for his life. So much for that wish of martyrdom. Guess he leaves that one to his followers, eh?

Israelis decided their agents life was far more valuable than Nasrallahs ( who could disagree with that? ) so they exchanged the antidote for the Mossad agent and that is why this filth is still alive today.

True story.
Just another zionist feel good fable......... :cuckoo: :lol:

Nope. It's a true story alright.
Rosie -

You are not far off with Southern Lebanon. It's a sad, desolate place. There is some agriculture, but not a great deal. It's a poor area, but always has been because of poor soil and very little water.

Whether Hezbollah have genuinely helped local people very much is hard to say, but certainly Beirut takes little notice of anything south of Tyre.

Lebanon does not have Pancasila. Pancasila exists in Indonesia, and only in Indonesia.

as our dear tinnie would say NICE DODGE, SAIGON------its not a "POOR AREA"---
it was -----based on its lack of both agriculture and industry-----an UNINHABITED
AREA-------until IRAN decided to use it as a fortress against Israel and
PAID PEOPLE OFF to live there------so now it is populated with-----welfare
recipients -----compliments of the NOBLE AYATOILETS OF IRAN ------who are
eager to sacrifice them on the HOLY ALTAR OF----THE HOLY CREED OF----

I am aware of the fact that PANCASILA was invented for Indonesia to accomodate
along with christians ---------a nice alternative name for it would be
Rosie -

It is a poor area, and keep in mind that I have been there and you have not. It's not uninhabited and never has been. There are a couple of small towns with 5,000 -10,000 people. I wouldn't call that uninhabited. And there is some agriculture - people keep goats, chickens etc.

It's just not easy to plant crops because the soil is rocky and there in so water.
Rosie -

It is a poor area, and keep in mind that I have been there and you have not. It's not uninhabited and never has been. There are a couple of small towns with 5,000 -10,000 people. I wouldn't call that uninhabited. And there is some agriculture - people keep goats, chickens etc.

It's just not easy to plant crops because the soil is rocky and there in so water.

Google Street View doesn't count. :lol:
Hassan Nasrallah - The War Mongering Scumbag

I like war mongering arab scumbags, they eventually get themselves killed. :clap2:
I fail to see what the big deal is??

Nasrallah is just publicly stating what everyone in the Middle East already knows about Israel. .. :cool:

Would you advocate Israel's destruction?
I personally have never called for the destruction of Israel.

But I would like to see the illegal zionist state of Israel peacefully dismantled and the land returned to the Palestinian people.

And of course the Jewish people would be allowed to live as citizens of the newly formed Palestinian state. .. :cool:

Sorry but that will never happen. Just one more reason why " Right of Return" will never happen. The Jews will eventually be the minority and that will never happen :cuckoo:
Would you advocate Israel's destruction?
I personally have never called for the destruction of Israel.

But I would like to see the illegal zionist state of Israel peacefully dismantled and the land returned to the Palestinian people.

And of course the Jewish people would be allowed to live as citizens of the newly formed Palestinian state. .. :cool:

Sorry but that will never happen. Just one more reason why " Right of Return" will never happen. The Jews will eventually be the minority and that will never happen :cuckoo:

Sunni thinks that the Jews will actually live under sharia law. Buddy, camel jockeys should learn to share, give a fucking small piece of the land to the Jews and move on already.

PS There aren't any virgins in heaven, well, at least not arab ones, lol. I don't even think that there's any arab virgins past the age of 10, is there?
Would you advocate Israel's destruction?
Do you advocate Palestine's destruction?

Can't advocate the destruction of a " Palestinian State" that never


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks at a news conference in San Salvador October 9, 2011. REUTERS/Luis Galdamez

By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM | Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:43pm EDT

(Reuters) - Arabs made a "mistake" by rejecting a 1947 U.N. proposal that would have created a Palestinian state alongside the nascent Israel, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview aired on Friday.

Palestinian leaders have always insisted that General Assembly Resolution 181, which paved the way for Jewish statehood in parts of then British-ruled Palestine, must be resisted by Arabs who went to war over it.

Decades of regional fighting have hinged on challenges to Israel's existence and expansion. By describing historical fault on the Arab side, Abbas appeared to be offering Israel an olive branch while promoting his own bid to sidestep stalled peace talks by winning U.N. recognition for a sovereign Palestine.

"At that time, 1947, there was Resolution 181, the partition plan, Palestine and Israel. Israel existed. Palestine diminished. Why?" he told Israel's top-rated Channel Two television, speaking in English.
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I personally have never called for the destruction of Israel.

But I would like to see the illegal zionist state of Israel peacefully dismantled and the land returned to the Palestinian people.

And of course the Jewish people would be allowed to live as citizens of the newly formed Palestinian state. .. :cool:

Sorry but that will never happen. Just one more reason why " Right of Return" will never happen. The Jews will eventually be the minority and that will never happen :cuckoo:

Sunni thinks that the Jews will actually live under sharia law. Buddy, camel jockeys should learn to share, give a fucking small piece of the land to the Jews and move on already.

PS There aren't any virgins in heaven, well, at least not arab ones, lol. I don't even think that there's any arab virgins past the age of 10, is there?

" Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt before 1967. A " Palestinian State" didn't exist before 1948 either. He should try to take a History Lesson .

Muslim Brotherhood & Adolf Hitler

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCTVfob91t4&list=PL0877FD9B8BE484CE&index=10]Palestinian Mistakes - YouTube[/ame]
Poor sunni------he harbors the caliphate delusion-----
no one should be surprised-----it is a very prevalent
sickness --------it includes harems and magic carpets.
Why does the issue of Israel and Arab land consume them every waken hour of their lives.

Arabs can't deny that Israel is a country with roots in the area dating back thousands of years.

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