hate is never a thing of the past nor is it ever impotent


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
the recent killing of 3 jews for being jews...by a former kkk person...sure he is deranged....sure he is just an old bastard who went nuts but there are many many more out there....psychos waiting to go off...i have seen people post that the kkk is dead or dying or gone....funny that...i was in greensboro nc when the klan opened fire...i was not anywhere near the event but i just remember it as being terrifying....a known hate group had just opened fire on black and white demonstrators

yes it was in the late 70s and everyone thinks we have moved beyond this type of violence but have we?

in the light of the one year anniversary of boston strong...should be not be america strong....and that doesnt mean for 'real' 'true' americans that means for all americans...
regardless for race or religion....it is easy to let this bs get outta hand..hell jews are easy to hate...people like to hate jews....amazingly enough....but can we turn our backs on the growing hate in america? how far are you willing to let it go? would you favor rounding any religion ie muslims up and putting them in camps like we did the japanese in ww2? would we do that again?
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Colin Ferguson and the Long Island Railroad Massacre

somehow i knew it was not the canadian actor you were talking about....

we cannot list every hate crime but we can recognize one when we see it...now cant we?
i think the christian/newsom murders show that the media is not gonna give coverage to black on white hate crimes...that crime would be forgotten if now for aryan boards....i will give them their due there...they brought the story up and kept it up...and exposed the press for not giving it any attention...

snopes.com: Murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian
Aren't we there already? Americans like to scapegoat because they are impotent and an elite ruling class doesn't mind because it's a great deflection. They don't have the balls to address the actual perpetrators so they pick those with the least amount of power. You have a public that is more than willing to round up people and put them in concentration camps because um.......freedom.

In Defense of Internment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The KKK is alive and kicking but under different names because KKK drums up horrid pictures of the past and they don't want to be associated with that. Their hatred is better and justified. [/sarcasm]

White nationalists are insane from the get go. It is especially ludicrous in places like Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas and Florida. AS IF these areas started out white to begin with. Secondly, the idiots are upset because they perceive anyone that doesn't acclimate themselves to those good old American values like Wal-Mart, McDonalds and trailer parks is an outsider. Exactly the same as it was when people immigrated from Europe--you were never white enough and never Christian enough.

There is always this idealistic vision that if these people were educated then they would change. It's 2014 and they don't need to be educated. They need a 2 x 4 upside the head.
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There seems to be a type of person that needs to hate. To have someone to look down on, in order to justify their own inadaquecies. First, they de-humanize that portion of humanity, that makes it OK to do whatever they think needs done. From forcing them to work for sub-standard wages, to detonating a truckload of explosives in front of a building with a daycare facility right where the truck went off.

They will rush off to threaton or do violence, and then tell endless lies about why they did. And, left unchecked, this can infect a whole nation. We saw that in Germany in the last century.
Colin Ferguson and the Long Island Railroad Massacre

somehow i knew it was not the canadian actor you were talking about....

we cannot list every hate crime but we can recognize one when we see it...now cant we?
i think the christian/newsom murders show that the media is not gonna give coverage to black on white hate crimes...that crime would be forgotten if now for aryan boards....i will give them their due there...they brought the story up and kept it up...and exposed the press for not giving it any attention...

snopes.com: Murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian

Pretty sad state of affairs that unless you cruise so-called 'hate sites' you would never hear of most of the vile racist black on white crime across the nation, and the world for that matter.

I had no idea how bad it was until I started helping my son research crime statistics for a term paper about ten years ago. All the information was out there, but it required tapping 'dubious sources' in order to find it. It's intentional, BTW, that the info only comes out through channels that are routinely scorned by 99% of media. Marginalize the source so the information is tainted from the start.

The Christian/Newsom story is as vile as any white on black crime of the past.
There seems to be a type of person that needs to hate. To have someone to look down on, in order to justify their own inadaquecies. First, they de-humanize that portion of humanity, that makes it OK to do whatever they think needs done. From forcing them to work for sub-standard wages, to detonating a truckload of explosives in front of a building with a daycare facility right where the truck went off.

They will rush off to threaton or do violence, and then tell endless lies about why they did. And, left unchecked, this can infect a whole nation. We saw that in Germany in the last century.

I agree. I believe Hatred is the root cause of mental illness. They lie on their beds at night plotting evil while normal people sleep. They rejoice in the suffering of others and wait until their victims are at their weakest - to strike. Then they revisit the scene of the crime to watch the outcome of their work. It's the mentality of a snake.
i am just baffled by it all....hate is a hard core emotions that would should save for those who truly deserve and earn it.....the color of your skin, the god/goddess you worship should not cause you to be hated....plus any time there is a true shift in power there is the wish for vengeance...the civil wars caused by religion in africa see saw back and forth....as the world watches with apathy....

here is what i ponder..what is going to happen when christians are no longer the majority? how will other beliefs treat them...etc and so forth
Oh jeeze, you know you just opened that door for the persecution complex...

They will be treated like people. They will finely comprehend the Establishment clause though.
true christianity is already the minority, Strollingbones. There is nothing that is going to take us by surprise or shake us up concerning world opinion. It's mind over matter. For the christian. If you don't mind? It don't matter! lol.. ( very simple concept )
There seems to be a type of person that needs to hate. To have someone to look down on, in order to justify their own inadaquecies. First, they de-humanize that portion of humanity, that makes it OK to do whatever they think needs done. From forcing them to work for sub-standard wages, to detonating a truckload of explosives in front of a building with a daycare facility right where the truck went off.

They will rush off to threaton or do violence, and then tell endless lies about why they did. And, left unchecked, this can infect a whole nation. We saw that in Germany in the last century.

I agree. I believe Hatred is the root cause of mental illness. They lie on their beds at night plotting evil while normal people sleep. They rejoice in the suffering of others and wait until their victims are at their weakest - to strike. Then they revisit the scene of the crime to watch the outcome of their work. It's the mentality of a snake.

There is a book entitled Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz. It offers a possible explanation even though it is fiction.
Anti-Semite Al Sharpton's mob took out about a dozen Jews in Harlem. Jesse Jackson called NYC "hymie-town". The nut case KKK member once ran for office on the democrat ticket. A former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR wrote the modern version of separation of church/state. The dirty little secret is that the modern KKK is a democrat party club.
Anti-Semite Al Sharpton's mob took out about a dozen Jews in Harlem. Jesse Jackson called NYC "hymie-town". The nut case KKK member once ran for office on the democrat ticket. A former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR wrote the modern version of separation of church/state. The dirty little secret is that the modern KKK is a democrat party club.


That was amusing. Hate doesn't confine itself to a political party. Every party has retarded racists, bigots, and xenophobes in it. The better questions are:

Where did hate originate from in history to get us to this point?

Is it wrong to hate those that hate you?
The mainstream media is ignoring it but there is ample evidence that a Media Matters editorial ranting about the Koch brothers caused the former democrat politician to snap and shoot three Jews. The radical left has been burning up the internet with incendiary rhetoric against the Koch brothers since the supreme court ruled that money is speech.

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