HateFacts for Fact Haters


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
I first encountered the word “hatefact” while drinking with someone—either “shock jock” Anthony Cumia at a grimy Midtown bar or VDARE’s erudite Peter Brimelow at the incurably snobby New York Athletic Club. These two characters are about as different as American men get, but they both ask a question a lot of Americans are asking: How did we get to the point where facts are offensive? This country started out with Thomas Jefferson saying, “There is not a truth existing which I fear…or would wish unknown to the whole world,” but today’s liberal-arts graduates have created an environment where anything that makes anyone uncomfortable is hate speech, even if it’s true—in many cases, especially if it’s true.

Here are 10 true statements that millions of Americans find offensive:

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This one feels blasphemous to even type. Who cares if blacks score worse than whites, who score worse than Asians? We’re talking about general patterns involving millions of people. I come from a long line of incredibly stupid drunks and I feel zero shame about it because I know they’re not me. We’re told the tests are culturally biased but that doesn’t explain why Asians all over the world repeatedly outscore the rest of us. I don’t care about that, either. I feel no envy for China. This data is treated like some kind of Raiders of the Lost Ark scroll that will melt your face if you look at it, but I don’t find it disturbing at all. As is made clear in the The Bell Curve, the curves have huge overlaps showing there are thousands of blacks smarter than whites and Asians, while plenty of stupid Asians are way dumber than most of us.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. 10 Hatefacts for Those Who Hate Facts - Taki's Magazine
Virtually every statement that has racial implications is seen as hate, even if it's true.

This one feels blasphemous to even type. Who cares if blacks score worse than whites, who score worse than Asians? We’re talking about general patterns involving millions of people. I come from a long line of incredibly stupid drunks and I feel zero shame about it because I know they’re not me. We’re told the tests are culturally biased but that doesn’t explain why Asians all over the world repeatedly outscore the rest of us. I don’t care about that, either. I feel no envy for China. This data is treated like some kind of Raiders of the Lost Ark scroll that will melt your face if you look at it, but I don’t find it disturbing at all. As is made clear in the The Bell Curve, the curves have huge overlaps showing there are thousands of blacks smarter than whites and Asians, while plenty of stupid Asians are way dumber than most of us.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. 10 Hatefacts for Those Who Hate Facts - Taki's Magazine

Facts are sometimes hard to swallow, but they are what they are. The simple fact that Education is a greater importance in the Asian culture than in the American culture and of greater importance in the white communities than the black communities as a whole.

Thousands break out of that mold, but the majority don't unless there is a concerted effort. Americans haven't proven to be so inclined.
I first encountered the word “hatefact” while drinking with someone—either “shock jock” Anthony Cumia at a grimy Midtown bar or VDARE’s erudite Peter Brimelow at the incurably snobby New York Athletic Club. These two characters are about as different as American men get, but they both ask a question a lot of Americans are asking: How did we get to the point where facts are offensive? This country started out with Thomas Jefferson saying, “There is not a truth existing which I fear…or would wish unknown to the whole world,” but today’s liberal-arts graduates have created an environment where anything that makes anyone uncomfortable is hate speech, even if it’s true—in many cases, especially if it’s true.

Here are 10 true statements that millions of Americans find offensive:

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. 10 Hatefacts for Those Who Hate Facts - Taki's Magazine

I try not to live in a constant state of being offended over words... like the other night, I was in a bar and a bunch of kids came in and played "Doos Dronk" by "Die Antwoord". The bartender hit skip and one of the kids, to his credit apologized for the offensive language and asked my if I was offended by the lyrics. I said "no, just the music, the lyrics didn't bother me at all."
All rock-solid, unassailable facts. All true, but then those shit-for-brains will swear up and down that they're not true... and they know this because to believe them would make you a "bigot". Liberals are bigoted idiots.
How did we get to the point where facts are offensive?

Crazy, yes, but in context: actual truths that are unflattering to those in power -- or the defenders of same -- will be expressed on pain of punishment.

Think of calling the queen ugly.

She might IN FACT be ugly.

But saying so... well, it just isn't done!

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