Have a great plan. You're going to wish you had thought of it first


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
Originally Posted by John Prewett: I very well understand why non-Christians consider it bizarre. However, Christians (at least those I deem fit to be labeled "Christian") understand why Jesus was crucified and thus can understand my reasoning. Everybody's body is going to die. I want the death of my body (and return a few days later) to be used by Jesus toward the salvation of souls. And confirmation of my life's work/activity.

Originally Posted by Elvira
What scripture supports that idea?

John Prewett reply: John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it"

I've asked Jesus to see to it that after a few days of empowerment (as per Isaiah 40:31) a hit squad (sent by minions of Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal) will in broad daylight in presence of a few witness come through my gate and after identifying me, without further adieu fire several rounds into my chest, then cut my head off and depart the scene ....

leaving my body and head at the scene. Then a few days later my Thai family and neighbors will take my body to the local Temple for cremation. When my family and some neighbors return to our home (scene of the killing) I will greet them, sitting in my swing.
Jesus will either fix my old body, or spring for a brand new body.

Won't they be surprised ? Naturally some will ask how I went from headless-dead to living ... and this will give me opportunity to proclaim Jesus to them.
Great plan ... eh ! Bet you wish you'd thought of it first ....
course God thought of it first .... you know, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus

There will be 2 different groups of empowered - Page 4 www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/
Sounds like a great plan, but instead of being shot and have my head cut off, I'd rather just have a pony.
Jesus said “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” John 14:14. So that got John Prewett to thinking. John came up with a plan.

Namely ask Jesus (which John has done) to see to it that after a few days of empowerment
(as per Isaiah 40:31) a Globalist hit squad will come to John’s home and shoot and behead John.

Then a few days later, when John’s Thai family return from cremating John’s body,

John will surprise them by, thanks to Jesus, being alive.

They will say “how/why are you alive?” I will simply tell the truth which will be “Jesus made it happen”

John revealed his plan to his thoughtful supportive friends in various forums.

John was surprised (sooooo surprised) that many of his forum friends opined such as “you’re crazy, that will never work” and the like.

Some said such as “you’re not Jesus, so how dare you think you could rise from the dead a few days after death of your body.”
Many of his wonderful internet sojourners seem disbelieving of

“… he who believes in Me will do the works that I do also.

And he will do greater works than these, because I am going to My Father. John 14:12

If Jesus will arrange the shooting and knows I’ll credit Jesus for the resurrection, then why wouldn’t Jesus do the resurrection ?
Originally Posted by John Prewett: I very well understand why non-Christians consider it bizarre. However, Christians (at least those I deem fit to be labeled "Christian") understand why Jesus was crucified and thus can understand my reasoning. Everybody's body is going to die. I want the death of my body (and return a few days later) to be used by Jesus toward the salvation of souls. And confirmation of my life's work/activity.

Originally Posted by Elvira
What scripture supports that idea?

John Prewett reply: John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it"

I've asked Jesus to see to it that after a few days of empowerment (as per Isaiah 40:31) a hit squad (sent by minions of Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal) will in broad daylight in presence of a few witness come through my gate and after identifying me, without further adieu fire several rounds into my chest, then cut my head off and depart the scene ....

leaving my body and head at the scene. Then a few days later my Thai family and neighbors will take my body to the local Temple for cremation. When my family and some neighbors return to our home (scene of the killing) I will greet them, sitting in my swing.
Jesus will either fix my old body, or spring for a brand new body.

Won't they be surprised ? Naturally some will ask how I went from headless-dead to living ... and this will give me opportunity to proclaim Jesus to them.
Great plan ... eh ! Bet you wish you'd thought of it first ....
course God thought of it first .... you know, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus

There will be 2 different groups of empowered - Page 4 www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/
Let me guess... you're a Brit.
Originally Posted by John Prewett: I very well understand why non-Christians consider it bizarre. However, Christians (at least those I deem fit to be labeled "Christian") understand why Jesus was crucified and thus can understand my reasoning. Everybody's body is going to die. I want the death of my body (and return a few days later) to be used by Jesus toward the salvation of souls. And confirmation of my life's work/activity.

Originally Posted by Elvira
What scripture supports that idea?

John Prewett reply: John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it"

I've asked Jesus to see to it that after a few days of empowerment (as per Isaiah 40:31) a hit squad (sent by minions of Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal) will in broad daylight in presence of a few witness come through my gate and after identifying me, without further adieu fire several rounds into my chest, then cut my head off and depart the scene ....

leaving my body and head at the scene. Then a few days later my Thai family and neighbors will take my body to the local Temple for cremation. When my family and some neighbors return to our home (scene of the killing) I will greet them, sitting in my swing.
Jesus will either fix my old body, or spring for a brand new body.

Won't they be surprised ? Naturally some will ask how I went from headless-dead to living ... and this will give me opportunity to proclaim Jesus to them.
Great plan ... eh ! Bet you wish you'd thought of it first ....
course God thought of it first .... you know, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus

There will be 2 different groups of empowered - Page 4 www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/
Let me guess... you're a Brit.

No, I hail from the colony of Georgia.
Even after Peter had seen Jesus perform miracle after miracle.
Even after Peter had correctly identified Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.

Still Peter was so blown away by Jesus's revealing that Jesus was going to be crucified that Peter could not resist telling Jesus that Jesus was making a big mistake.

In so many words Peter was telling Jesus "I know more and better than you do."
In so many words Peter told Jesus "you are talking crazy."

Jesus's own blood family agreed with Peter.
"When His family heard of it, they went out to seize Him, for they said, “He is beside Himself.”" Mark 3:21

Yep, the more you get into sync with Jesus
the more you will be told you have lost your mind and be called crazy.

And mind you, Peter and Jesus family were people that cared about Jesus. They cared about Jesus's welfare. They were not evil people.
They just could not at that time grasp the divine genius of God's plan that Jesus was executing.

Later Peter and Jesus's blood family "saw the light"

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