Have Blacks in the Military been Polled about letting Gays Serve Openly?

He's evidently too stupid to see the irony in everything he types.

Accusing others of being gay, while he is trying to defend homos.

Hurling insults at others on the internet, then accusing others of being a pussy behind a keyboard.

Classic hypocrit.

it's hypocrite, socrates.

If you're going to be a spelling Nazi, I would suggest capitalizing the begining of your sentence as well as the name.
He's evidently too stupid to see the irony in everything he types.

Accusing others of being gay, while he is trying to defend homos.

Hurling insults at others on the internet, then accusing others of being a pussy behind a keyboard.

Classic hypocrit.

it's hypocrite, socrates.

If you're going to be a spelling Nazi, I would suggest capitalizing the begining of your sentence as well as the name.

and if you're going to be a tiresome asshole, i'd keep that avatar you have just the way it is. it's so fresh.

oh, and there's three ns in beginning.


see you in the showers, hon.
it's hypocrite, socrates.

If you're going to be a spelling Nazi, I would suggest capitalizing the begining of your sentence as well as the name.

and if you're going to be a tiresome asshole, i'd keep that avatar you have just the way it is. it's so fresh.

oh, and there's three ns in beginning.


see you in the showers, hon.

I know the Obama sheep really appeals to your type. :lol:
If you're going to be a spelling Nazi, I would suggest capitalizing the begining of your sentence as well as the name.

and if you're going to be a tiresome asshole, i'd keep that avatar you have just the way it is. it's so fresh.

oh, and there's three ns in beginning.


see you in the showers, hon.

I know the Obama sheep really appeals to your type. :lol:

which type is that, erasmus?
Homosexuality is not accepted in the Black community. So your question has been answered.Homos, Gays , are not accepted because many blacks adhear to christian values, and go to church.
So blacks in the military would not accept homos.

I don't see why you would try to single out blacks to ask a question like that . Blacks are not accepting of homosexuality. Just look at the many Black African countries were homosexuality is banned!
Homosexuality is not accepted in the Black community. So your question has been answered.Homos, Gays , are not accepted because many blacks adhear to christian values, and go to church.
So blacks in the military would not accept homos.

I don't see why you would try to single out blacks to ask a question like that . Blacks are not accepting of homosexuality. Just look at the many Black African countries were homosexuality is banned!

The reason its being pointed out is to show what hypocrits Democrats and liberals are. They pretend to be all about blacks and their causes, but blacks aren't their primary concern, their liberal agenda is. They are more than happy to push their pro-homosexual agenda over the objections of the good Christian black folks.

Christian values and liberalism don't mix, so on issues like gay marriage or gays in the military, the Dems want you to "shut up and color" as we say in the military, while they make their agenda into law.
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I am a straight, white southern boy that does not give a rat's ass if you or anyone else accepts me. If you decide not to accept me that is your choice.
But I demand equal rights.
This issue is not about your or my opinion or the bastardized defintion of "deviancy" many proclaim.
Everyone in the military and law enforcement know it is a non issue as far as equality and job performance. Same as 20 years ago.

They already do have equal rights. They, like anyone else, can join the military if they meet physical standards. Any immoral acts should be admonished, and there isn't much thats more immoral than homosexuality. Its a disgusting act that turns the stomach of any normal human being. Maybe you're "fine with it" and it doesn't bother you, but respect the fact that most other people find it disgusting and would be uncomfortable around an openly gay individual.

If you kicked every service member out over immoral sexual activity you would have a very small military, ask anybody that ever had liberty at Subic Bay.
  • Thanks
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I am a straight, white southern boy that does not give a rat's ass if you or anyone else accepts me. If you decide not to accept me that is your choice.
But I demand equal rights.
This issue is not about your or my opinion or the bastardized defintion of "deviancy" many proclaim.
Everyone in the military and law enforcement know it is a non issue as far as equality and job performance. Same as 20 years ago.

They already do have equal rights. They, like anyone else, can join the military if they meet physical standards. Any immoral acts should be admonished, and there isn't much thats more immoral than homosexuality. Its a disgusting act that turns the stomach of any normal human being. Maybe you're "fine with it" and it doesn't bother you, but respect the fact that most other people find it disgusting and would be uncomfortable around an openly gay individual.

If you kicked every service member out over immoral sexual activity you would have a very small military, ask anybody that ever had liberty at Subic Bay.


House the Men and Women together... All Branches... Showers, Shitters... Everything.


nothing about you confuses, angers or frustrates me, jettboi. you're just a garden variety racist chicken hawk who wouldn't have the balls to say to someone's face what you type on a message board.

now piss off.

I certainly would... But your Internet Tough Guy Act, combined with your Position here, doesn't Impress me...

Let me know when you want to get together, Sally! :rofl:

If you're ever in Denver, I'll hook ya up!



of course you would, that's why you're always in invisible mode and have a stroke if anyone uses your first name, right jett?

Want me to PM you my Address?...

As for the Average Asshole online having my Personal 411... Yeah, I'd Prefer it NOT happen...

But you are a Special kind of Asshole, del.

Let me Know.

We can go have a Drink and a Steak and Discuss how Fucking Tough you and yours are online...

I'm always up for a Drink and Good Meal and some Political Discussion... Face to Face.

Mortons downtown is Nice...

Elway's is also.

You make it out here and I'll buy...

My Treat for you doing More than Acting like a Tough Guy on a Fucking Messageboard, Chimp. :rofl:


Homosexuality is not accepted in the Black community. So your question has been answered.Homos, Gays , are not accepted because many blacks adhear to christian values, and go to church.
So blacks in the military would not accept homos.

I don't see why you would try to single out blacks to ask a question like that . Blacks are not accepting of homosexuality. Just look at the many Black African countries were homosexuality is banned!

The reason its being pointed out is to show what hypocrits Democrats and liberals are. They pretend to be all about blacks and their causes, but blacks aren't their primary concern, their liberal agenda is. They are more than happy to push their pro-homosexual agenda over the objections of the good Christian black folks.

Christian values and liberalism don't mix, so on issues like gay marriage or gays in the military, the Dems want you to "shut up and color" as we say in the military, while they make their agenda into law.

This is one of themain reasons I tell many of my black freinds to leave the Democratic party, because of this double standard of pushing the Homo trans gender agenda, while also supporting the black agenda. It does not mix well with black Americans.

I tell my black freinds to join the Republican party.
Talking about rights....

Does a heterosexual male have the right to not to be forced to share a room and a shower with a homosexual male?

Or are we only concerned with the rights of the homosexual?

yeah, because those homosexual males just can't control themselves. :cuckoo:

That doesn't even come close to answering the question.
They already do have equal rights. They, like anyone else, can join the military if they meet physical standards. Any immoral acts should be admonished, and there isn't much thats more immoral than homosexuality. Its a disgusting act that turns the stomach of any normal human being. Maybe you're "fine with it" and it doesn't bother you, but respect the fact that most other people find it disgusting and would be uncomfortable around an openly gay individual.

If you kicked every service member out over immoral sexual activity you would have a very small military, ask anybody that ever had liberty at Subic Bay.


House the Men and Women together... All Branches... Showers, Shitters... Everything.



That would have been awful, those Women Marines were brutal, and not irrelevant when speaking about sexually deviant acts, all kinds of deviant activities go on when you are deployed to a place that offers such delights.
If you kicked every service member out over immoral sexual activity you would have a very small military, ask anybody that ever had liberty at Subic Bay.


House the Men and Women together... All Branches... Showers, Shitters... Everything.



That would have been awful, those Women Marines were brutal, and not irrelevant when speaking about sexually deviant acts, all kinds of deviant activities go on when you are deployed to a place that offers such delights.

I Think Ollie meant to Respond to you with his Last Post... ;)



House the Men and Women together... All Branches... Showers, Shitters... Everything.



That would have been awful, those Women Marines were brutal, and not irrelevant when speaking about sexually deviant acts, all kinds of deviant activities go on when you are deployed to a place that offers such delights.

I Think Ollie meant to Respond to you with his Last Post... ;)



Fortunately or maybe unfortunately I have never been to Subic Bay.
That would have been awful, those Women Marines were brutal, and not irrelevant when speaking about sexually deviant acts, all kinds of deviant activities go on when you are deployed to a place that offers such delights.

I Think Ollie meant to Respond to you with his Last Post... ;)



Fortunately or maybe unfortunately I have never been to Subic Bay.

I was Suggesting that your Response here:

That doesn't even come close to answering the question.

Was a Great Response for Noosey's Last Comment to me...


Used to be 40 years ago being a true conservative meant keeping the government out of folks' personal lives.
Ever since Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Focus on the Family took over the GOP it has gone down hill. What we get is what we read here. Pitiful.
I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead and have never seen so many immature mama's boys skeered of the gay boogey man as here. Funny as hell.
You wusses wouldn't last 10 minutes in my world.
Used to be 40 years ago being a true conservative meant keeping the government out of folks' personal lives.
Ever since Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Focus on the Family took over the GOP it has gone down hill. What we get is what we read here. Pitiful.
I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead and have never seen so many immature mama's boys skeered of the gay boogey man as here. Funny as hell.
You wusses wouldn't last 10 minutes in my world.

Give me a break.

Another Internet wonder.......
Break given Ollie.
What other words of wisdom can you offer?

Words of wisdom?
What ever you can claim to have done in your life, there are at least a half dozen people on this board who have done more or worse.
Do try not to act like Mr macho.

And besides that you sound like Jake Starkey.

No brag just fact.

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