Have Democrats Given Up On the American Voter ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Sure they have. They have been throwing the American citizen under the bus on everything you can think of, in exchange for pulling foreigners into the US to vote for them. Look at this longlist of what Democrats are doing to Americans, in order to get the foreign vote, and any one of these is an entire OP and thread of its own.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($133 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.

Just look at all the Muslim terrorists that have come here from abroad, or are children of Muslim immigrants > only to have Democrats (Obama, Hillary, et al) openly advocate the importation of more and more Muslims from Muslim countries, including Syria. This was after then FBI Director James Comey said they could not be vetted. Of course not. Who are you going to ask, Bashar Assad ?

This disregard for Americans and their safety has gotten many Americans killed. Since 9/11, an additional 158 Americans have been killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror, or Islam-related honor killing in the United States. Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched. The real story is not "Islamophobia" but American tolerance - with Democrats refusing to punish the individual based on group identity, and continuing to allow more Muslims to come to the US. Get votes, at any cost, the Democrat doctrine.

Just 2 examples are >>

1 the Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon), who were admitted here from Kyrgyzstan on a visa, claimed asylum, and were later accepted as immigrant US citizens in 2012, despite warnings from the Russians that they were dangerous. And >>

2. The New York bike path killer, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, from the central Asian nation of Uzbekistan. President Trump criticized Democrats for this >>

Donald J. Trump

The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based.

4:24 AM - 1 Nov 2017
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9-11 hijacker/killers all were foreigners. All of them entered the country legally on a temporary visa,
Omar Mateen, the Pulse Club killer (shot dead by police), was the son of Muslim Afghan immigrants.

In the San Bernardino, CA terrorist attack, the 2 Muslim loons were a son of Pakistani immigrants, and a Pakistani immigrant.

From the book, In Trump We Trust, by Ann Coulter (page 152) >>

"After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, the New York Times wearily explained that it was "impossible to conduct an exhaustive investigation for each of the tens of millions of people who are cleared each year to come to this country to work, visit, or live."
THEN DON'T ADMIT TEN MILLION PEOPLE A YEAR! Getting into the United States should be like getting into Harvard, with an admissions committee setting certain firm bars, such as no criminal record, no low-skilled workers, no expensive medical conditions, and no fundamentalist Muslims."

I would extend that a bit further. No Muslims, PERIOD. (with very few exceptions)
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Are Republicans Doomed?

For the past several years, political pundits on both sides of the aisle have been predicting a future with a permanent Democratic majority in the United States.

This really got me to thinking so very early in the morning. Could this possibly be true? Not in my opinion. Why?

From what I’ve been seeing, Democrats are splintering into identity groups. No longer the monolith, one sect after another has risen to claim their own goals and ideals. Bernie Sanders was a major rift in that solidarity and more and more of his followers are stepping up to find their own identities within the Democrat realm. No longer can the party stalwarts count on blind obedience to keep their seats in Congress and local governments. Queen Nancy is teetering on the edge of losing her decades long control over the House and Chuckie Baby is having to make all sorts of noises to try and keep his Senators in line.

The Democratic Party is highly fragile – much more so than the Republican party. The Democrats' coalition is made up of many different groups of people united in their hatred of traditional America. As of right now, their differences have been put aside to fight a common enemy. Hatred of Trump is the glue keeping the Democrats together. When his presidency ends, they'll lose their great unifier, and the Democratic Party will likely split.

More of this @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/06/are_republicans_doomed.html
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Muslim terrorist killed 5 Americans in 2 shooting in Chattannooga, TN military installations. He was an immigrant from Kuwait. His parents were Palestinian-Jordanian.

According to The Washington Post, both of Abdulazeez's parents were self-described in their divorce proceedings "as natives of 'the State of Palestine'" and they "maintained a strict, conservative Muslim lifestyle.
Nidal Hasan, killer of 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood, TX, is the son of Muslim Palestinian immigrants.
The Democrats have replaced their original voters the working class with unskilled immigrants and other minority groups.

The problem with the model is that once those minority members start going to the middle class they leave the Democrats. Look at black people:

Trump credits Kanye with boosting black support

What Democrats need to understand is that people mostly care about themselves first and foremost. You can show children "separated from their parents" all day but as long as someone can go out to eat once a week and go on vacation at least once a year people are happy and will keep voting against the Democrats.
Interesting, Mr. Blonde, put plenty of the working class voted for Clinton.

Her problem was that 77k in three upper MW states did not.
Democrats are flailing in all directions, the worst mistake they made in decades was letting the Clintons take control again. Choosing Obama in 2008 was a brilliant move, a guy with no career accomplishments, a do nothing, said nothing, pretty much a blank resume so Republicans really didn't have anything to attack him on the guy didn't have a record. The Clintons holy crap they are corrupt as hell and have more baggage than Chicago O'Hare airport.
The Democrats have replaced their original voters the working class with unskilled immigrants and other minority groups.

The problem with the model is that once those minority members start going to the middle class they leave the Democrats. Look at black people:

Trump credits Kanye with boosting black support

What Democrats need to understand is that people mostly care about themselves first and foremost. You can show children "separated from their parents" all day but as long as someone can go out to eat once a week and go on vacation at least once a year people are happy and will keep voting against the Democrats.
Black and Hispanic unemployment plunged after Obama went out and Trump came in. Both at all time lows right now.
Democrats are flailing in all directions, the worst mistake they made in decades was letting the Clintons take control again. Choosing Obama in 2008 was a brilliant move, a guy with no career accomplishments, a do nothing, said nothing, pretty much a blank resume so Republicans really didn't have anything to attack him on the guy didn't have a record. The Clintons holy crap they are corrupt as hell and have more baggage than Chicago O'Hare airport.
And they didn't even touch on the Clinton Body Count.

The Democrats have replaced their original voters the working class with unskilled immigrants and other minority groups.

The problem with the model is that once those minority members start going to the middle class they leave the Democrats. Look at black people:

Trump credits Kanye with boosting black support

What Democrats need to understand is that people mostly care about themselves first and foremost. You can show children "separated from their parents" all day but as long as someone can go out to eat once a week and go on vacation at least once a year people are happy and will keep voting against the Democrats.
Black and Hispanic unemployment plunged after Obama went out and Trump came in. Both at all time lows right now.
It was plunging when Obama left and has continued to do so because of the Obama recovery.
Interesting, Mr. Blonde, put plenty of the working class voted for Clinton.

Her problem was that 77k in three upper MW states did not.

Plenty of working class people in very liberal states (especially California and New York) voted for the Democrat candidate (it literally doesn't matter who the person is.

Hillary didn't care about fly over country because she had the "blue wall". Those MW people should be the Democrats main voters.
Mr.Blonde, hint: Clinton is not running. A blue wave is climbing over the horizon and headed right at the elections.
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