CDZ Have frustrated young Whites been bamboozled by BLM?

Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that.
Do you know how absurd that sounds to everyone who is not stupid?

You can ignore the impact the video had if you wish.

what video-----the SNIPPET that got SENT AROUND THE WORLD? I saw the video-----a cop trying to arrest a large man who RESISTED-----and a whole bunch of the neighborhood surrounding the scene.
--------I have seen lots of arrests-----and I have lived on the edge of a neighborhood where the NEIGHBORS would be delighted to attack the cop and "save" the arrestee. I have been on the edge of SAVED arrestees------cuffed to the hospital bedrails and an armed guard at the door "where is he"????? "his pals pulled him out during the night" -------when you have walked a mile in cop shoes.......................

It seems those who have walked in his shoes determined what he did wrong and promptly fired and then arrested him.

That was before we had evidence.

When I first saw it, I thought the officer killed him.

But now we have evidence. We know from the autopsy, that it wasn't the knee that killed him. It was the drugs in his system.

You don't kneel on a dying man's neck for nine minutes. You get him help. He will be found guilty.

Yeah, I think he will be found guilty. I think the police will continue to pull back, because no officer is going to do a job that will get him sent to prison.

And I think thousands of black people across this country will die needlessly, because police are simply going to disappear, and chaos and death will follow.

The number of people killed in Minneapolis is up 95% from this time last summer. 39 victims have lost their lives since the beginning of the year.​
It’s becoming more common than not to hear about a shooting in Minneapolis. More people have been shot this year compared to the past five.​

Yup, just as I predicted back in April.

Police are not going to do a job, knowing they will end up in prison for doing it.

More people shot this year, than the past 5 years.

Good job. At least they were not police killing those dozens on dozens of black people. Black Lives don't Matter that much, huh?
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that.
Do you know how absurd that sounds to everyone who is not stupid?

You can ignore the impact the video had if you wish.

what video-----the SNIPPET that got SENT AROUND THE WORLD? I saw the video-----a cop trying to arrest a large man who RESISTED-----and a whole bunch of the neighborhood surrounding the scene.
--------I have seen lots of arrests-----and I have lived on the edge of a neighborhood where the NEIGHBORS would be delighted to attack the cop and "save" the arrestee. I have been on the edge of SAVED arrestees------cuffed to the hospital bedrails and an armed guard at the door "where is he"????? "his pals pulled him out during the night" -------when you have walked a mile in cop shoes.......................

It seems those who have walked in his shoes determined what he did wrong and promptly fired and then arrested him.

That was before we had evidence.

When I first saw it, I thought the officer killed him.

But now we have evidence. We know from the autopsy, that it wasn't the knee that killed him. It was the drugs in his system.

myocardial infarction----often a result of long term
drug use----especially stuff like heroin and cocaine.
He had a million and one risk factors for heart attack.
I never thought that the cop killed him. I knee on my neck would not kill me

It killed Elijah McClain also and he didn't do drugs.......

the cause of his death was not determined.--
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.
Whites are killing blacks, in the name of standing against white racism. The irony there is amazing.
Which whites are killing blacks in the name of standing against white racism? Your is detachment from reality is what's amazing.

All of the whites engaging in riots and looting and protesting police, are responsible for the increase in black deaths.

Police pull back, because white people are attacking the police for enforcing the law.

So the law isn't enforced, and we can see the murder rates spiking up across the country.

I posted multiple links to the dramatic increase in black people dying. Do you want me to repost all of them? I can.
The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

The Democrat Party under the leadership of Sleepy Joe Biden is pushing to defund the police, you know.

Police are entrusted with the solemn responsibility of beating the crap out of people who need to have it beat out of them. Its part of their job. But, like in all jobs, sometimes errors are made.

Its one thing to fire a cop who accidentally whacks someone. If I fuck up on a job, I 'm not going to complain about getting canned. But its quite another to send him to prison to die for a mistake on the job. This is a risk that most people are unwilling to accept. Someone who needs a beating isn't going to get one, someone who needs shot, won't get shot. And innocent people may be killed because of it.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

So then based on your statement that the ones leaving are the ones that need to leave.....

Then all police need to leave. Because that is what is happening. Basically you are saying all people everywhere are bad people.

Because it's not just the ones leaving. No one is joining the police force. So I guess those who are not joining the police force, are also the ones that need to stay off?

My brother in law... he served in Iraq. He was in a truck with a buddy, who had his arm out the window when an IED blew off his arm, and disabled the truck. He carried his buddy back to base, in the dark.

When he came back to the States, he wanted to join the police force. But he looked around, and saw police were treated terribly by the public. He had more appreciation for him being a soldier, from the Iraqis, than police did from the people they were protecting in America.

He gave up his dream of being an officer. There is a nation wide shortage of new officers. People are not joining the police force. In fact, many police families, people who generation after generation went into being police officers, are telling their children to not be police officers.

That lame TV series Blue Bloods, is actually a real thing. Granpa was an officer. Father was an officer. And I'll be an officer.

Not anymore. No one wants to be the officer that does their job, and goes to prison for it.

Two months after the police killing of George Floyd, the four-block area of South Minneapolis where he gasped his last breaths remains a sacred space, a no-go zone for officers.​
At night, though, the space is increasingly a battleground, with shootings and drug overdoses. The area has had an uptick in gun violence similar to what other cities have seen in the wake of protests.​

“What people aren’t recognizing is that people who live there are having a very, very challenging time from the unlawfulness that is occurring after the sun goes down,” said Andrea Jenkins, a member of the City Council whose district includes the memorial space. “There are constant gunshots every night. Emergency vehicles can’t get in. Disabled people are not able to access their medications, their appointments, their food deliveries, et cetera. It’s a very challenging situation.”​

Police are not going to even go there. Why help people, by confronting the criminals, when doing so would send you to prison?

So they just.... don't. You doing a great job confronting police. Shootings, drugs, violence. You don't care about all those black people, do you? So what if they can't get emergency vehicles. So what if the medics never show up? So what if disabled people can't get their meds, or food, and so on?

As long as the police don't hurt anyone, you don't care how many people are harmed by others.

Victory for criminals, and those that support them. Police leave, and everyone else suffers.
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begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

you are clueless. The result of your program is the imposition of CRIMINALS on the population. I happen to know

Whatever. Your choice. Reform or no police I guess.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

So then based on your statement that the ones leaving are the ones that need to leave.....

Then all police need to leave. Because that is what is happening. Basically you are saying all people everywhere are bad people.

Because it's not just the ones leaving. No one is joining the police force. So I guess those who are not joining the police force, are also the ones that need to stay off?

My brother in law... he served in Iraq. He was in a truck with a buddy, who had his arm out the window when an IED blew off his arm, and disabled the truck. He carried his buddy back to base, in the dark.

When he came back to the States, he wanted to join the police force. But he looked around, and saw police were treated terribly by the public. He had more appreciation for him being a soldier, from the Iraqis, than police did from the people they were protecting in America.

He gave up his dream of being an officer. There is a nation wide shortage of new officers. People are not joining the police force. In fact, many police families, people who generation after generation went into being police officers, are telling their children to not be police officers.

That lame TV series Blue Bloods, is actually a real thing. Granpa was an officer. Father was an officer. And I'll be an officer.

Not anymore. No one wants to be the officer that does their job, and goes to prison for it.

Two months after the police killing of George Floyd, the four-block area of South Minneapolis where he gasped his last breaths remains a sacred space, a no-go zone for officers.​
At night, though, the space is increasingly a battleground, with shootings and drug overdoses. The area has had an uptick in gun violence similar to what other cities have seen in the wake of protests.​

“What people aren’t recognizing is that people who live there are having a very, very challenging time from the unlawfulness that is occurring after the sun goes down,” said Andrea Jenkins, a member of the City Council whose district includes the memorial space. “There are constant gunshots every night. Emergency vehicles can’t get in. Disabled people are not able to access their medications, their appointments, their food deliveries, et cetera. It’s a very challenging situation.”​

Police are not going to even go there. Why help people, by confronting the criminals, when doing so would send you to prison?

So they just.... don't. You doing a great job confronting police. Shootings, drugs, violence. You don't care about all those black people, do you? So what if they can't get emergency vehicles. So what if the medics never show up? So what if disabled people can't get their meds, or food, and so on?

As long as the police don't hurt anyone, you don't care how many people are harmed by others.

Victory for criminals, and those that support them. Police leave, and everyone else suffers.

Camden New Jersey reformed their police force. Some lost their jobs and others applied and were hired.
He died of a myocardial infarction.

irosie91 , who fed you that disinformation (aka grape kool-aid; aka bullshit etc...) and why did you so eagerly gobble it down? :dunno:

Got a source?

A full autopsy report on George Floyd, the man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police last month, reveals that he was positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause.

The autopsy report from Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office concludes the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." That conclusion, death due to heart failure, differs from the one reached by an independent examiner hired by the Floyd family; that report listed the cause of death as "asphyxiation from sustained pressure."

The knee on the neck either killed him, or it didn't. He either died of asphyxiation, or he didn't.

Autopsy concludes that he did not die of asphyxiation. He died of cardiopulmonary arrest. Yes, I'm sure the being restrained and subdued were catalysts in his death.

This is why you don't do drugs or commit crimes. Don't do the drugs, and you won't have a heart attack from police restraining you. Don't commit crime, and you won't be restrained.

The bottom is... the knee on the neck did not suffocate him. Period.
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

you are clueless. The result of your program is the imposition of CRIMINALS on the population. I happen to know

Whatever. Your choice. Reform or no police I guess.

If the police are unwilling or not allowed to beat people in need of a beating, and shoot people in need of being shot, what the hell good are they?

The purpose of police officers is to insure order in our society. There are a lot of dangerous and violent individuals out there- a disproportionate share are located in the Ghettos of America. If you strip the police of the tools they have, and threaten them with ruination and incarceration with the step out of line, they will be less likely to be able to accomplish their purpose or their mission.
He died of a myocardial infarction.

irosie91 , who fed you that disinformation (aka grape kool-aid; aka bullshit etc...) and why did you so eagerly gobble it down? :dunno:

Got a source?

the results of the autopsy----a myocardial infarction can be SEEN on microscopic study of cuts of the heart muscle. It is a standard study and even has been done by little old me
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

So then based on your statement that the ones leaving are the ones that need to leave.....

Then all police need to leave. Because that is what is happening. Basically you are saying all people everywhere are bad people.

Because it's not just the ones leaving. No one is joining the police force. So I guess those who are not joining the police force, are also the ones that need to stay off?

My brother in law... he served in Iraq. He was in a truck with a buddy, who had his arm out the window when an IED blew off his arm, and disabled the truck. He carried his buddy back to base, in the dark.

When he came back to the States, he wanted to join the police force. But he looked around, and saw police were treated terribly by the public. He had more appreciation for him being a soldier, from the Iraqis, than police did from the people they were protecting in America.

He gave up his dream of being an officer. There is a nation wide shortage of new officers. People are not joining the police force. In fact, many police families, people who generation after generation went into being police officers, are telling their children to not be police officers.

That lame TV series Blue Bloods, is actually a real thing. Granpa was an officer. Father was an officer. And I'll be an officer.

Not anymore. No one wants to be the officer that does their job, and goes to prison for it.

Two months after the police killing of George Floyd, the four-block area of South Minneapolis where he gasped his last breaths remains a sacred space, a no-go zone for officers.​
At night, though, the space is increasingly a battleground, with shootings and drug overdoses. The area has had an uptick in gun violence similar to what other cities have seen in the wake of protests.​

“What people aren’t recognizing is that people who live there are having a very, very challenging time from the unlawfulness that is occurring after the sun goes down,” said Andrea Jenkins, a member of the City Council whose district includes the memorial space. “There are constant gunshots every night. Emergency vehicles can’t get in. Disabled people are not able to access their medications, their appointments, their food deliveries, et cetera. It’s a very challenging situation.”​

Police are not going to even go there. Why help people, by confronting the criminals, when doing so would send you to prison?

So they just.... don't. You doing a great job confronting police. Shootings, drugs, violence. You don't care about all those black people, do you? So what if they can't get emergency vehicles. So what if the medics never show up? So what if disabled people can't get their meds, or food, and so on?

As long as the police don't hurt anyone, you don't care how many people are harmed by others.

Victory for criminals, and those that support them. Police leave, and everyone else suffers.

Camden New Jersey reformed their police force. Some lost their jobs and others applied and were hired.

GREAT! I am not in favor of Unions. Camden disbanded their police department, and created a new non-union police department.

And they INCREASED the number of officers, not decreased. And engaged in MORE patrols, not fewer. And they most certainly did not defund the police, they actually increased the spending on police, both in training, and equipment, and of course the number of officers.

If that is your plan.... I'm all for it. Let's do that. Stop seeing police as the enemy, and give them more money, more training, more equipment, and get rid of generally pro-Democrat unions.

I'm all for it! By all means! Let's do that in every single city. Disbanded all the unions.

More police officers and fewer democrat supporting Unions? You have my vote sir. Let's do that in every single city in the country.
He died of a myocardial infarction.

irosie91 , who fed you that disinformation (aka grape kool-aid; aka bullshit etc...) and why did you so eagerly gobble it down? :dunno:

Got a source?

the results of the autopsy----a myocardial infarction can be SEEN on microscopic study of cuts of the heart muscle. It is a standard study and even has been done by little old me

I don't know what the decedent's test shows, but a positive troponin blood test is also a sign of a heart attack.
......these college kids and high school ''grads'' don't know the first thing about life/$$$/etc...they get their crap from social media--they don't research anything
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

you are clueless. The result of your program is the imposition of CRIMINALS on the population. I happen to know

Whatever. Your choice. Reform or no police I guess.

Your choice. I'm not in this fight. My suburb loves our police, and we love having them around. We have sent letters and gifts to our officers to let them know that in no uncertain terms, that we the public are backing them.

Our police are not leave.

Those police in your Democrat run, riot and looting supporting cities.........

Those are the police that are leaving. Not ours. We're fine.

Our police in right-wing areas... they are not leave. YOUR police are the ones leaving.

So you decide how this goes. More dead democrats, and black people, or not?

Do you want a police force? Or do you want to cram your BLM nonsense down their throats, and not a have police force? Those are the options for YOU, not us.

We're good.
He died of a myocardial infarction.

irosie91 , who fed you that disinformation (aka grape kool-aid; aka bullshit etc...) and why did you so eagerly gobble it down? :dunno:

Got a source?

the results of the autopsy----a myocardial infarction can be SEEN on microscopic study of cuts of the heart muscle. It is a standard study and even has been done by little old me

I don't know what the decedent's test shows, but a positive troponin blood test is also a sign of a heart attack.

that is a measure of damage to muscle-----I did not see that test ON THE NET
begging him to get off because there was something wrong with Floyd. All officers are mentioned but there is a plain reason why it's Floyd that gets the most attention. It's not some big media conspiracy.

Even if Floyd was a murderer a police officer can't do what Floyd did so whether he believed he did drugs or not is irrelevant.

Opioids and related synthetics can literally paralyze a person's diaphragm. Thus making it nearly impossible for them to breathe. Sure there are other core muscle groups that can help, most notably, the intercostal skeletal muscles, but they very quickly fatigue under strain compared to smooth muscles, especially if the rig cage is being squeezed. It has a ratcheting effect. This fact is practically universally taught to first responders, including law enforcement officers.

Therefore, whether or not Chauvin believed that Floyd was a junkie is very relevant to the case, because if he knew, or should have known, that Floyd was an addict, it is evidence of premeditation and/or negligence.

Whether or not the prosecutors could suppress that evidence from being presented to the jury is up to judicial discretion.

And your insinuation that the leftstream media isn't pushing a narrative that it was racially motivated murder is just stupid.

The kneeling on the neck of a suspect is being banned all around the country. Not even those who once supported it are still supporting it.

Right, and the more you make it harder and harder for police to do their job, the more police are simply not going to do their job.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

We're seeing that right now across the country. Police are simply disappearing, and crime and murder are out of control.

The idea that we can either have police that will on occasionally needlessly kill someone and we have to allow that or no police is complete hyperbole.

No, it's fact. You are the one engaging in hyperbole.

Because I post the facts. We know the ferguson effect is real. We know that police departments across the entire country are all facing personnel shortages.

We know that 200 plus officers in Minneapolis have walked off the jobs.

We know that there is a critical shortage of officers in California.

And that was BEFORE all this started happening.

No, they are making it harder on themselves. The more they defend things that are not defensible, the more the push back will be.

What are you even talking about? They are not defending anything. They are simply LEAVING.

Critical shortages are popping up everywhere left-wingers have attacked the police.

They are not defending anything... they are quitting. You can defend your own self.

And that is exactly what is happening.

All across the country, in left-wing areas, crime is spiking out of control, and the police are simply not showing up until it's over. The police sit on the farthest side of town they can, wait for the 911 call, and then show up long after the bodies are cold, and the murderers are gone.

Why? Because better to not confront a criminal, than do so, and go to prison if he gets hurt.

You can say I'm engaging in hyperbole, but I have all the facts, and all the evidence, on my side. I just posted proof of everything I claimed.

So go ahead... keep "pushing back" against police. See how that's working for you.

The ones leaving should be leaving. They are arguing that if we are going to actually hole them responsible for violating the rights of individuals they will just quit. Great, quit. Then the cities can re-examine the needs of the force and train people to respect the individual rights of people.

So then based on your statement that the ones leaving are the ones that need to leave.....

Then all police need to leave. Because that is what is happening. Basically you are saying all people everywhere are bad people.

Because it's not just the ones leaving. No one is joining the police force. So I guess those who are not joining the police force, are also the ones that need to stay off?

My brother in law... he served in Iraq. He was in a truck with a buddy, who had his arm out the window when an IED blew off his arm, and disabled the truck. He carried his buddy back to base, in the dark.

When he came back to the States, he wanted to join the police force. But he looked around, and saw police were treated terribly by the public. He had more appreciation for him being a soldier, from the Iraqis, than police did from the people they were protecting in America.

He gave up his dream of being an officer. There is a nation wide shortage of new officers. People are not joining the police force. In fact, many police families, people who generation after generation went into being police officers, are telling their children to not be police officers.

That lame TV series Blue Bloods, is actually a real thing. Granpa was an officer. Father was an officer. And I'll be an officer.

Not anymore. No one wants to be the officer that does their job, and goes to prison for it.

Two months after the police killing of George Floyd, the four-block area of South Minneapolis where he gasped his last breaths remains a sacred space, a no-go zone for officers.​
At night, though, the space is increasingly a battleground, with shootings and drug overdoses. The area has had an uptick in gun violence similar to what other cities have seen in the wake of protests.​

“What people aren’t recognizing is that people who live there are having a very, very challenging time from the unlawfulness that is occurring after the sun goes down,” said Andrea Jenkins, a member of the City Council whose district includes the memorial space. “There are constant gunshots every night. Emergency vehicles can’t get in. Disabled people are not able to access their medications, their appointments, their food deliveries, et cetera. It’s a very challenging situation.”​

Police are not going to even go there. Why help people, by confronting the criminals, when doing so would send you to prison?

So they just.... don't. You doing a great job confronting police. Shootings, drugs, violence. You don't care about all those black people, do you? So what if they can't get emergency vehicles. So what if the medics never show up? So what if disabled people can't get their meds, or food, and so on?

As long as the police don't hurt anyone, you don't care how many people are harmed by others.

Victory for criminals, and those that support them. Police leave, and everyone else suffers.

Camden New Jersey reformed their police force. Some lost their jobs and others applied and were hired.

GREAT! I am not in favor of Unions. Camden disbanded their police department, and created a new non-union police department.

And they INCREASED the number of officers, not decreased. And engaged in MORE patrols, not fewer. And they most certainly did not defund the police, they actually increased the spending on police, both in training, and equipment, and of course the number of officers.

If that is your plan.... I'm all for it. Let's do that. Stop seeing police as the enemy, and give them more money, more training, more equipment, and get rid of generally pro-Democrat unions.

I'm all for it! By all means! Let's do that in every single city. Disbanded all the unions.

More police officers and fewer democrat supporting Unions? You have my vote sir. Let's do that in every single city in the country.

The biggest push of "defunding" is to end the unions. Of course the police are not going to like that but as I've said, the ones not interested can leave.

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