Have FSA and ISIS merged?

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FSA leader declares second round of war against ISIS News Middle East THE DAILY STAR

They will also target your jihadists mates of hezbollah and Iran.
Hezbollah is nothing compared to your terrorists. What an irony. Islamist jihadists trained and equipped by the US and Israel. A joke of history the SAA will bury soon. They should seek for Bashar´s amnesty...

The rebel held north of Syria is increasingly being divided into small fiefdoms for rebel commanders who battle each other for territory and lucrative smuggling routes. This, coupled with the burgeoning with their al-Qaeda counterparts is leaving the opposition with little time to concentrate on the battle with the regime.
Syria rebel quits after battlefield defeat - Telegraph
Jihadists of Hezbollah, Assaeb Alhak, Liwaa Abu Fadhl Abbas are terrorists of Iran!
They will burst in Syria!


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