Have Hate-Crimes, but don't we really need Fascist-Crimes Laws?


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
So we already have "Hate-Crimes" legislation, which is dubious at best, and often just political persecution of the "Politically Incorrect"...

But what we are seeing in the Obama-Era is a huge upsurge in crimes committed by Government Officials abusing the powers of their office to persecute their political enemies.

Why don't we abandon the completely unprovable "Emotional State and Motivation" concept of "Hate-Crimes" and instead adopt a very provable and concretely deterministic "Fascism-Crime" concept.

In other words, if it can be proven that a Government Official used and/or abused their official powers of office in the commission of a crime, there would be considerable increases in mandatory sentencing for the crime.

Also, the time limit for prosecution in the Statute of Limitations for Fascism-Crimes should be doubled.

I know that all of the Progressive-Fascists are going to sneer, scream and have fits of apoplexy at the very idea of "Fascism-Crime" Laws.... but maybe that too would be a good thing.

Nothing like a bit of daylight and fresh aire to reveal and thwart corruption.

Question for Debate: Should we create a special class of crimes with extra penalties, when an Official uses their power of office in the commission of a crime?


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