Have Republicans ever asked “what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”

Wouldn’t such a transparent public discussion lead to something good regarding the public perception of illegal immigration?
Couldn’t Republicans heavily lean on this in their campaigns?
Shouldn’t the demography and culture of a nation change organically by the will of the people? Do the people even think about that?

Tards- please save the “native Indians have the only legal lineage” bullshit…most of us know America was founded in 1776.
Thanks in advance.

I don't think anyone can say. Immigration laws and regulations have really been all over the board over the many decades.

When there was more of a need for common labor in America, it was easier to make the trip than today. We have less of a need for labor that is done by machine in the current era.

And the flow of immigrants went both ways. The American entrepeneurs , the 3 stooges had no problem buying and operating a beauty saloon in Cucaracha , Mexico- an hour south of San Diego- back in the day.. But that was in the 1930's, you wouldn't see that today.
Anyone born in America is an American. 100% American. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world in large part because it was founded (and is maintained) on principles, not bloodlines.
Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
The answer likely approaches zero, for all but very recent immigrants whose parents came here legally. Look back in anyone's family tree, and you will find lawbreakers of some kind.

My own great-great grandpappy, Angus McSwain, landed in Galveston on a British merchant ship. He spent one night in Galveston, then the Las Vegas of the Gulf Coast, and decided not to go back to swabbing decks. Many Americans have heartwarming stories of their immigrant ancestors.

That does not mean that it is a good idea for Biden to hand control of our current border to the Mexican Fentanyl cartels, and human trafficking gangs.
Look back in anyone's family tree, and you will find lawbreakers of some kind.
This thread isn’t about “law-breakers” within our ancestry…this is about people breaking into our nation and changing the demography and culture without consent from the people. That’s not how sovereign nations function.
Apparently, some like Unkotare think this is acceptable…do you?
This thread isn’t about “law-breakers” within our ancestry…this is about people breaking into our nation and changing the demography and culture without consent from the people.
That breaks the law, doesn't it?
That’s not how sovereign nations function.
Apparently, some like Unkotare think this is acceptable…do you?
Not at all.

I would have thought my last sentence and all of my posts about illegal immigrations would make that clear.
Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.

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