Have Republicans ever asked “what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”

loser how about telling me what you mean by "100% legal lineage"......
Simple shit.
Did your ancestors break into this nation after it’s founding, after independence was declared?
Are you offspring to those who had no right to be here, who were here without consent from Americans?
The premise is one simple in nature.
Do American’s know that the demography and culture in California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and much of Texas has been changed against the will of the people, without their consent and by politicians refusing to work for them? Do they know these politicians brag about such ‘accomplishments’ with all their “you just wait, soon American caucasians will be the minority“ mantra?
Do they know that Democrats are only relevant in CA, AZ, NV, NM and TX due to the inhabitants with illegal lineage?
Don’t you think Republicans could change the public perception by exposing these things to the Americans who may not know or think about these things?
I think you need to tighten up your argument(s). I agree that our essentially open border policies have allowed millions of people with few or no ties to American culture to infiltrate our country and undermine our laws.

I also believe that "anchor baby" laws and the like should be changed to specifically exclude automatic citizenship for children born in the U.S. whose parents are not legal permanent residents. The original Constitution already established this concept by excluding the children of foreign diplomats, but the 14th Amendment has been used to muddy these waters because of its reference to "persons" born in the U.S.

What is misunderstood by many is that this section of the Amendment merely repealed the 3/5 representation clause in the Constitution, which used the term "other persons" to describe the slave population at that time. It was not meant to confer full citizenship on any other people.

As for the general use of the term "persons" in the Constitution, this was done because there was no United States of America (or "citizens" thereof) until after it was ratified by the States. It simply meant the people who were living in those States at that time.
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Simple shit.
Did your ancestors break into this nation after it’s founding, after independence was declared?
Are you offspring to those who had no right to be here, who were here without consent from Americans?
yes to the first one.....i dont know with the 2nd one.....but i do know my grand father fought in WW1 and my grand mothers 4 brothers were all killed in WW1.....my dad fought in WW2......so those earned their right to be here....
Anyone born in America is an American. 100% American. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world in large part because it was founded (and is maintained) on principles, not bloodlines.
Anyone born in America is an American. 100% American. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world in large part because it was founded (and is maintained) on principles, not bloodlines.
You mean like law and order? Like our politicians fulfilling their promise, their oath to the people and defending our sovereignty?
Try to address this:

“what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”​

Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
You mean like law and order? Like our politicians fulfilling their promise, their oath to the people and defending our sovereignty?
Try to address this:

“what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”​

I would say a vast majority. Upwards of 90%.

But being a racist who blames all your ills on minorities. You don’t believe it or care. You just want the darker people to vanish.
Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
Sounds neat…FEELZ sooooo good to say.
Does that mean you‘re okay with the demography of this once great nation changing by way of disorder and criminality and against the will of the people?
I would say a vast majority. Upwards of 90%.

But being a racist who blames all your ills on minorities. You don’t believe it or care. You just want the darker people to vanish.
Why would I want the darker people to vanish? Although you can’t prove it for obvious reasons, you tell us they improve and enhance this nation…right?

”I would say a vast majority. Upwards of 90%.”
Does that mean you‘re okay with the demography of this once great nation changing by way of disorder and criminality and against the will of the people?
Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages."
Would those “principles“ happen to include the respect for law and order and Americas right to sovereignty?
Why would I want the darker people to vanish? Although you can’t prove it for obvious reasons, you tell us they improve and enhance this nation…right?

”I would say a vast majority. Upwards of 90%.”
Does that mean you‘re okay with the demography of this once great nation changing by way of disorder and criminality and against the will of the people?

Because I’ve read history. And I know the crap you are spewing is just like the crap being spread about the Irish immigrants.

Because there are always small minded bigots who are afraid of change. And change is the normal and natural state of the Universe.
Originally posted by Savannahman
Because there are always small minded bigots who are afraid of change. And change is the normal and natural state of the Universe.

Listen to what the rest of the world has to say about the demographic "changes" that are happening in western countries (that you consider so "normal"):
When the rest of word like China, South Africa, Japan, etc... see what's happening in America: the government of a country deliberately destroying the country's racial makeup by allowing millions of non-whites to immigrate legally or remain illegally they first cannot believe their eyes and after they overcome the initial shock they shake their heads in disbelief and think to themselves:

"This country is batshit crazy."
When the rest of word like China, South Africa, Japan, etc... see what's happening in America: the government of a country deliberately destroying the country's racial makeup by allowing millions of non-whites to immigrate legally or remain illegally they first cannot believe their eyes and after they overcome the initial shock they shake their heads in disbelief and think to themselves:

"This country is batshit crazy."

"destroying the country's racial makeup"


Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
Listen to what the rest of the world has to say about the demographic "changes" that are happening in western countries (that you consider so "normal"):

Those nations only exist today because of demographic changes.

By isolating and restricting the blood line the resulting species are smaller. And less healthy. The genetic make up of what is normal is always changing. Century over century.

But let’s take something simple. Breeding cattle. If you do not add to the herd. The herd becomes weaker. It becomes less productive as resulting generations of inbreeding results in lesser cattle.

Humans are the same. No animal breeder would dream of running any animal farm the way you insist the nation or people are run. Genetic purity is another way of saying genetic stagnation and degradation.

As for social norms. As I pointed out above. The same crap was claimed when the Irish showed up. They were criminals. They were drunks. Lazy. Worthless. The nation survived. It got stronger.

Bigotry always exists. It always sounds pure and strong. And it is always wrong.

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