Have Republicans ever asked “what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”

Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
America is built on the backs of slaves, indentured servants and illegal immigrants and legal ones.

Many people from around the World endured and still endure bigotry and hate in this country for no damn reason except for fear!

I have more in common with Mexicans than I do with White woke Society or the WASP Society…

Illegals actually pay taxes in many ways and yet the extreme posters believe they don’t…

Illegals pay in taxes:




And some pay income tax if they obtained a Social Security Card when they came here legally but became out of Status…

So this myth that Illegals do not contribute is a damn myth but you can never convince the damn ignorant!
Because there are always small minded bigots who are afraid of change. And change is the normal and natural state of the Universe.
Nobody I know is “afraid” of organic change authorized by We The People.
Why are okay with the demography of this once great nation changing by way of disorder and criminality and against the will of the people?
You mean like law and order? Like our politicians fulfilling their promise, their oath to the people and defending our sovereignty?
Try to address this:

“what percentage of Hispanics are here with a 100% legal lineage?”​

America is built on the backs of slaves, indentured servants and illegal immigrants and legal ones.

Many people from around the World endured and still endure bigotry and hate in this country for no damn reason except for fear!

I have more in common with Mexicans than I do with White woke Society or the WASP Society…

Illegals actually pay taxes in many ways and yet the extreme posters believe they don’t…

Illegals pay in taxes:




And some pay income tax if they obtained a Social Security Card when they came here legally but became out of Status…

So this myth that Illegals do not contribute is a damn myth but you can never convince the damn ignorant!
LefTarded as fuck logic:
”This brown family broke into my home and they refuse to leave, since they ‘contribute’ and pay part of the electric bill I’ll be okay with them staying.”
As for social norms. As I pointed out above. The same crap was claimed when the Irish showed up. They were criminals. They were drunks. Lazy. Worthless. The nation survived. It got stronger.
Hmmm….did the Irish break into our nation?
Was that before welfare, before government forced Americans to pay for the poor decisions made by thirdworlders?
Was that at time when America needed able bodies to help build a nation?

Bigotry always exists. It always sounds pure and strong. And it is always wrong.
You bleeding heart globalists have no credibility on the matter of bigotry…you clearly don’t know what it is, you firmly believe that anyone who stands against illegal immigration is a bigot.
By isolating and restricting the blood line the resulting species are smaller. And less healthy. The genetic make up of what is normal is always changing. Century over century.

But let’s take something simple. Breeding cattle. If you do not add to the herd. The herd becomes weaker. It becomes less productive as resulting generations of inbreeding results in lesser cattle.

Humans are the same. No animal breeder would dream of running any animal farm the way you insist the nation or people are run. Genetic purity is another way of saying genetic stagnation and degradation.
Super cool personal theory….now can you link us to that science we prefer to follow?
(please do not link to some editorial / opinion piece authored by another bleeding heart globalist)
Nobody I know is “afraid” of organic change authorized by We The People.
Why are okay with the demography of this once great nation changing by way of disorder and criminality and against the will of the people?

First of all, we the people think Immigration is a good thing. In fact, a majority of people, vast majority, think that Immigration is good for the country. So We The People, disagree with your hysterical inane ramblings. How does it feel to be so out of touch with We The People?

About ten percent of “we the people” consider Immigration the greatest challenge facing the nation. So you are in a distinct minority my friend. Your rants and raves about how you purport to speak for “we the people” is belied by polling, and in fact, elections.

And before you whip out the poll that shows it rising in importance, remember that it was higher in 2007, and Obama was elected the next year. So I don’t think that you are speaking for we the people. I think you are speaking for we the people who agree with me and want to believe we are a silent majority because we can’t face the idea that we are merely a fringe element of intolerant assholes who are detested by the actual majority.

Super cool personal theory….now can you link us to that science we prefer to follow?
(please do not link to some editorial / opinion piece authored by another bleeding heart globalist)

I’m guessing your family didn’t believe the dangers of inbreeding. It would explain much.

So let’s begin. Dangers of inbreeding dogs.

Dangers of inbreeding Cattle.

What do those organizations know about anything. It wasn’t published on radical right wing news for the new white era. So it’s probably liberal lies right?

Dangers of inbreeding in humans.

So good news, the first generation of inbred children don’t suffer much more than the lower naturally occurring types. However, if that continues, that will result in increased diminishment of the overall bio bank as it is called.

So Scooter, how far back do we have to go into your family tree to find a branch?
Some people just don't seem understand that the United States of America is a nation of principles, not "lineages." That kind of nonsense may be fine for the gray, bloodless, anachronistic remnants of European monarchies, but not for my America. I guess you have to be a "real, core American" to understand.
I’m guessing your family didn’t believe the dangers of inbreeding. It would explain much.

So let’s begin. Dangers of inbreeding dogs.

Dangers of inbreeding Cattle.

What do those organizations know about anything. It wasn’t published on radical right wing news for the new white era. So it’s probably liberal lies right?

Dangers of inbreeding in humans.

So good news, the first generation of inbred children don’t suffer much more than the lower naturally occurring types. However, if that continues, that will result in increased diminishment of the overall bio bank as it is called.

So Scooter, how far back do we have to go into your family tree to find a branch?
I think you’re confused bud…are you saying that we must take in dark illegals to prevent us caucasians from inbreeding?
That doesn’t sound loony as fuck to you?
I think you’re confused bud…are you saying that we must take in dark illegals to prevent us caucasians [sic] from inbreeding?
That doesn’t sound loony as fuck to you?
There it is again. More obsession with "race." :rolleyes:
I think you’re confused bud…are you saying that we must take in dark illegals to prevent us caucasians from inbreeding?
That doesn’t sound loony as fuck to you?

Well I doubt anything would prevent you from inbreeding.

Using animals again. Which dogs are generally healthier and longer lived? Rare purebreds or Mutts? The Heinz 57 tends to be healthier and longer lived. That doesn’t mean every mutt will be. But averaged out they tend to be.

The same is true of cats. And any other animal. A Liger is bigger and stronger than either Lions or Tigers.

So if you want a stronger species. A smarter species. Then cross breeding is in fact exactly the way to go. But since you don’t like dark skinned people I’m guessing you won’t even consider it. Besides. It is better to keep it in the family. Right?
Well I doubt anything would prevent you from inbreeding.

Using animals again. Which dogs are generally healthier and longer lived? Rare purebreds or Mutts? The Heinz 57 tends to be healthier and longer lived. That doesn’t mean every mutt will be. But averaged out they tend to be.

The same is true of cats. And any other animal. A Liger is bigger and stronger than either Lions or Tigers.

So if you want a stronger species. A smarter species. Then cross breeding is in fact exactly the way to go. But since you don’t like dark skinned people I’m guessing you won’t even consider it. Besides. It is better to keep it in the family. Right?
Just to be clear….you are asserting that without illegals breaking into this nation caucasian Americans would be inbreeding? Am I right?

It seems as though dark people would know much more about inbreeding than do I.…have you consulted them?
"Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children."

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