Have trump voters Considered The Topographic Obstacles To his Border Wall?

Ancient Chinese built a wall without the benefit of modern supplies and equipment over rough terrain that is still standing a couple of thousand years later.
The cost will be minor compared to what the alien invasion is costing us now.
Cheaper yet would be to annex Central America down to the Panama Canal (where we already have a wall) and save the immigrants the trouble of sneaking in and then tax them.
Another option would be concentrating on capturing the illegal aliens already here and sentencing them to 2-3 yrs. hard labor building the wall before deportation.

I got news for you sweetpea. The wall didn't work. China was still invaded.

Your cartoon graphic is hilarious... Here's what really happens. Take a close look at that dirt....try to tunnel through it without extensive bracing and shoring which is expensive and noisy, and you're digging your own grave.

Even more hilarious is what most of the border actually looks like:


The US-Mexico border is already dangerous to cross, even without a wall

Imagine building a fence here. Fuking hilarious!

The really hilarious part is you believe that is what most of the border looks like. I am guessing you don't get out much.
I didn't say all the border looked like that dum dum.
Obviously, you didn't read the linked article.
Maybe you should.
Or not.
Trump doesn't like to read.
Others of his kind probably don't like to read either.

Your cartoon graphic is hilarious... Here's what really happens. Take a close look at that dirt....try to tunnel through it without extensive bracing and shoring which is expensive and noisy, and you're digging your own grave.

Even more hilarious is what most of the border actually looks like:


The US-Mexico border is already dangerous to cross, even without a wall

Imagine building a fence here. Fuking hilarious!

The really hilarious part is you believe that is what most of the border looks like. I am guessing you don't get out much.
I didn't say all the border looked like that dum dum.
Obviously, you didn't read the linked article.
Maybe you should.
Or not.
Trump doesn't like to read.
Others of his kind probably don't like to read either.
I quoted your dumbass. Not your article. You posted the pic and made the claim. The really hilarious part is you believe that is what most of the border looks like. It is OK to admit when you are wrong. But for you, that would result in an all-day, everyday bombardment of apologies to everyone.

See all those brown bumps along the red line?
We call those "mountains".
Do you know what mountains are boys and girls?
I didn't say all the border looked like that dum dum.
Obviously, you didn't read the linked article.
Maybe you should.
Or not.
Trump doesn't like to read.
Others of his kind probably don't like to read either.

Yeah you did, because you're a clueless idiot....and Trump reads YOU loud and clear and calls you by your true name.....traitor.

When the idiot trump first announced the construction of his “wall” to keep the rapists and murders from Mexico out of the U.S., he told his gullible followers he would force Mexico to pay for it. His mindless minions cheered wildly.

Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto has repeatedly told the idiot trump that Mexico footing the bill ain’t gonna happen. But, the idiot trump keeps swearing to his mindless minions that Mexico will pay, and the dupes and suckers always cheer wildly.

Since conservatives, especially those who are devoted to the idiot trump, see themselves as experts in constitutional law, economics, foreign and domestic policy, science, and most everything else, have these self-proclaimed experts-in-all-things who are willing to debate true experts, ever given a thought to the topography of the border regions between Mexico and the United States? (to·pog·ra·phy - noun - the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.)

If the entire border of the U.S. and Mexico was a ridge line it would be ideal for a defensive wall because water flows either to one side or the other. When a wall is built that crosses a valley, canyon, small arroyo, etc., it then becomes a “dam”.

The Continental Divide would be an ideal placement for a the idiot trump‘s “wall” because no river crosses this natural ridge line that runs from Montana to New Mexico. All water from the Continental Divide will flow either to the east, Atlantic; or to the west, Pacific.

The borderland along these Southwest States generally runs over high deserts with at least a thousand canyons crossing the international border. People who live in these desert states know that when it rains, the flash floods can be massive and ferocious, with walls of water hurling boulders and debris through anything in its way.

The cost to build a human proof barrier across this lengthy section of land would be staggering. Even a small “high security” dam would require elaborate engineering to block illegal human transit and yet allow the water and natural debris to pass through. And this water and debris arrives with little advance warning.

Conservatives don’t want to pay the taxes needed for their own local police and fire protection. So, how are conservatives going to react when they see the first bids for constructing a thousand of these “specialized” dams? Dams that jump up to allow the passing of a flash flood’s water and debris, then immediately drop precisely back into place to block the illegal human traffic waiting on the “other” side.

As much as the conservatives would hate paying the bill to construct these many dams, building them is just the beginning. The expense maintaining the intricate machinery and electronic technology involved in these dams to keep them operational at all times would dwarf their construction costs, and the wall sections could only be built after the inevitable engineering “bugs” in all of these dams have been worked out. Otherwise, the wall sections would be useless.

Rational people understand we’re talking decades and trillions-of-dollars to complete such a massive undertaking, which is why no one ever seriously proposed such a ridiculous project in the past.

Only the idiot trump would be so arrogant and ignorant, which speaks volumes about his mindless minions.

Now the conservative idiocy will follow, none of which deserves a response.

View attachment 208600

Apparently there are no estimates for the more expensive specialty dams the idiot trump never mentioned.


Bullshit from start to finish.

See all those brown bumps along the red line?
We call those "mountains".
Do you know what mountains are boys and girls?
You claimed most of the border was protected by 200-300ft cliffs on either side. You lied your ass off. It's what you do. You are a liberal and cannot help yourself. You have my pity. And by pity, I mean I may pee on you if you were on fire, but it would depend on my mood that day.
It's really strange that an incoherent and psychotically angry faction of (alleged) Americans is so freaking hysterical about the U.S. preserving it's southern border. The term "wall" is generic. It can be a fence in places so don't get your panties in a bind over "topographic obstacles".
“Have trump voters Considered The Topographic Obstacles To his Border Wall?”


They’re blinded to the facts by their ignorance, hate, and bigotry, in addition to their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration.

Trump supporters will try to propagate the lie that all they’re interested in is ‘enforcing’ immigration law; but what they succeed in doing is exhibiting their ignorance of immigration law.

Federal immigration law has provisions for those seeking refugee and asylee status in the United States.

Those wishing to apply for refugee status may enter the country absent prior authorization, they’re allowed up to 30 days to apply for refugee status while in the United States, and are not considered ‘illegal’ until such time as their immigration status is determined – that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

Indeed, Trump’s ‘wall’ of ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate runs contrary to Federal immigration law by incorrectly presuming that anyone wishing to enter the country absent prior authorization doesn’t have a legitimate claim as a refugee.

All persons in the United States have the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented; Trump’s immigration policies are yet another manifestation of his contempt for the rule of law.
“Have trump voters Considered The Topographic Obstacles To his Border Wall?”


They’re blinded to the facts by their ignorance, hate, and bigotry, in addition to their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration.

Trump supporters will try to propagate the lie that all they’re interested in is ‘enforcing’ immigration law; but what they succeed in doing is exhibiting their ignorance of immigration law.

Federal immigration law has provisions for those seeking refugee and asylee status in the United States.

Those wishing to apply for refugee status may enter the country absent prior authorization, they’re allowed up to 30 days to apply for refugee status while in the United States, and are not considered ‘illegal’ until such time as their immigration status is determined – that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

Indeed, Trump’s ‘wall’ of ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate runs contrary to Federal immigration law by incorrectly presuming that anyone wishing to enter the country absent prior authorization doesn’t have a legitimate claim as a refugee.

All persons in the United States have the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented; Trump’s immigration policies are yet another manifestation of his contempt for the rule of law.

The short version.
We need illegals because Americans have caught on to our scam and will no longer vote for us.
I often wonder why ignorant people bother expressing their insane ideals. I mean, why bother? First, most of the terrain, the technical term for Topography in reality, is flat or rolling hills. Not exactly difficult to build a fence, or wall. Second, the obstacles were already conquered long ago in many other settings. For example, the Demilitarized Zone in Korea. You know, a mountainous and very rugged terrain that somehow has a number of fences, and walls, separating two nations that may soon no longer be in a war.


Why did we stop the war, I mean, if it is impossible to build obstacles across this kind of “topography” or terrain? But somehow we managed didn’t we? Because we have people called Engineers, who find solutions to problems, and you’re going to love this, overcome obstacles. These people are the ones who built roads, tunnels, and train tracks through some of the most rugged terrain in the world. Trains that run through Norwegian mountains which are no small little hills. Roads that run through Switzerland, where most of the nation’s land is practically vertical. Yet, somehow this is impossible now.

Why is it that we could overcome any obstacle to reach the moon, we choose to do this because it is hard. Yet we can not even consider the obstacles now, it’s just too hard. What happened to our people? What happened to our nation? We used to turn and face the problems, and work to overcome the impossible until we conquered the challenges. Today, we look at it and shrug, just too hard. Don’t bother. Just give up now man.

Many years ago, there was a pretty bad movie called PCU. Two stoners were supposed to put up flyers about a house party. They walked to a tree and held the flyer against it. It fell when they removed their hand. They said. “This is hard, just give up man.” They walked away leaving the flyers behind. That is literally what our nation has become. People who have never heard of a nail, or a staple gun trying to make the flyer just stay up because it is supposed to. When it doesn’t, they give up.

Listen to this speech. Kennedy knows the difficulties facing them. Metals that have not been invented, technology that does not exist, and techniques that have not been developed. Talk about impossible. That literally was impossible by any measure. Yet we did it. We as a nation demanded it. We as a nation faced the challenges, knowing that we could conquer the issues, solve the problems, and develop the technology, materials, and techniques we need to reach the goal.

If the current world was faced with the same problems, we would announce it is just too hard, and we choose not to do it, because it is hard. Imagine Kennedy’s speech today.

“We choose to remain here. We choose to ignore the moon. Because it would require us to work hard to reach a goal that may well be impossible. We have lots of other things we could be doing, but they’re hard too, so we won’t. We choose to sit on our fat asses and let someone else do it. We have no idea how to accomplish it, and we are afraid of the idea that we would have to develop new technolgy, new materials, and new skills. This level of hard work is just beyond us, and we won’t even try. We have been measured, and tested, and found wanting because we won’t take on the hard challenges, instead looking for a participated ribbon. It is hard, so we won’t do it.”
I didn't say all the border looked like that dum dum.
Obviously, you didn't read the linked article.
Maybe you should.
Or not.
Trump doesn't like to read.
Others of his kind probably don't like to read either.

Yeah you did, because you're a clueless idiot....and Trump reads YOU loud and clear and calls you by your true name.....traitor.
I'm not the one who works for Putin.
“Have trump voters Considered The Topographic Obstacles To his Border Wall?”


They’re blinded to the facts by their ignorance, hate, and bigotry, in addition to their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration.

Trump supporters will try to propagate the lie that all they’re interested in is ‘enforcing’ immigration law; but what they succeed in doing is exhibiting their ignorance of immigration law.

Federal immigration law has provisions for those seeking refugee and asylee status in the United States.

Those wishing to apply for refugee status may enter the country absent prior authorization, they’re allowed up to 30 days to apply for refugee status while in the United States, and are not considered ‘illegal’ until such time as their immigration status is determined – that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

Indeed, Trump’s ‘wall’ of ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate runs contrary to Federal immigration law by incorrectly presuming that anyone wishing to enter the country absent prior authorization doesn’t have a legitimate claim as a refugee.

All persons in the United States have the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented; Trump’s immigration policies are yet another manifestation of his contempt for the rule of law.

The short version.
We need illegals because Americans have caught on to our scam and will no longer vote for us.
Oh please.

Trump won without a majority.

You think he will get a majority in the next election?

Only Republicans want to vote for a criminal.

Hillary was a victim of right wing conspiracies.

Trump is a criminal.
Why aren't you trump fans pushing the great one to make Mexico pay for the wall? Remember, this was one of his strong points for months. He'd say 'and who's gonna pay for it?' And the true believers would yell loud and clear....MEXICO!!!!
Ancient Chinese built a wall without the benefit of modern supplies and equipment over rough terrain that is still standing a couple of thousand years later.
The cost will be minor compared to what the alien invasion is costing us now.
Cheaper yet would be to annex Central America down to the Panama Canal (where we already have a wall) and save the immigrants the trouble of sneaking in and then tax them.
Another option would be concentrating on capturing the illegal aliens already here and sentencing them to 2-3 yrs. hard labor building the wall before deportation.

I got news for you sweetpea. The wall didn't work. China was still invaded.

Man, his great wall argument was pretty shitty, but don't act like it wasn't an extremely useful deterrent throughout Chinese history.

When the idiot trump first announced the construction of his “wall” to keep the rapists and murders from Mexico out of the U.S., he told his gullible followers he would force Mexico to pay for it. His mindless minions cheered wildly.

Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto has repeatedly told the idiot trump that Mexico footing the bill ain’t gonna happen. But, the idiot trump keeps swearing to his mindless minions that Mexico will pay, and the dupes and suckers always cheer wildly.

Since conservatives, especially those who are devoted to the idiot trump, see themselves as experts in constitutional law, economics, foreign and domestic policy, science, and most everything else, have these self-proclaimed experts-in-all-things who are willing to debate true experts, ever given a thought to the topography of the border regions between Mexico and the United States? (to·pog·ra·phy - noun - the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.)

If the entire border of the U.S. and Mexico was a ridge line it would be ideal for a defensive wall because water flows either to one side or the other. When a wall is built that crosses a valley, canyon, small arroyo, etc., it then becomes a “dam”.

The Continental Divide would be an ideal placement for a the idiot trump‘s “wall” because no river crosses this natural ridge line that runs from Montana to New Mexico. All water from the Continental Divide will flow either to the east, Atlantic; or to the west, Pacific.

The borderland along these Southwest States generally runs over high deserts with at least a thousand canyons crossing the international border. People who live in these desert states know that when it rains, the flash floods can be massive and ferocious, with walls of water hurling boulders and debris through anything in its way.

The cost to build a human proof barrier across this lengthy section of land would be staggering. Even a small “high security” dam would require elaborate engineering to block illegal human transit and yet allow the water and natural debris to pass through. And this water and debris arrives with little advance warning.

Conservatives don’t want to pay the taxes needed for their own local police and fire protection. So, how are conservatives going to react when they see the first bids for constructing a thousand of these “specialized” dams? Dams that jump up to allow the passing of a flash flood’s water and debris, then immediately drop precisely back into place to block the illegal human traffic waiting on the “other” side.

As much as the conservatives would hate paying the bill to construct these many dams, building them is just the beginning. The expense maintaining the intricate machinery and electronic technology involved in these dams to keep them operational at all times would dwarf their construction costs, and the wall sections could only be built after the inevitable engineering “bugs” in all of these dams have been worked out. Otherwise, the wall sections would be useless.

Rational people understand we’re talking decades and trillions-of-dollars to complete such a massive undertaking, which is why no one ever seriously proposed such a ridiculous project in the past.

Only the idiot trump would be so arrogant and ignorant, which speaks volumes about his mindless minions.

Now the conservative idiocy will follow, none of which deserves a response.

View attachment 208600

Apparently there are no estimates for the more expensive specialty dams the idiot trump never mentioned.

You give them too much credit.

They don't even know what that means.
I realized very few of the idiot trump's mindless minions would understand the meaning of "topography", which is the reason the definition was included in paragraph three of the OP.

After years experiencing the conservatives' penchant for believing themselves to be experts in all fields, most rational people know their knowledge is actually quite limited. So an occasional hint gives them a better opportunity to make fools of themselves in their attempt to debate an issue which is clearly over their heads.

The vast majority of them are splendid examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect; which is the topic of the thread at the following link:
The Dunning–Kruger Effect


Your cartoon graphic is hilarious... Here's what really happens. Take a close look at that dirt....try to tunnel through it without extensive bracing and shoring which is expensive and noisy, and you're digging your own grave.

Even more hilarious is what most of the border actually looks like:


The US-Mexico border is already dangerous to cross, even without a wall

Imagine building a fence here. Fuking hilarious!
The idiot trump's mindless minions are certain their hero has solved this and all other engineering and technological problems, and will soon be moving those prefab concrete panels into position at breakneck speed. Even though the infrastructure necessary to access much of the wall's route does not yet exist.

Still, they know the idiot trump can build his entire wall for about $20 billion.


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