Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

A doctor...

Now that is a more difficult job than a nurse. Wonder why you couldn't say that as the difficult job? Oh of course, your wife is a nurse, and you are a doormat.

Yes and no. A doctor see a patient for 15 min max twice a day, the nurse is with the patient for 12 hours straight. The doctor relies on the nurse far more than the nurse relies on the doctor.

When my wife calls the doctor for orders 95% of the time the answer is "whatever you think is best".

My wife has caught doctors mistakes and called them to clarify and saved a patients life. A doctor has never had to correct my wife.

So, still waiting on what you do/did for a living..why are you so ashamed of your job?

Are you honestly going to argue now that being a nurse is more difficult job than being a doctor?

Golfing Gator, there are limits at which not even your leftist herd takes you seriously anymore. This is sheer and utter nonsense, as is claiming that women are stronger than men. At some point you must realize that no one is buying the BS.

difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,
Explain why?

What makes the doctors jobs more difficult?

Be specific please.

Responsibility for starters.

Ok, let's talk about that.

The doctor makes the rounds and spends at most 15 minutes with the patient, and does this twice a day.

The nurse is with the patient 12 hours straight.

The nurse gives the doctor the information on the patient's condition when they come to round.

The nurse gives all the meds, makes sure that the meds can be taken together, and look for any mistakes by the doctor. If the doctor makes a mistake on the meds and the nurse does not catch it, the nurse can lose her license but the doctor will not.

When a patient codes, the response team is made up of nurses, not doctors because there is normally not a doctor close enough.

^^ Delusion ^^

Now available in a wall of text format.


No Gator, the job of a nurse is not more difficult than the job of a doctor, no matter how much you hallucinate. And no matter how many snarky comments you post. That's all there is to it.

Yet you still cannot give a single reason why.

That says much about you.
A doctor...

Now that is a more difficult job than a nurse. Wonder why you couldn't say that as the difficult job? Oh of course, your wife is a nurse, and you are a doormat.

Yes and no. A doctor see a patient for 15 min max twice a day, the nurse is with the patient for 12 hours straight. The doctor relies on the nurse far more than the nurse relies on the doctor.

When my wife calls the doctor for orders 95% of the time the answer is "whatever you think is best".

My wife has caught doctors mistakes and called them to clarify and saved a patients life. A doctor has never had to correct my wife.

So, still waiting on what you do/did for a living..why are you so ashamed of your job?

Are you honestly going to argue now that being a nurse is more difficult job than being a doctor?

Golfing Gator, there are limits at which not even your leftist herd takes you seriously anymore. This is sheer and utter nonsense, as is claiming that women are stronger than men. At some point you must realize that no one is buying the BS.

difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
Yes and no. A doctor see a patient for 15 min max twice a day, the nurse is with the patient for 12 hours straight. The doctor relies on the nurse far more than the nurse relies on the doctor.

When my wife calls the doctor for orders 95% of the time the answer is "whatever you think is best".

My wife has caught doctors mistakes and called them to clarify and saved a patients life. A doctor has never had to correct my wife.

So, still waiting on what you do/did for a living..why are you so ashamed of your job?

Are you honestly going to argue now that being a nurse is more difficult job than being a doctor?

Golfing Gator, there are limits at which not even your leftist herd takes you seriously anymore. This is sheer and utter nonsense, as is claiming that women are stronger than men. At some point you must realize that no one is buying the BS.

difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work
Are you honestly going to argue now that being a nurse is more difficult job than being a doctor?

Golfing Gator, there are limits at which not even your leftist herd takes you seriously anymore. This is sheer and utter nonsense, as is claiming that women are stronger than men. At some point you must realize that no one is buying the BS.

difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

Without a doubt. Most of the physically hard jobs I have done were not all that fun nor rewarding.

But then something like Boot Camp was difficult, both physically and mentally difficult and it was very rewarding.

My current job has zero physical activity to it for the most part, a few small exceptions and even those are not demanding. But it is a rewarding job none the less, the completion of a project and the approval from the client give a sense of completion.
difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

You try so hard and just come off looking so petty.

So, why will you not tell us what it is you do. How embarrassed must you be of your job to not want to mention it on here.
difficult is a matter of perspective,, what one person finds hard another may enjoy doing ,,,

Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,
Something can be both hard and enjoyable. They are not mutually exclusive.

he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.
he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

Compared to being a janitor it may be. But compared to being a brain surgeon, it's child's play.
he used the word difficult not hard,,,two completely different meanings,,

just like working hard or hard work,,,you can work hard at making feather pillows, but that is in no way hard work,,,

and some of the hardest work I've ever done was enjoyable,,,

Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

well based on what I've seen from him on this thread he is clearly a dumbass,,,
Either way works. Doing something difficult can be the most rewarding when you have accomplished it.
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

Compared to being a janitor it may be. But compared to being a brain surgeon, it's child's play.
since being a nurse is neither of those things they are irrelevant,,,
not always,,,some jobs can be very hard but not difficult to do and dont require any mental work,,while some jobs can be very difficult but not hard to do if you know what youre doing,,,

all of it is a matter of perspective,,, except for the real hard work that requires a person to sacrifice themselves and their body for the work

And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

Compared to being a janitor it may be. But compared to being a brain surgeon, it's child's play.
since being a nurse is neither of those things they are irrelevant,,,

Is your wife also a nurse and are you a doormat? Just a few posts ago you were all about it being all relative...

But it doesn't matter. Men generally do more difficult hard work jobs than women. That's the point and if Golfing Gator thinks that is not so, he needs to STFU.

I am fucking tired of paying for the degrees of these useless women who graduate in uselessness, have an even more useless career, think they are "empowered", and don't even have kids which is their responsibility. Meanwhile men get the shaft on every turn, even though they would do a far better job, and as a bonus we could have some kids. As result we have men who only pretend to be men, and women who pretend to be women. Kind of like the Gators...

It's diabolical and the Gator can fuck himself if he thinks otherwise.
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Our founders did the best they could based on what they knew

Modern societies need to be run on modern values. Our US is better than their US ever was
""ALL men are created equal " and how many of our founders had slaves? ,,10 of our 1st 12 presidents did

That applies to AMERICAN CITIZENS. Someone who is not an American is not treated equally.

Yet the premise of this thread is that only white males should be allowed to vote...do you then think that only white males should be allowed to be citizens?

Negative...you’re not clear on what the premise of this thread is.
“Have we become a better nation by deviating from our founders intent?”
You have made it crystal clear that you believe only blacks and women matter while I’ve asked if we’ve become a better nation as a whole...do you care about the whole? Has the whole benefited from our deviation?
Do we want a great nation or a great nation to live in?
Great nations don't waste resources on the weak.
And the work that women generally do, is not difficult nor hard work... like nursing.

nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

Compared to being a janitor it may be. But compared to being a brain surgeon, it's child's play.
since being a nurse is neither of those things they are irrelevant,,,

Is your wife also a nurse and are you a doormat? Just a few posts ago you were all about it being all relative...

But it doesn't matter. Men generally do more difficult hard work jobs than women. That's the point and if Golfing Gator thinks that is not so, he needs to STFU.

I am fucking tired of paying for the degrees of these useless women who graduate in uselessness, have an even more useless career, think they are "empowered", and don't even have kids which is their responsibility. Meanwhile men get the shaft on every turn, even though they would do a far better job, and as a bonus we could have some kids. As result we have men who only pretend to be men, and women who pretend to be women. Kind of like the Gators...

It's diabolical and the Gator can fuck himself if he thinks otherwise.

Thank you again. you dig your own hole so much better than I ever could
Negative...you’re not clear on what the premise of this thread is.
“Have we become a better nation by deviating from our founders intent?”
You have made it crystal clear that you believe only blacks and women matter while I’ve asked if we’ve become a better nation as a whole...do you care about the whole? Has the whole benefited from our deviation?

This is where you go wrong, I do not think that only blacks and women matter, I think that we all matter. You on the other hand only think that white males matter.

That is what makes you a racist misogynist...and you always will be.
nursing is extremely difficult,,,

women do it, so in the mind of Norman it cannot be hard, nor difficult, nor tasking.

Compared to being a janitor it may be. But compared to being a brain surgeon, it's child's play.
since being a nurse is neither of those things they are irrelevant,,,

Is your wife also a nurse and are you a doormat? Just a few posts ago you were all about it being all relative...

But it doesn't matter. Men generally do more difficult hard work jobs than women. That's the point and if Golfing Gator thinks that is not so, he needs to STFU.

I am fucking tired of paying for the degrees of these useless women who graduate in uselessness, have an even more useless career, think they are "empowered", and don't even have kids which is their responsibility. Meanwhile men get the shaft on every turn, even though they would do a far better job, and as a bonus we could have some kids. As result we have men who only pretend to be men, and women who pretend to be women. Kind of like the Gators...

It's diabolical and the Gator can fuck himself if he thinks otherwise.

Thank you again. you dig your own hole so much better than I ever could

Oh I am sure that the Gator has told his (well, if we accept that the daughter is actually his - which I would question) daughter that she can be absolutely anything and can do anything that a man would do.

She will become yet a other lousy work person like all these "empowered women". Will not have kids... and that's it for the Gator family. For hundreds of thousands of years they survived, but they could not survive a transgendered lesbian lecturing them on human decency, during a time of insurmountable plenty. Perhaps better so... but when they decide that they want to bring in even less American immigrants because they are too inferior to procreate, that's when the rest of the Americans need to have a few well chosen words with these morons.
The founders lived through the tyrannical rule of a ruling class, the same ruling class the left now wish to impose. Its human nature, some are evil POS power hungry filth.
Oh I am sure that the Gator has told his (well, if we accept that the daughter is actually his - which I would question) daughter that she can be absolutely anything and can do anything that a man would do.

Would be a lie to tell her anything else.

She will become yet a other lousy work person like all these "empowered women". Will not have kids... and that's it for the Gator family. For hundreds of thousands of years they survived, but they could not survive a transgendered lesbian lecturing them on human decency, during a time of insurmountable plenty. Perhaps better so... but when they decide that they want to bring in even less American immigrants because they are too inferior to procreate, that's when the rest of the Americans need to have a few well chosen words with these morons.

She will have kids, she loves kids and is already looking to move to Peds as her job. She is young and in no hurry, which we support 100%.

if you think we need more kids out there, just command your wife to have more kids. I am sure she can find someone to impregnate her

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