Have we become a nation of obedient weenies?

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Sure looks like it.

As long as people have there eyephones and other imported gadgets, they've become too fat & lazy to see the ever-increasing wealth-gap, and the power those at the other end of the spectrum wield via their campaign cash- reliant puppets in Washington.

Our rw brethren will say that Repub jesus :eusa_angel: planned it that way but I beg to differ :eusa_hand:

Our Protest-Free New Gilded Age On Point with Tom Ashbrook


To solve the mystery of why sustained resistance to wealth inequality has gone missing in the United States, Fraser devotes the first half of the book to documenting the cut and thrust of the first Gilded Age: the mass strikes that shut down cities and enjoyed the support of much of the population; the Eight Hour Leagues that dramatically cut the length of the workday, fighting for the universal right to leisure and time “for what we will”; the vision of a “ ‘cooperative commonwealth’ in place of the Hobbesian nightmare that Progress had become.”

He reminds readers that although “class war” is considered un-American today, bracing populist rhetoric was once the lingua franca of the nation. American presidents bashed “moneycrats” and “economic royalists,” and immigrant garment workers demanded not just “bread and roses” but threatened “bread or blood.” Among many such arresting anecdotes is one featuring the railway tycoon George Pullman. When he died in 1897, Fraser writes, “his family was so afraid that his corpse would be desecrated by enraged workers, they had it buried at night . . . in a pit eight feet deep, encased in floors and walls of steel-reinforced concrete in a lead-lined casket covered in layers of asphalt and steel rails.”
Sure looks like it.

I think so. Most people don't realize that the power of the state lies primarily with our willingness to follow the rules, not with government's ability to enforce them.
Most American voters are morbidly obese, brain-dead, zombie like, self-absorbed cretins plugged into electronic devices that keep them complacent, and unable to pass what used to be a sixth grade final exam in history and government.

You will see them everywhere, if only you open your eyes.
Sure looks like it.

I think so. Most people don't realize that the power of the state lies primarily with our willingness to follow the rules, not with government's ability to enforce them.
seems if you obey the law these days you're a rube. The super wealthy sure don't but they have an army of lawyers and accountants (and politicians for that matter) at their beck & call.
I tell my son all the time that this is the true purpose of schooling, to make sure that citizens come out of school like that. lol Once kids graduate, they have NO CAPACITY for independent thought, and no ability to take the initiative to do anything that isn't directed by a corporation or the government.

Two of my favorite essays relating to this. One is the most read essay on the planet. It has been translated in more languages than any other essay, and has been used in different military organizations and corporate organizations throughout the world. It relates to this problem as a counter to what compulsory education has done to humanity.

Of course, kids today probably wouldn't get it, because, well, they wouldn't know what an encyclopedia is, or why someone would need to look up something in one. . . . but yeah. . . you get the point.

A Message to Garcia
By Elbert Hubbard

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991
"Have we become a nation of obedient weenies?"

Goodness....not another tea party member

Sure looks like it.

As long as people have there eyephones and other imported gadgets, they've become too fat & lazy to see the ever-increasing wealth-gap, and the power those at the other end of the spectrum wield via their campaign cash- reliant puppets in Washington.

Our rw brethren will say that Repub jesus :eusa_angel: planned it that way but I beg to differ :eusa_hand:

Our Protest-Free New Gilded Age On Point with Tom Ashbrook


To solve the mystery of why sustained resistance to wealth inequality has gone missing in the United States, Fraser devotes the first half of the book to documenting the cut and thrust of the first Gilded Age: the mass strikes that shut down cities and enjoyed the support of much of the population; the Eight Hour Leagues that dramatically cut the length of the workday, fighting for the universal right to leisure and time “for what we will”; the vision of a “ ‘cooperative commonwealth’ in place of the Hobbesian nightmare that Progress had become.”

He reminds readers that although “class war” is considered un-American today, bracing populist rhetoric was once the lingua franca of the nation. American presidents bashed “moneycrats” and “economic royalists,” and immigrant garment workers demanded not just “bread and roses” but threatened “bread or blood.” Among many such arresting anecdotes is one featuring the railway tycoon George Pullman. When he died in 1897, Fraser writes, “his family was so afraid that his corpse would be desecrated by enraged workers, they had it buried at night . . . in a pit eight feet deep, encased in floors and walls of steel-reinforced concrete in a lead-lined casket covered in layers of asphalt and steel rails.”
is that like the way you are an obedient weenie for the democrats?.....hey just askin because your threads and posts suggest you are pretty damned obedient to those you profess to not like....
Sure looks like it.

As long as people have there eyephones and other imported gadgets, they've become too fat & lazy to see the ever-increasing wealth-gap, and the power those at the other end of the spectrum wield via their campaign cash- reliant puppets in Washington.

Our rw brethren will say that Repub jesus :eusa_angel: planned it that way but I beg to differ :eusa_hand:

Our Protest-Free New Gilded Age On Point with Tom Ashbrook


To solve the mystery of why sustained resistance to wealth inequality has gone missing in the United States, Fraser devotes the first half of the book to documenting the cut and thrust of the first Gilded Age: the mass strikes that shut down cities and enjoyed the support of much of the population; the Eight Hour Leagues that dramatically cut the length of the workday, fighting for the universal right to leisure and time “for what we will”; the vision of a “ ‘cooperative commonwealth’ in place of the Hobbesian nightmare that Progress had become.”

He reminds readers that although “class war” is considered un-American today, bracing populist rhetoric was once the lingua franca of the nation. American presidents bashed “moneycrats” and “economic royalists,” and immigrant garment workers demanded not just “bread and roses” but threatened “bread or blood.” Among many such arresting anecdotes is one featuring the railway tycoon George Pullman. When he died in 1897, Fraser writes, “his family was so afraid that his corpse would be desecrated by enraged workers, they had it buried at night . . . in a pit eight feet deep, encased in floors and walls of steel-reinforced concrete in a lead-lined casket covered in layers of asphalt and steel rails.”
is that like the way you are an obedient weenie for the democrats?.....hey just askin because your threads and posts suggest you are pretty damned obedient to those you profess to not like....

I thought this was one of Dot's best posts, why do you have to make this all about being partisan? You do know, some things in this nation go BEYOND politics and cross the isle?

Here is a pretty notable progressive, that was invited to a to lecture to a Libertarian/ Tea Party freedom rally in New Hampshire.

You will note, she was arrested for doing work at the OCCUPY movement, and she KNOWS why there are no longer any protest movements, because the government has passed laws, and created a climate where it is impossible for citizens, on both the right, and the left, to exercise their first amendment rights. Do we REALLY need to be partisan about this? Why can't we TOGETHER, be concerned about this?

In fact, if DOT watched this whole video, he might even re-think his point of view on the 2nd Amendment. Watching Naomi's reaction, and her turn about, and having to say what she did at min 23:00 to a bunch of gun enthusiasts, is, well priceless. Can you imagine a Jewish gun control enthusiast, admitting that yes, there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to own firearms?

I myself, since I was young, always thought we should restrict them and pass laws to highly regulate them, but I went through the same philosophical change of heart after the Patriot Act was passed. I JUST DON'T TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT ELITES anymore. Watching this cultural far left Jewish liberal progressive woman talk to these free state gun right, small government privacy folks is really something else. NOT EVERYTHING IS PARTISAN.

She'll let you in on why Occupy can't protest, and why the Tea Party can't protest.
"Have we become a nation of obedient weenies?"

Goodness....not another tea party member

sorry to awaken you from your slumber..... NOT!!! Get w/ the program gramps or be steamrolled by the uber wealthy & their hand picked politicians.
This is an amazingly ironic string coming from you, Dottie! We've reached the point that we have in large part because Americans are no longer the self reliant people they once were but instead have been slowly but surely taught to rely on big government for everything.

Then you turn around and ask why they're "weenies"?
Sure looks like it.

As long as people have there eyephones and other imported gadgets, they've become too fat & lazy to see the ever-increasing wealth-gap, and the power those at the other end of the spectrum wield via their campaign cash- reliant puppets in Washington.

Our rw brethren will say that Repub jesus :eusa_angel: planned it that way but I beg to differ :eusa_hand:

Our Protest-Free New Gilded Age On Point with Tom Ashbrook


To solve the mystery of why sustained resistance to wealth inequality has gone missing in the United States, Fraser devotes the first half of the book to documenting the cut and thrust of the first Gilded Age: the mass strikes that shut down cities and enjoyed the support of much of the population; the Eight Hour Leagues that dramatically cut the length of the workday, fighting for the universal right to leisure and time “for what we will”; the vision of a “ ‘cooperative commonwealth’ in place of the Hobbesian nightmare that Progress had become.”

He reminds readers that although “class war” is considered un-American today, bracing populist rhetoric was once the lingua franca of the nation. American presidents bashed “moneycrats” and “economic royalists,” and immigrant garment workers demanded not just “bread and roses” but threatened “bread or blood.” Among many such arresting anecdotes is one featuring the railway tycoon George Pullman. When he died in 1897, Fraser writes, “his family was so afraid that his corpse would be desecrated by enraged workers, they had it buried at night . . . in a pit eight feet deep, encased in floors and walls of steel-reinforced concrete in a lead-lined casket covered in layers of asphalt and steel rails.”
is that like the way you are an obedient weenie for the democrats?.....hey just askin because your threads and posts suggest you are pretty damned obedient to those you profess to not like....

I thought this was one of Dot's best posts, why do you have to make this all about being partisan? You do know, some things in this nation go BEYOND politics and cross the isle?

Here is a pretty notable progressive, that was invited to a to lecture to a Libertarian/ Tea Party freedom rally in New Hampshire.

You will note, she was arrested for doing work at the OCCUPY movement, and she KNOWS why there are no longer any protest movements, because the government has passed laws, and created a climate where it is impossible for citizens, on both the right, and the left, to exercise their first amendment rights. Do we REALLY need to be partisan about this? Why can't we TOGETHER, be concerned about this?

In fact, if DOT watched this whole video, he might even re-think his point of view on the 2nd Amendment. Watching Naomi's reaction, and her turn about, and having to say what she did at min 23:00 to a bunch of gun enthusiasts, is, well priceless. Can you imagine a Jewish gun control enthusiast, admitting that yes, there might, just might, be a legitimate reason to own firearms?

I myself, since I was young, always thought we should restrict them and pass laws to highly regulate them, but I went through the same philosophical change of heart after the Patriot Act was passed. I JUST DON'T TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT ELITES anymore. Watching this cultural far left Jewish liberal progressive woman talk to these free state gun right, small government privacy folks is really something else. NOT EVERYTHING IS PARTISAN.

She'll let you in on why Occupy can't protest, and why the Tea Party can't protest.

I thought this was one of Dot's best posts, why do you have to make this all about being partisan? You do know, some things in this nation go BEYOND politics and cross the isle?
because it was partisan.....i was commenting on dottie, he is a fucking hypocrite....he professes to not like the democrats because they are bought and sold but yet.....show me a thread or post by this "non-partisan" poster bad mouthing those he"claims" to not like....but yet you will see many a post,were he is defending them and he has plenty to say about the other jerks......thats all....
huh? I've always said government has its place such as a reasonable self-defense apparatus (I served BTW) not the bloated, self-serving, security industrial complex that contemporary Repubs are beholden to. Understand now?
Interesting that the new anarchy movement characterizes law abiding citizens as "obedient weenies". Don't fall for this crap.
huh? I've always said government has its place such as a reasonable self-defense apparatus (I served BTW) not the bloated, self-serving, security industrial complex that contemporary Repubs are beholden to. Understand now?

You can't claim to believe that, KNOWING the government is unwieldy, corrupt, self-serving, and sometimes beyond the best intentions and hopes of all people, and then support this same entity stripping the only means the people have of protecting themselves from it if it gets beyond the control of those people who created it. It just doesn't make logical sense.

To claim that the Republican party is in any way operationally, ethically or bureaucratically different then the Democratic Party is to just be naive. The Democratic Party is beholden to just as many interests that make it just as corrupt. In fact, both parties are often times beholden to the same interests. That's why the whole game is rigged, and anyone that has half an interest and knowledge about how the system works, will tell you it is all for show. Stop being a rube.
Interesting that the new anarchy movement characterizes law abiding citizens as "obedient weenies". Don't fall for this crap.
huh? I've always said government has its place such as a reasonable self-defense apparatus (I served BTW) not the bloated, self-serving, security industrial complex that contemporary Repubs are beholden to. Understand now?
no i dont....you defend any democrat talked about on these boards and never seem to find fault with those you claim to not like in DC.....never........that makes you just as beholden.....understand now?.........
huh? I've always said government has its place such as a reasonable self-defense apparatus (I served BTW) not the bloated, self-serving, security industrial complex that contemporary Repubs are beholden to. Understand now?

You can't claim to believe that, KNOWING the government is unwieldy, corrupt, self-serving, and sometimes beyond the best intentions and hopes of all people, and then support this same entity stripping the only means the people have of protecting themselves from it if it gets beyond the control of those people who created it. It just doesn't make logical sense.

To claim that the Republican party is in any way operationally, ethically or bureaucratically different then the Democratic Party is to just be naive. The Democratic Party is beholden to just as many interests that make it just as corrupt. In fact, both parties are often times beholden to the same interests. That's why the whole game is rigged, and anyone that has half an interest and knowledge about how the system works, will tell you it is all for show. Stop being a rube.
huh? I've always said government has its place such as a reasonable self-defense apparatus (I served BTW) not the bloated, self-serving, security industrial complex that contemporary Repubs are beholden to. Understand now?

there you go again,talking about how the repubs are corrupt but the demo's are not.No matter how many times its proven over and over how FDR was a traiter to americans you never acknowledge that truth.

you do the same thing with FDR that USMB's resident troll political chic does with Reagan,ignore facts about his corruption.

that being said,i dont see how you can claim you are any different than she is.

you cant seem to grasp how in reality,its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

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