Have we ever in history considered voting a person in for president when there are concerns about their mental health?

Well, we just got through electing a guy with profound narcissistic personality disorder.

Those who adore him don't mind, so standards are down the shitter at this point.

It’s been 4 years. I think we can stop complaining about Barack Obama now.
Oh, dang, I'm sorry. I was talking about Trump.

You know: The guy who talks like he's 12, constantly engages in childish personal insults and name-calling, can't go ten seconds without sophomoric self-aggrandizing and comical hyperbole, who can't seem to stop whining about how he is "treated" although he treats people like shit, who makes terrible hires and then throws them under the bus, and who doesn't have the balls to take responsibility for anything.

THAT'S who I meant.

I really need to keep this more simple for you guys. Sorry.
Yes, you peddled that line four years ago too. How'd that work out for you anyway?

Worked out just fine... I mean, I'm not one of the 170,000 whose died in Trump Plague or one of the 40 million who lost their jobs in Trump Recession. (My business is down a bit, because people don't want to come out of their houses)

So I'm doing okay, mostly because I knew Trump was going to be a fucking disaster and prepared for it. I never anticipated THIS level of disaster, though.

Yes, your reading skills were always terrible. Note you're talking about President Trump not President Hillary, the one you said four years ago was definitely going to win
Well, we just got through electing a guy with profound narcissistic personality disorder.

Those who adore him don't mind, so standards are down the shitter at this point.

It’s been 4 years. I think we can stop complaining about Barack Obama now.

Well. If we use Democrats talking about W when he left the White House as the measure, we have four more years of talking about Obama
Yes, your reading skills were always terrible. Note you're talking about President Trump not President Hillary, the one you said four years ago was definitely going to win

Naw, man, the fact that your guy cheated his way into the White House and then proceeded to fuck up everything.... In a couple of years, you will all be trying to disassociate yourselves from him.

With luck, we lock you all out for good.
Joe Biden has lost a step. But he's not in.memtal decline.

He's at least as tuned in as Trump.

Biden is clearly more fit for the gig than Trump is. Threads like this smell of putrid desperation.
Yes, your reading skills were always terrible. Note you're talking about President Trump not President Hillary, the one you said four years ago was definitely going to win

Naw, man, the fact that your guy cheated his way into the White House and then proceeded to fuck up everything.... In a couple of years, you will all be trying to disassociate yourselves from him.

With luck, we lock you all out for good.

You're just babbling now
You're just babbling now

I know, too scary of a concept. I'm old enough to remember Nixon, who won 49 states in 1972, but by 1980, no one would admit having voted for him. Trump is going to be like that for you guys. He'll get voted out, and then you will all deny you supported him to start with.
You're just babbling now

I know, too scary of a concept. I'm old enough to remember Nixon, who won 49 states in 1972, but by 1980, no one would admit having voted for him. Trump is going to be like that for you guys. He'll get voted out, and then you will all deny you supported him to start with.

And yet, back to reality. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but I am going to vote for him in November.

Oops .... That was the sound of the air going out of your balloon. LOL
And yet, back to reality. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but I am going to vote for him in November.

So what? It's like saying, "I didn't vote for Hitler in 1933, but I'm going to totally vote for him in 1936. "
And yet, back to reality. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but I am going to vote for him in November.

So what? It's like saying, "I didn't vote for Hitler in 1933, but I'm going to totally vote for him in 1936. "

Read the post I replied to, dumb ass. I was responding to the point you made that people are running away from Trump. You just see what Democrats tell you to see, you have no mind of your own
Well, we just got through electing a guy with profound narcissistic personality disorder.

Those who adore him don't mind, so standards are down the shitter at this point.

Yeah, the American people have clearly set the bar at a historic low. Integrity in our candidates used to mean something. Apparently, now it's about whoever can promise the most bullshit and fling the most monkey shit.

*Sigh* I was so right about this Orange asshole since 2001. He's a complete disgrace. And now the office of President is soiled forever. I'm forever surprised at the sheer amount of stupid people there are in this country.
It seems unfathomable to me that we may knowingly elect a man to the presidency who is quite clearly in a mental decline. He can't string together very many sentences without a script, and even then mucks it up. He refers to blacks as if they owe him something. Sometimes he says things that make absolutely no sense.

Are we really on the verge of doing this???

LOL -- were you out of town in 2016?

Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother

Oh for Christs sakes. Our economy was doing great and UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and Trump was at the helm making the right decisions to make It so.

Your a Trump hater who will never see anything good about him. In fact you appear to be an idiot of the first degree.

Barry left him a fair hand but Trump is the one who made the economy grow. Do some research to find out HOW he did it. Don't be such an ass.
How? by giving trillions to the 1% and $500 bucks to everyone else?

Do some research. I got a refund and sure was better than $500 and I'd bet you got the same. Oh and take your 1% and shove it up your stupid ass.
You bet wrong I' didn't get or need one Poor dumb f..ers like you did

Oh I didn't need it but its my money so I took it and I'm sure you did as well.

Who are you trying to kid. If Trump were a Dem you'd be singing his praises and called him the best POTUS in decades. Your a dishonest POS.

How many, do you suppose, sent back their check? Yet, they continue to badmouth Trump.

Not a one of them. They would all take another check as well.

As I said. If Trump were a Dem they would be singing his praises and calling him the best POTUS in decades. They make me laugh with their dishonesty. What a bunch of imbeciles.
And believe me I don't need his stinkin check
+$201,192.81 (1.68%)
Day Change
+$4,364,837.00 (55.91%)
YTD Change

Well if you don't need it then give it back. Hell Trump gives his entire salary to causes he supports. You do the same.
LOL Think he won't claim a DOUBLE deduction ?? The man is a crook Born and bred It's in his genes As far as the check Pretty sure I wasn't sent one

LMAO He doesn't need to be a crook. He's a billionaire and a great businessman. Well if you didn't get a check you should be bitching up a storm unless your one of those 1%ers you keep raving about. LOL
First off his being a billionaire could be all bullshit and great businessman??? If he wasn't bailed out by his father he'd be living off some lady he conned

It is bullshit. Everything about the Orange Virus is bullshit. Him being nothing but a disgraceful, lying con man is the only thing about him you can trust. If he loses, he will face social exile.
Read the post I replied to, dumb ass. I was responding to the point you made that people are running away from Trump. You just see what Democrats tell you to see, you have no mind of your own

The reality- your attempt to convince us that you are a "Good German" isn't going to fly now and it won't fly in ten years when you claim, "Forget about Trump, he wasn't a REAL conservative/republican/libertarian"
And yet, back to reality. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but I am going to vote for him in November.

So what? It's like saying, "I didn't vote for Hitler in 1933, but I'm going to totally vote for him in 1936. "

Read the post I replied to, dumb ass. I was responding to the point you made that people are running away from Trump. You just see what Democrats tell you to see, you have no mind of your own
head vets groups say they're finished with him
You're just babbling now

I know, too scary of a concept. I'm old enough to remember Nixon, who won 49 states in 1972, but by 1980, no one would admit having voted for him. Trump is going to be like that for you guys. He'll get voted out, and then you will all deny you supported him to start with.

And yet, back to reality. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but I am going to vote for him in November.

Oops .... That was the sound of the air going out of your balloon. LOL

Another Cult45 dumbfuck speaks. Listen idiot, no one cares who you vote for. You aren't important.
You're just babbling now

I know, too scary of a concept. I'm old enough to remember Nixon, who won 49 states in 1972, but by 1980, no one would admit having voted for him. Trump is going to be like that for you guys. He'll get voted out, and then you will all deny you supported him to start with.
Stop lying, chinaman.
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You're just babbling now

I know, too scary of a concept. I'm old enough to remember Nixon, who won 49 states in 1972, but by 1980, no one would admit having voted for him. Trump is going to be like that for you guys. He'll get voted out, and then you will all deny you supported him to start with.
Speaking of deny deny What are the Republican bootlickers in the senate going to say?/Apology will NOT be accepted
It seems unfathomable to me that we may knowingly elect a man to the presidency who is quite clearly in a mental decline. He can't string together very many sentences without a script, and even then mucks it up. He refers to blacks as if they owe him something. Sometimes he says things that make absolutely no sense.

Are we really on the verge of doing this???
Looks like you missed a couple letters; you must have meant:
“we may knowingly re-elect a man to the presidency ...”
It would be tragic, indeed.
Read the post I replied to, dumb ass. I was responding to the point you made that people are running away from Trump. You just see what Democrats tell you to see, you have no mind of your own

The reality- your attempt to convince us that you are a "Good German" isn't going to fly now and it won't fly in ten years when you claim, "Forget about Trump, he wasn't a REAL conservative/republican/libertarian"

And Joe goes down swinging at the air. His head hits the canvas. Seven, eight, nine, ten. {ref raises kaz's hand} And we have a winner!

Joe goes to, but you're a racist (in big whiny voice. Admitting you lost

Trump's not a conservative/republican/libertarian. I say that now

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