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I carried a tremendous amount of guilt after divorce from #1. Then I chanced upon a newspaper article titled "The 7 signs of emotional abuse". I thought my god that's exactly what I put up with for 13 years. I felt vindicated.

This I can relate to...definately! Dated a guy for 6 years that completely destroyed my self confidence/esteem with his cheating. So the next time I went looking...I wanted a guy completely different from him in in every way,and thought I had found one...and I married him. For the first few years it was great,we never fought and did everything together..then BAM.. one day I realized I had married someone I didn't even recognize anymore. Apparently no one ever taught him to never say things in anger you can't take back (I tried to explain it to him,but he wasn't having any part of that.) I seriously could not believe the things that would come out of his mouth...directed at me (he went straight for the throat in an argument, and told me several times it was his goal to "win" ..didn't matter "how" but he really didn't mean any of it.). I quickly learned to never tell him anything that could be used against me in a fight later,which meant we didn't talk...period. At first the verbal abuse used to shut me down completely...but later as time went on, it just made me sarcastic and bitchy. I would pop off with comments like "Wow..such sweet talk...you must want to get lucky later". Then one day I just thought to myself...why the heck am I even still here,I would much rather be alone. And I left him...don't miss him either.
Married With Children Paves Way to Happiness

The study found that life satisfaction for married people -- women especially -- goes up the more kids they have. Single, separated and co-habiting people, by contrast, report negative experiences.

"One is tempted to advance that children make people better off under the 'right conditions' -- a time in life when people feel that they are ready, or at least willing, to enter parenthood," Dr. Luis Angeles, of the University of Glasgow in Scotland, said in a news release from the journal's publisher. "This time can come at very different moments for different individuals, but a likely signal of its approach may well be the act of marriage."

Married With Children Paves Way to Happiness - Yahoo! News
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*Knocks quietly*

Is this the USMB group therapy session?

Darn, I was looking for the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.

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I want to again Thank EVERYONE who has Shared a Story in this Thread...


*Knocks quietly*

Is this the USMB group therapy session?

Darn, I was looking for the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.


I noticed your wit and I liked! lol

I was looking for the Internet Addiction Anonymous thread myself when I happened in here.
*Knocks quietly*

Is this the USMB group therapy session?

Darn, I was looking for the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.


I noticed your wit and I liked! lol

I was looking for the Internet Addiction Anonymous thread myself when I happened in here.

How embarrassing!! I thought Monday was Internet Addiction night and today was my AA meeting. Color me pink!
*Knocks quietly*

Is this the USMB group therapy session?

Darn, I was looking for the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.


I noticed your wit and I liked! lol

I was looking for the Internet Addiction Anonymous thread myself when I happened in here.

How embarrassing!! I thought Monday was Internet Addiction night and today was my AA meeting. Color me pink!

I Hang out in Addiction Forums that are about Addictions I don't have...

I'm Tyler Durden.

God, I wish I could just take up that Heroine Habit I've always wanted to Start! :lol:

It Looks so Derned Fun!


I noticed your wit and I liked! lol

I was looking for the Internet Addiction Anonymous thread myself when I happened in here.

How embarrassing!! I thought Monday was Internet Addiction night and today was my AA meeting. Color me pink!

I Hang out in Addiction Forums that are about Addictions I don't have...

I'm Tyler Durden.

God, I wish I could just take up that Heroine Habit I've always wanted to Start! :lol:

It Looks so Derned Fun!



I seriously considered joining Gamblers Anonymous but, in the end, I decided it wasn't worth the risk.
*Knocks quietly*

Is this the USMB group therapy session?

Darn, I was looking for the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.


I noticed your wit and I liked! lol

I was looking for the Internet Addiction Anonymous thread myself when I happened in here.

How embarrassing!! I thought Monday was Internet Addiction night and today was my AA meeting. Color me pink!

masquerade looks around for a schedule of threads and meetings ....
How embarrassing!! I thought Monday was Internet Addiction night and today was my AA meeting. Color me pink!

I Hang out in Addiction Forums that are about Addictions I don't have...

I'm Tyler Durden.

God, I wish I could just take up that Heroine Habit I've always wanted to Start! :lol:

It Looks so Derned Fun!



I seriously considered joining Gamblers Anonymous but, in the end, I decided it wasn't worth the risk.


I Sneak a Flask into AA Meetings...


Some of the stories in this thread are amazing.

I've been married for 12 years to my first and only wife. It stuns me to hear how people can abuse their spouses and loved ones. It is my job as a man to provide for and protect my wife and my family. A man who abuses his spouse is not a man. He's a low piece of shit.
Some of the stories in this thread are amazing.

I've been married for 12 years to my first and only wife. It stuns me to hear how people can abuse their spouses and loved ones. It is my job as a man to provide for and protect my wife and my family. A man who abuses his spouse is not a man. He's a low piece of shit.
As is a woman who abuses her husband. I've known abused husbands and while statistically they are in the minority, they suffer not only from the abuse but have few if any resources to turn to for help.
Some of the stories in this thread are amazing.

I've been married for 12 years to my first and only wife. It stuns me to hear how people can abuse their spouses and loved ones. It is my job as a man to provide for and protect my wife and my family. A man who abuses his spouse is not a man. He's a low piece of shit.
As is a woman who abuses her husband. I've known abused husbands and while statistically they are in the minority, they suffer not only from the abuse but have few if any resources to turn to for help.

That's very true.

A friend of mine is a marriage counselor and she says the level of spousal by wives towards their husbands is much higher than people believe.
Some of the stories in this thread are amazing.

I've been married for 12 years to my first and only wife. It stuns me to hear how people can abuse their spouses and loved ones. It is my job as a man to provide for and protect my wife and my family. A man who abuses his spouse is not a man. He's a low piece of shit.

Particularly if, when whomever he's targeting turns on him, he then accuses of abusing HIM.

That's my ex's m.o. Wait until she hits you back, then tell everyone YOU'RE the one who's being abused.

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