Have you donated to help for Ukraine?

Yes or No?

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No. I don’t have much trust in non-profits nowadays. I hope the best for them but I can barely get by with what I have.
There are reputable charities out there. Doctors Without Borders and World Central Kitchen are both doing good work over there, but do understand not everyone is in a position to send them money. I'm donating 50% of all my profits from the NCAA tournament.
Actually I have.

Just today I wrote check to a conservative's campaign for The U.S. Senate. That's the best one can to do help Ukraine. Until Xiden is rendered powerless there is no help coming their way no matter how hard they might scrape the can of Democrat promises. It is empty.
There are reputable charities out there. Doctors Without Borders and World Central Kitchen are both doing good work over there, but do understand not everyone is in a position to send them money. I'm donating 50% of all my profits from the NCAA tournament.
Great! Lia Thomas?
Actually I have.

Just today I wrote check to a conservative's campaign for The U.S. Senate. That's the best one can to do help Ukraine. Until Xiden is rendered powerless there is no help coming their way no matter how hard they might scrape the can of Democrat promises. It is empty.
Lol…. you really are an idiot.

Trump - tried to break up NATO
Biden - organized the entire world against Russia while strengthening our alliance.
My wife's best girlfriend is from Ukraine. Her parents live in Kiev. They wanted to flee the country when Russia invaded but Zelensky made it illegal for any Ukrainian man under 60 years old to leave the country. If he has to stay, she's not leaving his side. They are both locked and loaded. Guys were handing out free brand new AK-47s and all the ammo they could carry on a street corner near their home.

I loaned her uncle $1100 travel money so he could go back to Ukraine to help his brother and sister in law and gave him a ride to the airport.

Does that count as a donation?
I have donated to World Central Kitchen, when you have over 2 million refugees, they need to eat. We're talking innocent civilians who need food.

Just wondering if you answered 'yes', what organization did you choose, and why?

I do not discuss my charitable contributions or works.

I'm not looking for a pat on the back or an attaboy, nor do I feel the need for any kind of validation from others.

But hey, you do you...
I do not discuss my charitable contributions or works.

I'm not looking for a pat on the back or an attaboy, nor do I feel the need for any kind of validation from others.

But hey, you do you...
I'm not looking for it either, I'm looking for others to share their charities so I and others have informed choices on how to help.
That counts as looking out for people you care for. :)
Actually, I don't know him very well, but his niece is a very good friend of ours. I also gave him 6 new pairs of very warm thermal socks too. I tend to buy socks in bulk and keep several pairs in my van with my fishing and camping gear. I remembered that when I dropped him off at the airport and gave those to him at the last minute and he stuck them in his bag. They are very warm socks. When I'm wearing those thermal socks it can be below zero outside and I won't even bother to put shoes or slippers on when I take the garbage out in the morning.

She was talking with her father on the phone after her uncle got to Kiev and he specifically told her to make sure to tell me thank you for the socks. :lol:

You've got to consider those a donation.

And because I didn't even mention the socks to anyone, I know for sure that her uncle made it to Kiev.
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Have you donated to help for Ukraine?​

If you mean, did I pay my taxes (which were pretty big and oppressive this year), then yes.

If you mean over and above that, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the BackAgain family also made a big contribution — to a credible charitable entity — earmarked for the Ukraine relief cause. My wife is very giving.

Not that it matters. I mean, why is it any concern of yours?

"Now we all only hear about this crisis, anti-Russian sanctions, oil, gas..... Do you understand what this crisis means, for example, for Africa? Russia supplies us with grain and corn. All logistics goes through the Black Sea. And the African world froze in horror at what was happening. Horrified by the actions of the United States and the European Union.

You won't buy africans with stories about democracy. These are just your fairy tales for internal consumption. The majority of the african elite was formed in the Soviet Union - doctors, engineers, pilots, teachers, scientists. The Russians were the only Europeans who carried out decolonization in Africa. And Africa remembers it. Just as Africa remembers European atrocities.

If you noticed, African countries did not support the UN resolution condemning Russia. And they will never support any resolutions against Russia. This is sewn into the subcortex of any african: Russia is good, so that you don't think about it. This is a constant.

The whole of Africa is watching the CAR and Mali. What the Europeans could not do for decades, the Russians did in a year. There were gangs on the site of the CAR, today there is a real state there.

I know that there are diplomats and Foreign Ministry employees in the hall. I appeal to you, to French diplomacy: look for a solution to your problem as soon as possible, because if the conflict does not end in a month, Africa will break out.

It is for you that the problems of energy are put at the forefront. In the worst case, you will have less heat and fewer cars, and we will have a hunger problem in Africa! Listen to me, the crisis in Africa will entail the destruction of Europe.

Come to your senses, look for diplomatic solutions. And don't forget that countries like India and China support Russia. Africa supports Russia.

I don't want to talk about democracy, and you won't pity me, an African, with stories about unhappy Ukraine and appeals to humanity. Your democracy is your business. We don't need to impose your ideas on how we Africans should live.

Once again! Look for compromises, let the diplomats work. Time is against us. We have 30 days! Thirty! No more!"
While our government sends a billion of our tax dollars. I sure as hell am not sending one fucking cent to Ukraine.

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