Have you donated to the ASPCA because of their Silent Night commercial?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Check out their donation drive video featuring Silent Night.


Seems like they feature Silent Night because they have no trouble silencing these defenseless animals using your donations to supply the death drug.

See: ASPCA Position Statement on Euthanasia
"The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death rather than suffer from such cruelties as malnutrition, disease or trauma, outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and/or uncared-for existence. Similarly, long-term housing of individual dogs and cats in cages without access to exercise or social activities is not an acceptable alternative. Euthanasia must be understood for what it is: a last-step, end-of-the-road option to spare animals further hardship and suffering."

Keep in mind there are many no-kill animal rescue shelters, and in my opinion, they actually deserve your needed donations to keep these animals alive rather than being “rescued” only to be euthanized.

Check out their donation drive video featuring Silent Night.


Seems like they feature Silent Night because they have no trouble silencing these defenseless animals using your donations to supply the death drug.

See: ASPCA Position Statement on Euthanasia
"The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death rather than suffer from such cruelties as malnutrition, disease or trauma, outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and/or uncared-for existence. Similarly, long-term housing of individual dogs and cats in cages without access to exercise or social activities is not an acceptable alternative. Euthanasia must be understood for what it is: a last-step, end-of-the-road option to spare animals further hardship and suffering."

Keep in mind there are many no-kill animal rescue shelters, and in my opinion, they actually deserve your needed donations to keep these animals alive rather than being “rescued” only to be euthanized.


Nope. I can't stand those pricks.
They euthanize almost every dog they come across. Fuck them.
90% of the dogs they handle, they euthanize.
Fuck the doggie Nazis. :fu:
They killed 90% of the dogs in that commercial.

True story coming.
One day my roommate is driving through this subdivision to take me to get back to this ol' boy's land at the back of it where there's a girl I'm gonna stay with for the weekend. On the way there, there's 3 deer in the road, 2 does and a fawn. We come up on em fast..about 35 mph. He hits mama..mama flies forward and lands on her knees and starts running. The fawn ended up getting rolled over by the pumpkin of his truck. It's FUBAR.
He calls the ASPCA. You know what he gets? A recording. Forever.
I calmed him down and put that tasty fawn on his tailgate and instructed him to proceed to our original destination where I ended up feeding everyone there for a weekend and all at my my best friend's house the next weekend, too. Oh! Ol' boy at the back of the subdivision already had a cable strung, and that fawn was skinned, gutted, and butchered and put away within an hour. With a 40 year old Case knife with a broken tip my uncle gave to me a long time ago.
It was about 70 lbs. Of pure good (except for the bruised part) venison.
We fed the backstraps to my best friend's daughter after deep frying and she liked it. We didn't tell her what it was.
It's the "new" chicken! :auiqs.jpg:
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Every dollar that the ASPCA spends on ads like that sickening Silent Night bullshit is a dollar that does nothing to help abused animals.

When I want to help animals, I donate locally to the Humane Society or I go out and spend money on stuff they need like food. Back when I was more up to it, I volunteered, cleaned cages, walked dogs, did laundry, et cetera.

Check out their donation drive video featuring Silent Night.


Seems like they feature Silent Night because they have no trouble silencing these defenseless animals using your donations to supply the death drug.

See: ASPCA Position Statement on Euthanasia
"The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death rather than suffer from such cruelties as malnutrition, disease or trauma, outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and/or uncared-for existence. Similarly, long-term housing of individual dogs and cats in cages without access to exercise or social activities is not an acceptable alternative. Euthanasia must be understood for what it is: a last-step, end-of-the-road option to spare animals further hardship and suffering."

Keep in mind there are many no-kill animal rescue shelters, and in my opinion, they actually deserve your needed donations to keep these animals alive rather than being “rescued” only to be euthanized.


I will instantly put you on ignore if you ever post another animal abuse video like this again. I have ZERO in watching animals suffer.
I feel badly for any suffering creature. But the endless ads begging for money don’t motivate me. There’s only but so much to go around.

I went to a vet when one of my old pets was suffering from an incurable advanced cancer. Hard to see if a cat is in pain but I took the vet’s word that he was. I held it in my arms as it was put down.

I generally don’t cry. But I couldn’t hide my tears that day.

Then I had a dog who had a different cancer which required surgery. It had a heart attack and died on the table. Coincidentally, later that day I also had a heart attack.

Animal neglect and cruelty are vile crimes.
I'd rather give money to my local shelter instead.

I don't trust any orginzation big enough to run commercials asking for donations because I don't believe they put the needs of their cause before their own pockets. Maybe 1 out of a 1000 do like St Jude hospital, but that's it.

Every dollar that the ASPCA spends on ads like that sickening Silent Night bullshit is a dollar that does nothing to help abused animals.

When I want to help animals, I donate locally to the Humane Society or I go out and spend money on stuff they need like food. Back when I was more up to it, I volunteered, cleaned cages, walked dogs, did laundry, et cetera.


Local shelters are your best bet, just make sure it's a no-kill shelter.
Check out their donation drive video featuring Silent Night.


Seems like they feature Silent Night because they have no trouble silencing these defenseless animals using your donations to supply the death drug.

See: ASPCA Position Statement on Euthanasia
"The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death rather than suffer from such cruelties as malnutrition, disease or trauma, outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and/or uncared-for existence. Similarly, long-term housing of individual dogs and cats in cages without access to exercise or social activities is not an acceptable alternative. Euthanasia must be understood for what it is: a last-step, end-of-the-road option to spare animals further hardship and suffering."

Keep in mind there are many no-kill animal rescue shelters, and in my opinion, they actually deserve your needed donations to keep these animals alive rather than being “rescued” only to be euthanized.


Just about everyone that has ever loved a companion has had to make the decision to end the suffering of disease or serious injury. The ASPCA has had to make that decision too. They do have facilities where dogs that are too old, infirm or disabled but otherwise healthy may live out the last of their days enjoying life. The don't put animals down that are simply unwanted. They aren't PETA.
I'd rather give money to my local shelter instead.

I don't trust any orginzation big enough to run commercials asking for donations because I don't believe they put the needs of their cause before their own pockets.

I agree! Our local "Pet-Pal" animal shelter is my choice.

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