Have You Ever Been Asked To Reschedule Your Vacation...


Jul 27, 2012
Or even leave a little later than planned due to there being unfinished business at work?

I sure as hell have and quite honestly, when there is something that needs done at work I don't feel comfortable with leaving and taking time off until I KNOW it's being addressed.


Several years of conscious effort to NOT pass a budget. Attempting to force themselves to play nice with one another via threat of massive cuts that will become a reality in a few short months and one economic report after another that scream YOU'RE SO FUCKING FAILING US and these arrogant assholes are taking some vaca?!!!

I'm sure it would be NOTHING to find two volunteers from each state, what with all the unemployment in this country, who would gladly make their way to Washington and give these slugs a permanent vacation.

FFS, my kids can see the utter idiocy in the way these clowns operate. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
isnt this the same congress and president who told us that nationalized health care is so awesome they wont even be a part of it? Thats how awesome it is, they dont even want to be in it and take it away from us. Do u really think they care if anything else gets done. Its about agenda, once the agendas are done the rest of the work is meaningless and if that means u dont get ur cookie, so be it.
Or even leave a little later than planned due to there being unfinished business at work?

I sure as hell have and quite honestly, when there is something that needs done at work I don't feel comfortable with leaving and taking time off until I KNOW it's being addressed.


Several years of conscious effort to NOT pass a budget. Attempting to force themselves to play nice with one another via threat of massive cuts that will become a reality in a few short months and one economic report after another that scream YOU'RE SO FUCKING FAILING US and these arrogant assholes are taking some vaca?!!!

I'm sure it would be NOTHING to find two volunteers from each state, what with all the unemployment in this country, who would gladly make their way to Washington and give these slugs a permanent vacation.

FFS, my kids can see the utter idiocy in the way these clowns operate. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I totally agree with you, IGITA. These people are doing the nations business, supposedly. And they cannot get their act together at all. If they were told by the president that they were to stay and get a budget done, then bipartisanship may have a chance.
Until the GOP trash are thrown out and the dems get complete, filibuster proof control, it's likely going to continue like this for a long time,...
Until the GOP trash are thrown out and the dems get complete, filibuster proof control, it's likely going to continue like this for a long time,...

Oh, okay...pffft.
So all the statements by Reid that there will be no vote on a budget before the '10 midterms, before the end of 2011 and most recently before the '12 election are on Republicans.

Pull that head out and take a breath.
The whole "waaa waaa budget!" is just a bunch of crap spewed by fox and the other right wing propaganda outlets to create faux outrage. There is a budget in place, and in effect until next year.
The whole "waaa waaa budget!" is just a bunch of crap spewed by fox and the other right wing propaganda outlets to create faux outrage. There is a budget in place, and in effect until next year.


"On July 31, 2012, a tentative deal was announced to fund the government from October 2012 through March 2013 through a continuing resolution. The spending rates were slightly higher than the FY2012 levels. The deal was reached because Republicans were eager to avoid a prolonged dispute that could threaten a government shutdown just before the upcoming 2012 general elections."

2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm surprised you didn't know that :eusa_eh:
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The whole "waaa waaa budget!" is just a bunch of crap spewed by fox and the other right wing propaganda outlets to create faux outrage. There is a budget in place, and in effect until next year.


"On July 31, 2012, a tentative deal was announced to fund the government from October 2012 through March 2013 through a continuing resolution. The spending rates were slightly higher than the FY2012 levels. The deal was reached because Republicans were eager to avoid a prolonged dispute that could threaten a government shutdown just before the upcoming 2012 general elections."

2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing disingenuous about disagreements between two parties, one of which did all the "shellacking" in '10 and continues to win the vote of the people, all being blamed on those in the minority.

And then you want to talk about "waaaaa waaaaa"?

"On July 31, 2012, a tentative deal was announced to fund the government from October 2012 through March 2013 through a continuing resolution. The spending rates were slightly higher than the FY2012 levels. The deal was reached because Republicans were eager to avoid a prolonged dispute that could threaten a government shutdown just before the upcoming 2012 general elections."

2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing disingenuous about disagreements between two parties, one of which did all the "shellacking" in '10 and continues to win the vote of the people, all being blamed on those in the minority.

And then you want to talk about "waaaaa waaaaa"?

Because of the teabaggers, they have tanked congress and given them the lowest approval ratings in history at 11%, and caused the nation's credit to be downgraded because they refused to cut a penny of their insane give-a-ways to the rich. That's not something to be proud of.
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"On July 31, 2012, a tentative deal was announced to fund the government from October 2012 through March 2013 through a continuing resolution. The spending rates were slightly higher than the FY2012 levels. The deal was reached because Republicans were eager to avoid a prolonged dispute that could threaten a government shutdown just before the upcoming 2012 general elections."

2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing disingenuous about disagreements between two parties, one of which did all the "shellacking" in '10 and continues to win the vote of the people, all being blamed on those in the minority.

And then you want to talk about "waaaaa waaaaa"?

Because of the teabaggers, they have tanked congress and given them the lowest approval ratings in history at 11%, and caused the nation's credit to be downgraded because they refused to cut a penny of their insane give-a-ways to the rich. That's not something to be proud of.

...Meanwhile, the Democrats took full controlled of the House and Senate in '07 and started an orgy of increased federal spending and punitive regulations aimed at industries with a history of donating to Republican candidates that exploded to unprecedented levels under the current administration. Always under the assumption that the massive, not fully utilized resource of individual personal wealth would foot the bill.

Now we're bludgeoned to death with rhetoric about some arbitrary "fair share" that NO ONE will define as doing so would put a limit on an individual's "fair share" while Democrat filth consider the words "spending cut" blasphemy.

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