Have you had The 'Rona?

Have you had Covid?

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Yes I had. No symptoms for the first few days but then it hit pretty hard. Night cough and damn tiredness to the point of having a gradpa nap.

IMO wearing leather or synthetic leather not latex gloves at public places during "flu season" prevent the germs from getting under the fingernails where they are almost impossible to remove with a simple hand wash. By doing so, I have not had a cold or flu in 7 years or so. Is it possible to get infected with airborne germs? Maybe if someone nearby coughed or sneezed. :dunno:

When a filthy, infected individual picks their nose and goes to the supermarket and uses a cart, that shit is on the handle of the cart for probably a few hours. Touch the cart, touch your nose, their shit is now in your system. :sad:
Just finished at the Docs; virtually NO "long" symptoms at all. Heart good; BP fine, shoulder recovering(unrelated) and I'm back on my bicycle at the weekend. I would have gone today but it was raining; I'm no fanatic.

My take; we are ALL getting Covid. Now that Omicron is here it's virtually OVER except for those who are vulnerable with Comorbidities. Back to the Flu shots. Had one today.

:11_2_1043: :11_2_1043: :11_2_1043: :11_2_1043: :11_2_1043: :yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12::huddle::huddle::huddle::huddle::113::113::113::113:
Anyone notice the avid vaccine defenders are staying away from these threads? Hmmm. Anyway I had it once; so did hubby. Unvaxxed. Our kids both vaxxed have had it once (one kid) and twice (one). Since I'm a teacher I work with a lot of vaxxed and boosted people. Many of them are on their second infection.

The vaccines are a disaster.
had it twice, second time fully vaccined.

not good either time, but no different then a bad cold
Reading this article about folks they think may have natural immunity to COVID-19... says the majority of Americans have contacted the virus in the last two years.

That hasn't been the impression I've gotten talking to folks.

Hence this poll...
Had it not once but twice and the second time nearly killed me…

I ain’t joking and it took three months to shake the headache and still have the damn fatigue and brain fog…

Will catch it again, so when I do expect me to be dead!
I think I had it literally the first month it started, or it was just a minor cold.
Haven't had a sniffle since.

No jab, and not going to get jabbed.
Nope. I had to have a test done this week. Turns out two people I was in the office with last Monday (5/2) have tested positive in the last week, so I was told I needed to get tested before I could return to the office next Monday. The test came back Negative.

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