Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.
Love how you accuse others that acknowledge they are sinners of being hypocrites.

Have you used the race card today?
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.
Love how you accuse others that acknowledge they are sinners of being hypocrites.

Have you used the race card today?
I don't believe for a minute that you're a sincere Christian. You're full of hate and you're a fraud.

That's my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad.
People come to Jesus in "nations" (earthly groups) but they leave the Judgment Throne in only two groups: Sheeps and Goats--believers and unbelievers.
On that I have to disagree.... He specifically did not separate them by who believed in Him and who did not... That was NOT Jesus's lesson in this Scripture?

If you noticed, BOTH GROUPS called him LORD? Both of those groups knew Jesus as Lord, both of those groups asked of Jesus, "but when did we do this for/to you?" And He said, basically, however you treated those that He mentioned, (the sick, poor, stranger, imprisoned) you treated Him...???
Sweet Sue is right, I think. Only believers inherit the kingdom of God. Calling someone "lord" matters not a whit to people who could care less about that someone, unless they think that doing so might reward them somehow.
I can see that point of view, based on other readings of Scripture regarding who is saved, and how some churches have interpreted such over the centuries of Christianity.

But they did not just call Him Lord, they knew Him in the sense that they are asking Christ basically, ''...when in the world did we deny you food to eat or water to drink etc...?'' It gave a sense in the passage reading, that they knew him more than just at that moment of the Hour of Judgement.

Also, not one single peep from Jesus, on Judgement Day, to all the people in all the Nations of the world itself that He is judging, about whether whom ever so 'Believeth in Him'' or not....? Why Not? IF that is one of the most important parts of Christianity... again, why not mention it or even hint of it, at the Last Judgement?

I just think, there is much more to this Scripture, than we understand on the surface, if we contemplate on it, in depth... piece by piece of what is going on in this scene of the last judgement of Christ... :dunno:
Jesus spoke of the judgment day. Thoroughly.

He said the temple would be destroyed; it was. He said armies would surround Jerusalem; they did. He warned believers to flee to the wilderness; they did, for the 3 ½ years of the First Revolt. Etc.

Everything he said in the Olivet Discourse that would happen did happen. The apocalypse confirms it. What more would he have said?

it's what all the Pharisees were saying and they were right. They tried to fight it
off -------despite the fact that the effort was hopeless. Learn some history
So, the Pharisees agreed with Jesus.

Yea, okay, we get your history.
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.
Love how you accuse others that acknowledge they are sinners of being hypocrites.

Have you used the race card today?
I don't believe for a minute that you're a sincere Christian. You're full of hate and you're a fraud.

That's my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad.
You are a fool. When anyone acknowledges they are a fraud....

Mac, I am full of hate. I hate my sin as well as others.

Since you question whether or not Christ existed, tells me you don't give one minute of contemplation of your own short comings.

What we all do see is you boasting of yourself on a daily basis. How "above the fray" you are. Every day is one big boast from you, from high atop that ivory tower built upon that left wing socialist moral platitude.

I am a disgrace Mac. Be the very first to admit it and I will be the first to admit I have no place with Christ in heaven unless by some small miracle He grants me mercy through prayer.

Mac, the left are committed godless heathens. Liars and everything that is anti Christ. That, is truth and it is beyond clear who is under the spell of the WAYS OF THE WORLD.
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.
Love how you accuse others that acknowledge they are sinners of being hypocrites.

Have you used the race card today?
I don't believe for a minute that you're a sincere Christian. You're full of hate and you're a fraud.

That's my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad.
You are a fool. When anyone acknowledges they are a fraud....

Mac, I am full of hate. I hate my sin as well as others.

Since you question whether or not Christ existed, tells me you don't give one minute of contemplation of your own short comings.

What we all do see is you boasting of yourself on a daily basis. How "above the fray" you are. Every day is one big boast from you, from high atop that ivory tower built upon that left wing socialist moral platitude.

I am a disgrace Mac. Be the very first to admit it and I will be the first to admit I have no place with Christ in heaven unless by some small miracle He grants me mercy through prayer.

Mac, the left are committed godless heathens. Liars and everything that anti Christ. That, is truth and it beyond clear who is under the spell of the WAYS OF THE WORLD.
And the phony continues.
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.

if they had been born in the middle east they would have already blown themselves up in a crowd.
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.

You have utterly missed the point of Galbraith's statement. First off, there's the assumption that liberals don't want people to be successful and self-sufficient, or that they consider it immoral to expect people to to take care of themselves. That's an utterly fallacy.

Conservatives are constantly telling us that the poor are lazy, unmotivated, and don't want to work, and yet the people in Canada, Norway, Germany, and other countries with cradle to the grave social programs have some of the most productive and hard working people in the world. They also claim that constantly providing the poor with "free stuff" will kill their motivation, and encourage dependency. If that's true, why aren't all Canadians, Europeans, Australians and New Zealanders lazy bums?

This year, the Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to a couple to who did research on the effect of social programs and income supports for the poor on their productivity and and motivation. What they found overwhelmingly, is that social programs do NOT stifle productivity or encourage sloth. As conservatives have claimed. Rather, they encourage and aid people in getting their acts together and back on their feet.

Conservative denigrate social programs as "free shit", and claim it increases poverty and sloth, so as to give themselves an excuse to cut assistance programs for the poor so they can cut the programs and the taxes that support them. But studies have shown, the opposite is true. Social programs give people the support to get back on their feet. They supplement incomes for low wage workers to improve their lives, and reduce poverty.

The age of Ayn Randian "cruel to be kind" conservatism, while appealing to the greed of conservatives and their desire to punish the "lazy", creates generational poverty with no way out. When Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working yourself out of poverty. After 40 years of cutting socialist programs and education for the poor, you have a 2% chance of working your way out of poverty.

Republican policies are creating whole new classes of poor people.

I agree it is a fallacy that people needing help are lazy. That is a position I see a great deal of on these boards. However, it does not mean that social programs do not create sloth. I find it odd that an economist has gained renown by saying that giving people things does not harm their industriousness. Most conservatives have no problem helping those who can not help themselves, but I disagree that social programs do not create generational poverty. The left's policy is obviously creating poverty and not the other way around. How has the war on poverty gone? Politicians just got new homes and cars. I also think it is pessimistic to say an able bodied person can not work themselves out of poverty. If you are not disable, you are not stuck.
Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

Whether "is" or "was", I've never heard "the left" attempt to say anything. Anyone who thinks "the left" or "the right" or
"the middle" has a spokesperson or takes some kind of frickin' vote to put out a statement, really needs to get a brain scan to see if there's one present.
I am familiar with the Beatitudes. Do you know why Jesus came to earth--and what is taught about Jesus from the prophets on?

Like far too many "Christians" you are more concerned with the symbolism of Jesus rather than his actual teachings.

In fact you care not a whit about his teachings. Interestingly enough...I... a non-religious type...care ONLY about his teachings.

Because that is what and who he was.

The rest is mumbo jumbo made up by OTHER people using him to make themselves more powerful.
I am familiar with the Beatitudes. Do you know why Jesus came to earth--and what is taught about Jesus from the prophets on?

Like far too many "Christians" you are more concerned with the symbolism of Jesus rather than his actual teachings.

In fact you care not a whit about his teachings. Interestingly enough...I... a non-religious type...care ONLY about his teachings.

Because that is what and who he was.

The rest is mumbo jumbo made up by OTHER people using him to make themselves more powerful.

You're a fraud, just another who wants to use Jesus so you can have power over other people. You want to use Jesus Christ and His teachings so you and your jackbooted cronies can take over other people. No different than in Jesus' day.

You have no part of Jesus and yet dare to invoke Him. Dangerous. I would back off if I were you.
I am familiar with the Beatitudes. Do you know why Jesus came to earth--and what is taught about Jesus from the prophets on?

Like far too many "Christians" you are more concerned with the symbolism of Jesus rather than his actual teachings.

In fact you care not a whit about his teachings. Interestingly enough...I... a non-religious type...care ONLY about his teachings.

Because that is what and who he was.

The rest is mumbo jumbo made up by OTHER people using him to make themselves more powerful.

Hey, you liar: Peter confessed Christ in Matthew 16:16. Jesus taught that this was revealed to him from the Father...that was one of Jesus' primary teachings, that He is the Son of God, the Messiah. Do you accept THAT teaching, or just the ones you think are communist teachings and that give you leave to boss others around?
You're a fraud, just another who wants to use Jesus so you can have power over other people. You want to use Jesus Christ and His teachings so you and your jackbooted cronies can take over other people. No different than in Jesus' day.

You have no part of Jesus and yet dare to invoke Him. Dangerous. I would back off if I were you.

You have it completely backwards. The ONLY part of the Jesus "story" you care about is the "Son of God" thing and Resurrection (which allows you to do or say anything and be forgiven as long as you say "sorry").

Get back to me when you demonstrate an understanding of the TEACHINGS of Jesus and not the myth surrounding him.

As far Him being the Son of God? Sure. We're all sons of God. And as far as "Dangerous", the only fear I have is of religious fanatics like you
You're a fraud, just another who wants to use Jesus so you can have power over other people. You want to use Jesus Christ and His teachings so you and your jackbooted cronies can take over other people. No different than in Jesus' day.

You have no part of Jesus and yet dare to invoke Him. Dangerous. I would back off if I were you.

You have it completely backwards. The ONLY part of the Jesus "story" you care about is the "Son of God" thing and Resurrection (which allows you to do or say anything and be forgiven as long as you say "sorry").

Get back to me when you demonstrate an understanding of the TEACHINGS of Jesus and not the myth surrounding him.

As far Him being the Son of God? Sure. We're all sons of God. And as far as "Dangerous", the only fear I have is of religious fanatics like you

You have no idea what I care about, but you have revealed that you REJECT His teaching that He is the Son of God....which we knew.

Enjoy Hell

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

I heard he was dead.

Jesus is.

That's all.

Jesus is dead, dude. There may be some historical accounts of his life, assuming he was ever real.
There is some question as to whether Christ exists.

Dear bendog
Jesus represents JUSTICE.
All groups and people I know are STRIVING and FIGHTING to defend
Justice, Peace and Justice, Equal Justice, Social Justice
whatever their understanding of Justice is they BELIEVE in living for.
That's what Jesus means, and everyone has a sense of this innately
which drives us.

Christ is the connection between people by Conscience.
* Individuals in relationships.
* Individuals with larger collective institutions, society and humanity.
* The physical world we know and the collective universe beyond our scope.

Is Justice dead? Our faith in justice comes and goes,
gets clobbered and comes back, has ups and downs.

Our relationships, too, and any faith we had in humanity,
in one group or another, church or state, whoever we blame,
have been SHATTERED by division rejection and destruction.

Everyone I know is seeking healing and JUSTICE
to answer for wrongs, correct and/or prevent them in the future.

The whole process of growing and developing toward a
SUSTAINABLE lasting justice and peace for ALL HUMANITY
is what keeps us going despite these ups and downs
and loss of faith.

Everyone is going through this process bendog
whether in denial, in anger or depression, in
bargaining or resolution at peace. WE are all going
through recovery from past injustice and setbacks,
wrongs and vicious cycles of abuse and oppression.

That doesn't mean justice is dead.
It means humanity still has work
and growing to do before we achieve
this elusive JUSTICE we envision should be
but hasn't been, and yet we still demand it.

Jesus can stand for an idea. But he's dead. They nailed him to a tree. Assuming he ever really existed. The myth is that His death atoned for man's sin of walking away from God. The concept of "man being born into sin." There are several online sites to explore that concept if it interests you.

Some people use Jesus as an example of what they believe is politically right. That's usually a way to lie to gain some "moral highground."

Christ rose from the dead. Assuming you believe the myth. I find it more symbolic than literal.

Dear bendog
the way I would teach the meaning of Christ Jesus
does not depend on assuming he ever existed in human form
or went through the processes literally as how you cite above.

If you understand the PROCESS of Justice as being established
AFTER injustice has killed a relationship, then through forgiveness
and correction of wrongs, that relationship and faith can be RESTORED
so there is a RENEWED sense of "lasting justice and peace"
then THAT'S the meaning of having faith in justice (or Jesus).

We don't have to haggle over the details of Jesus literally dying or coming back etc. etc.

The REAL faith that matters is do you believe that JUSTICE comes back
after all sense of faith and justice has been broken or killed off.

If you have that faith in Justice, no matter WHAT goes wrong in this world,
then THAT level of forgiveness and faith it takes to believe in justice
is the SAME as the level of faith of Christians who believe the representation LITERALLY.

Most people I know with that degree of faith also do not reject Christianity
but either believe in it as taught, or accept it fully even though it seems symbolic to them.

People who cannot forgive issues with Christianity also correlate
with the same degree of "lack of faith in justice."

I don't believe in using "faith in Christian symbolism" as a CONDITION (to judge someone by)
but it usually reflects a CORRELATION with someone's faith in justice so we know what we are working with.

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