Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.
Not claiming that Jesus was a conservative either....He was apolitical and you're a blasphemer for claiming he was political.

So suck on that.

View attachment 296985

Lol! Jesus states that mankind is required to help those in need. That includes everything that is created by mankind to include mans government.
Nah. Look, first off, you're a racist, therefore you are the epitome of what a modern Pharisee is.
:Losing the argument......

This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.
No, Galbraith was right.
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.
No, Galbraith was right.

So you think self respect is selfishness? You think success is a sin? I'm not sure how teaching people to be helpless is virtuous. For those who do believe in Jesus, do you think he would encourage people to be looked after by others?
What conservatism represents is selfishness. Self respect does include not giving up when times get hard and walking to the SRS office to apply for assistance. Maybe since you were apparently born on 3 base with a gold spoon in your mouth, that concept is difficult for you to understand, but nonetheless it's a reality for some people.

Jesus tells us not to worry because GOD looks out for us and will provide for our needs. Sometimes that provision might come in the form of food stamps or other types of assistance.
That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL

Nope, just stating a truth. If we want to see whining all we have to do is look at the threads by trump lovers crying about his justified impeachment.
Obstruction of Congress.........laughable .............not a crime and the Executive has powers that the Congress doesn't have the right to override............if they think Trump did something to obstruct.......their path was to argue in the 3rd Branch...............Obstruction of Justice wasn't used ........because that would mean needing a Statute CRIME..which they don't have.............why the BS charge.

Abuse of power.........Generic term for we don't have shit legally so we just call you abusive and DECLARE it a CRIME...............Without a single Statute listed as a real Crime.

This is the biggest joke I've seen in my lifetime regarding Congress.

You might want to take a course on the constitution.
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.
No, Galbraith was right.
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.
No, Galbraith was right.

So you think self respect is selfishness? You think success is a sin? I'm not sure how teaching people to be helpless is virtuous. For those who do believe in Jesus, do you think he would encourage people to be looked after by others?
What conservatism represents is selfishness. Self respect does include not giving up when times get hard and walking to the SRS office to apply for assistance. Maybe since you were apparently born on 3 base with a gold spoon in your mouth, that concept is difficult for you to understand, but nonetheless it's a reality for some people.

Jesus tells us not to worry because GOD looks out for us and will provide for our needs. Sometimes that provision might come in the form of food stamps or other types of assistance.
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.
Not claiming that Jesus was a conservative either....He was apolitical and you're a blasphemer for claiming he was political.

So suck on that.

View attachment 296985

Lol! Jesus states that mankind is required to help those in need. That includes everything that is created by mankind to include mans government.
Nah. Look, first off, you're a racist, therefore you are the epitome of what a modern Pharisee is.
:Losing the argument......

So that means you guys have lost every argument you've had with me. The faggot called me buckwheat, so I think that it is apparent that he's a racist.
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL

Nope, just stating a truth. If we want to see whining all we have to do is look at the threads by trump lovers crying about his justified impeachment.
Obstruction of Congress.........laughable .............not a crime and the Executive has powers that the Congress doesn't have the right to override............if they think Trump did something to obstruct.......their path was to argue in the 3rd Branch...............Obstruction of Justice wasn't used ........because that would mean needing a Statute CRIME..which they don't have.............why the BS charge.

Abuse of power.........Generic term for we don't have shit legally so we just call you abusive and DECLARE it a CRIME...............Without a single Statute listed as a real Crime.

This is the biggest joke I've seen in my lifetime regarding Congress.

You might want to take a course on the constitution.
Specify the Statute broken in law, and the part of the constitution that was violated........

You may play generic BS to me......but in the end these are Generic charges .......because if they had a real crime to charge they would have already done it.
Not claiming that Jesus was a conservative either....He was apolitical and you're a blasphemer for claiming he was political.

So suck on that.

View attachment 296985

Lol! Jesus states that mankind is required to help those in need. That includes everything that is created by mankind to include mans government.
Nah. Look, first off, you're a racist, therefore you are the epitome of what a modern Pharisee is.
:Losing the argument......

So that means you guys have lost every argument you've had with me. The faggot called me buckwheat, so I think that it is apparent that he's a racist.
So now will you move the thread to Jesus wasn't a racist, so you are speaking for Jesus........

I would believe you if you said.......JOSE.....now am I racist for saying that........or is it Sarcasm intent on implying the lefts obsession of open borders and illegals here.......hmmm
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.
Not claiming that Jesus was a conservative either....He was apolitical and you're a blasphemer for claiming he was political.

So suck on that.

View attachment 296985

Lol! Jesus states that mankind is required to help those in need. That includes everything that is created by mankind to include mans government.
Nah. Look, first off, you're a racist, therefore you are the epitome of what a modern Pharisee is.
:Losing the argument......

who was crying out...
Not claiming that Jesus was a conservative either....He was apolitical and you're a blasphemer for claiming he was political.

So suck on that.

View attachment 296985

Lol! Jesus states that mankind is required to help those in need. That includes everything that is created by mankind to include mans government.
Nah. Look, first off, you're a racist, therefore you are the epitome of what a modern Pharisee is.
:Losing the argument......

who was crying out...
Well that would be hash tag RESISTANCE.......now wouldn't it be.........
It seems likely that Jesus was a Communist.

Someone who advocated the setting aside of personal property and holding all goods in common.

"Go sell all that thou hast, and give it to the poor."
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.
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Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.
What the heck? That is pretty low. I'm sure you can disagree with posters without attacking their faith.
I don't believe many of them are actually people of faith. I believe they use religion as a political tool, as a cynical rhetorical device.

These are people who are pretty clearly filled with hate for their fellow man, not with love for Jesus or his teachings. Assuming he existed.

Jesus is the Son of God. He will not be used for anything. He supersedes agendas and political parties. There is a LOT of "using Jesus for my political party" going on in this thread and it's antithetical to Jesus Christ. He did not come to set up political systems on earth. Many, many, many of HIS OWN PEOPLE did not recognize this in His day.

He came to save lost sinners--to redeem them from their sins. That's it. Anyone who wants to talk about Jesus the Socialist, Jesus the Communist, Jesus the Capitalist, Jesus the one who loves the food stamps or universal health care or whatnot--they are not of Jesus. They are USING Jesus for their own agenda.
the leftist approach to government ignores the most noble calling of the human race: the aspiration to be free. thats why the free market is a spiritual thing, because in order to succeed you need to think about the well being of your customers.

thats why Jesus is a capitalist, my friends!
folks, on second thought, the bible is just a giant textbook of government regulations!
The left doesn't believe in Jesus....then claims he was socialist.

The left makes my head hurt

Dear SassyIrishLass
They believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE
which is the same as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But they believe it will imposed through Govt as the central Authority.
they somehow see that Institution as the central filter for
establishing collective will of the people.

But instead of seeking a consensus by free will
they keep wanting to use PARTY and MEDIA to force it by coercive bullying tactics
while complaining about the same tactics for ESTABLISHING POLITICAL RELIGION.

This is, of course, problematic on several levels
1. first it violates Constitutional principles, laws and process
on equal protection from establishment and discrimination by creed
2. it CONTRADICTS itself by violating party principles of
prochoice without govt imposition on private individual liberty
and separation of religious beliefs from govt establishment
3. it promotes equal bullying, exclusion and oppression
instead of solving the real problems preventing equal justice under law
that are really necessary to resolve for true Peace and Justice

So it violates all three: Constitutional laws, Party principles,
and the real process of achieving true Justice and Peace.

The SADDEST thing SassyIrishLass is these people
truly believe they are fighting evil and are working on the
side of Peace and Justice.

When you realize this, that's when you fully comprehend
the TRAGEDY that befalls the human race. It more heartbreaking
than maddening. When you feel SORROW that exceeds the rage,
that's when we can finally understand where this has gone wrong.

When your sadness is greater than your anger.

Em: their "Peace" is the elimination of all opposition and control of all ideas. That is the OPPOSITE of PEACE; it is slavery!

Of course, the term 'socialism' did not exist in the time of Jesus and he was not involved in political movements. Social programs have always been around, however. Rome provided bread to the poor very regularly, for example.
If Christianity were practiced as Jesus personified it, there would be very little, if any, need for social programs in America.
Inform us on how many times you have read the Bible entire, and then how many times you have read the Gospels, and let's compare and contrast

Jesus was only in the New Testament. We were talking about the teachings of Jesus

Did you not know that?

Are you unfamiliar with the Beatitudes?

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