Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

I've heard Jesus was a socialist, communist, gay, transsexual, black, an illegal. Whatever the social drug of choice is.
What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for.
Which party is doing the most Nationwide Injunctions using the courts............hmmmm

We are seeing conservative judges rushed into courts by McConnell while he stalled nominations by Obama. Disingenuous arguments don't work with me son.

Elections have consequences, deal with it.
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Which party is doing the most Nationwide Injunctions using the courts............hmmmm

We are seeing conservative judges rushed into courts by McConnell while he stalled nominations by Obama. Disingenuous arguments don't work with me son.

Elections have consequences, deal with it.
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.
Last time I heard there is no one on earth that can snap his fingers and make food MAGICALLY APPEAR......

Now if Jesus had stolen everyone's wallet and then bought the fish........when we could say......JESUS was a Democrat.
We are seeing conservative judges rushed into courts by McConnell while he stalled nominations by Obama. Disingenuous arguments don't work with me son.

Elections have consequences, deal with it.
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Elections have consequences, deal with it.
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.
Last time I heard there is no one on earth that can snap his fingers and make food MAGICALLY APPEAR......

Now if Jesus had stolen everyone's wallet and then bought the fish........when we could say......JESUS was a Democrat.

No, that's not how democrats do it. Last time I heard, Jesus told us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, give to those who ask, visit the prisoner, clothe the naked, help the homeless and he didn't say that government should not be used to do it. Bearing false witness has been a severe problem for republicans.
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.

Yeah...actually, he did....it is called the 10 Commandments...."Thou Shalt not Steal," "Thou Shalt not covet they neighbors goods." He didn't tell us to let the government take from one person and give it to another to get their vote, now did he?
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL

What they have to hide about Bush v Gore? Had gore simply one either Tennessee, his home state, or Arkansas, bill "the rapist" clinton's home state, he would have won the election......he lost both, then tried to steal the election.
Obama election didn't seem to matter to McConnell. So I won't be hearing your hypocritical bullshit.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL

Nope, just stating a truth. If we want to see whining all we have to do is look at the threads by trump lovers crying about his justified impeachment.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

I’ve never heard anyone say that Jesus was a socialist.

One thing is for certain.

Jesus did not believe what conservatives in 2019 believe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You mean like people should be free and have self respect? That there is right and wrong outside of the state? That people are responsible for themselves, and that helping others doesn't pertain to people who can help themselves? Wacky things like that?
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.

Yeah...actually, he did....it is called the 10 Commandments...."Thou Shalt not Steal," "Thou Shalt not covet they neighbors goods." He didn't tell us to let the government take from one person and give it to another to get their vote, now did he?

You got it all wrong. Jesus said help those in need. Period. All of your conservative mumbo jumbo equals a bunch of malarkey.
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.

Yeah...actually, he did....it is called the 10 Commandments...."Thou Shalt not Steal," "Thou Shalt not covet they neighbors goods." He didn't tell us to let the government take from one person and give it to another to get their vote, now did he?

You got it all wrong. Jesus said help those in need. Period. All of your conservative mumbo jumbo equals a bunch of malarkey.

Yes...you, as an individual...help those in need....he didn't say give swords to the government, lay waste to your neighbor and take his goods so that you can say you helped your neighbor....you moron....
The conservative Jesus doesn't exist. Jesus said to care for those in need and he did not place limits on how that gets done.

Yeah...actually, he did....it is called the 10 Commandments...."Thou Shalt not Steal," "Thou Shalt not covet they neighbors goods." He didn't tell us to let the government take from one person and give it to another to get their vote, now did he?

You got it all wrong. Jesus said help those in need. Period. All of your conservative mumbo jumbo equals a bunch of malarkey.

Yes...you, as an individual...help those in need....he didn't say give swords to the government, lay waste to your neighbor and take his goods so that you can say you helped your neighbor....you moron....

BS. The rules Jesus taught applied to every bit of society. Individuals, groups, and institutions.
And you will not be listening to the next 2 Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump either.

That more tan likely won't happen. But like I said:

"What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for."
Your side's liberal activist judges keep getting over by SCOTUS..........and even before Trump was in office...........I wonder why that is........LOL

Your conservative activist judges elected a president, made it so that big money rules our country by controlling elections and overturned provisions of the voting rights act. That's just a few things.
Still whining about Florida and Bush......LOL

What's the matter.........the Wet Feet Dry feet scam didn't get you enough votes......LOL

Nope, just stating a truth. If we want to see whining all we have to do is look at the threads by trump lovers crying about his justified impeachment.

Or the removal of a meaningless 2 second cameo in a movie made 30 years ago.
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Selfishness and self respect are two different things. That people should look after themselves when able is far from selfish. It is actually a key part of people having a meaningful life. A person being successful is in no way a moral flaw, or harmful to other people. You can be successful, encourage others to be successful, without harming anyone.

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