Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

People come to Jesus in "nations" (earthly groups) but they leave the Judgment Throne in only two groups: Sheeps and Goats--believers and unbelievers.
On that I have to disagree.... He specifically did not separate them by who believed in Him and who did not... That was NOT Jesus's lesson in this Scripture?

If you noticed, BOTH GROUPS called him LORD? Both of those groups knew Jesus as Lord, both of those groups asked of Jesus, "but when did we do this for/to you?" And He said, basically, however you treated those that He mentioned, (the sick, poor, stranger, imprisoned) you treated Him...???

Those on the right have already been pre-ordained to believe. They do the good works BECAUSE they were pre-ordained to do them. Read on:

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on his glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He will place the sheep on His right, but the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right: Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world...."--Matthew 25:31-34
ok, now we are getting more in depth... :) TY

it could be pre-destined...

coupled with,

Faith... without works, is dead.

my question is,

Is scripture's ''Faith... without works, is dead'' message suppose to stop before the line of us self governing our own Nations?

We can be good and kind to the starving, thirsty, sick, stranger and imprisoned ONLY on our individual time and not as a society governed by ourselves?

Why not, believe in both?

Did Jesus say anywhere it was a sin, to support both? To be one of His followers in every breath one takes?

Because there is a huge difference between charity and compulsion.

YOU are not doing anything for the thirsty, sick, starving, imprisoned. Voting for someone else to do, with other people's money, what you yourself do not do... is no credit to you.

Do you understand? You have not done diddly jack. You have only demanded that others do stuff.

And equally, me giving of my money under the threat of the government, is not charity. Its closer to theft.

Analogy: I put a gun in your face, and take $1,000 out of your pocket. Then on the way off your property, I see a homeless guy, and dump $50 in his tin can.

Tell me, do you feel like you have been charitable? No. You don't. You feel as though you have been robbed.

Should I feel as though I have been charitable? No. I didn't give him anything I had. I gave him what I had taken from you.

There is nothing charitable about these entire scenario. Yet, that is exactly what having government confiscate other people's money, and dumping it on other people, is all about.

Jesus never wanted Government to be your G-d. Jesus wanted the church to engage in these activities.

And by the way, the Church and charitable groups are way better at it than the government. By far actually. Poverty has become a bigger and bigger problem, since the government started their war on poverty. Because paying people to not work, results in more people not working.

Charity has a completely different effect for two reasons. One, the charities have the ability to determine if they are being abused. When they see people abusing the system, they stop it.

Two, people who get charity, feel obligated.

This is completely different mindset to those sucking money from the tax payers.

People living off the government, believe they are owed something. They believe that they are entitled to something. There is no charitable feeling involved. It's more of a self-centered, "you owe me" belief system. Not only are they not grateful for what they are getting, but they disdain the people who are paying the taxes that fund their government handouts.

People who actually receive charity, have a feeling gratitude, because they know the person giving it, doesn't have to. They are not owed it. They are grateful to get it.

This is why many of the biggest supporters of charities, are actually the people who went through those charities during hard times. They want to pass on the help the received, by helping others.

People on government, never feel that way. Instead they feel as though they should have gotten more, and society should have been more helpful than they were.
Not quite sure why Jesus matters to some of our USMB conservatives.

Seems like Jesus is only relevant to you or the media when Christianity Today writes a piece saying Trump should be impeached. Then all of a sudden Jesus matters.

Funny that.
Yes it would be funny, if I wanted him impeached.

Anything else?

  • Yes but does Jesus?

    What would Jesus do Mac?
Screws me. I'm pretty sure he'd be ashamed of us, though.
Here is a question for you and your knowlege of religion. What governemnt executed jesus?

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
From a spiritual standpoint, it IS my sin. That is the only thing that matters.
You were not even there you dumb fuck! Read your bible! Christ died for the sins of those who came before and during him. We were supposed to be better. Were we? I guess we will find out in the second coming and judgement day. Personally I think many wil burn. I retract that last sentence, not for me to judge that is for the lord to decide.
You are eternally blind. Too bad. See you in hell.
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.
At the time of Jesus Caesar WAS A GOD.........The EMPEROR.........The Senate was just for show.......It was a Dictatorship............You can call it a REPUBLIC if you wish .....but it was a Republic in name only.

50% plus 1 enforcing their views on 50% minus 1 is a DICTATORSHIP to those in the minus 1.
Blah,blah,blah, how is it different today? Hey I am not the one trying to bring god into politics here the creater of this thread is. How many trumper posts on here make trump god and emperor in their minds today. Do not bring jesus into your argument on governement then. The reality is jesus railed against the same type of goverenmewnt and system we have today you can not rewrite history. I had a stupid fuck on my boat this summer rail about how trump was chosen by god. 7 fucking hours I listened to this idiot talk. God is god and trump is an ass hole. The two should never meet.
Just calling your liberal ass out for being a Moron........

Your Welcome
Name calling what a laugh! Oh it hurts it hurts so bad! Dunb fuck!
How Religious of you............We all see your posts and go.........now there is a SAINT.

, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.
At the time of Jesus Caesar WAS A GOD.........The EMPEROR.........The Senate was just for show.......It was a Dictatorship............You can call it a REPUBLIC if you wish .....but it was a Republic in name only.

50% plus 1 enforcing their views on 50% minus 1 is a DICTATORSHIP to those in the minus 1.
Blah,blah,blah, how is it different today? Hey I am not the one trying to bring god into politics here the creater of this thread is. How many trumper posts on here make trump god and emperor in their minds today. Do not bring jesus into your argument on governement then. The reality is jesus railed against the same type of goverenmewnt and system we have today you can not rewrite history. I had a stupid fuck on my boat this summer rail about how trump was chosen by god. 7 fucking hours I listened to this idiot talk. God is god and trump is an ass hole. The two should never meet.
Just calling your liberal ass out for being a Moron........

Your Welcome
Name calling what a laugh! Oh it hurts it hurts so bad! Dunb fuck!
How Religious of you............We all see your posts and go.........now there is a SAINT.

These guys are a hoot.

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
From a spiritual standpoint, it IS my sin. That is the only thing that matters.
You were not even there you dumb fuck! Read your bible! Christ died for the sins of those who came before and during him. We were supposed to be better. Were we? I guess we will find out in the second coming and judgement day. Personally I think many wil burn. I retract that last sentence, not for me to judge that is for the lord to decide.
You are eternally blind. Too bad. See you in hell.
see me in hell huh. I doubt it! I am glad your dumb ass thinks he can do the job of god and judge me. Good luck with that!

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.
At the time of Jesus Caesar WAS A GOD.........The EMPEROR.........The Senate was just for show.......It was a Dictatorship............You can call it a REPUBLIC if you wish .....but it was a Republic in name only.

50% plus 1 enforcing their views on 50% minus 1 is a DICTATORSHIP to those in the minus 1.
And that is the conflict:
Who Is Lord: Christ or Caesar?

The emperor insisted that he be worshiped as a god. Christians, of course, could not participate in the rituals of this emperor cult and that led to persecution.
At the time of Jesus Caesar WAS A GOD.........The EMPEROR.........The Senate was just for show.......It was a Dictatorship............You can call it a REPUBLIC if you wish .....but it was a Republic in name only.

50% plus 1 enforcing their views on 50% minus 1 is a DICTATORSHIP to those in the minus 1.
Blah,blah,blah, how is it different today? Hey I am not the one trying to bring god into politics here the creater of this thread is. How many trumper posts on here make trump god and emperor in their minds today. Do not bring jesus into your argument on governement then. The reality is jesus railed against the same type of goverenmewnt and system we have today you can not rewrite history. I had a stupid fuck on my boat this summer rail about how trump was chosen by god. 7 fucking hours I listened to this idiot talk. God is god and trump is an ass hole. The two should never meet.
Just calling your liberal ass out for being a Moron........

Your Welcome
Name calling what a laugh! Oh it hurts it hurts so bad! Dunb fuck!
How Religious of you............We all see your posts and go.........now there is a SAINT.

These guys are a hoot.
I agree they are intertaining. Ganging up to what fun!

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
He is ignorant and does not know about pagan Rome and Post Constantine Rome who recognized Christ as the True God after the battle of Milvian bridge in 312ad.

He is lost and his own words condemn him. Not me.
Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.
At the time of Jesus Caesar WAS A GOD.........The EMPEROR.........The Senate was just for show.......It was a Dictatorship............You can call it a REPUBLIC if you wish .....but it was a Republic in name only.

50% plus 1 enforcing their views on 50% minus 1 is a DICTATORSHIP to those in the minus 1.
And that is the conflict:
Who Is Lord: Christ or Caesar?

The emperor insisted that he be worshiped as a god. Christians, of course, could not participate in the rituals of this emperor cult and that led to persecution.
Christ was crucified under Tiberius, not Julius Caesar.
Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
He is ignorant and does not know about pagan Rome and Post Constantine Rome who recognized Christ as the True God after the battle of Milvian bridge in 312ad.

He is lost and his own words condemn him. Not me.

He's the product of a poor education.
The type that look to Big Gov't welfare handouts to find salvation.
Dummies like him have no other choice. His other alternative is to starve.......oh, SNAP!

Not any government, not any principality, and no entity.

My sin.

Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
You are truley stupid arent you!! B. Kidd takes his name after an outlaw, a killer and a murderer. What does this say about your psycology? Interesting to think about .
Why the Founding Fathers Loved Ancient Rome
Rome's Heroes and America's Founding Fathers - Journal of the American Revolution
Roman ideas, heritage and symbolism in the USA – Enlight Studies
The Founding Fathers & the Classics.
Here is a few of the thousands of examples where this is covered. You little mental dwarf! Name calling is fun, I see why your side does it. Of course my side only does it when there is proof to support the name.
Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
He is ignorant and does not know about pagan Rome and Post Constantine Rome who recognized Christ as the True God after the battle of Milvian bridge in 312ad.

He is lost and his own words condemn him. Not me.
Blh,blahblah, opinion after opinion but no substance. Typical, I bet you are one of those illegal aliens as you obviously were not educated here.
The left doesn't believe in Jesus....then claims he was socialist.

The left makes my head hurt

Dear SassyIrishLass
They believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE
which is the same as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But they believe it will imposed through Govt as the central Authority.
they somehow see that Institution as the central filter for
establishing collective will of the people.

But instead of seeking a consensus by free will
they keep wanting to use PARTY and MEDIA to force it by coercive bullying tactics
while complaining about the same tactics for ESTABLISHING POLITICAL RELIGION.

This is, of course, problematic on several levels
1. first it violates Constitutional principles, laws and process
on equal protection from establishment and discrimination by creed
2. it CONTRADICTS itself by violating party principles of
prochoice without govt imposition on private individual liberty
and separation of religious beliefs from govt establishment
3. it promotes equal bullying, exclusion and oppression
instead of solving the real problems preventing equal justice under law
that are really necessary to resolve for true Peace and Justice

So it violates all three: Constitutional laws, Party principles,
and the real process of achieving true Justice and Peace.

The SADDEST thing SassyIrishLass is these people
truly believe they are fighting evil and are working on the
side of Peace and Justice.

When you realize this, that's when you fully comprehend
the TRAGEDY that befalls the human race. It more heartbreaking
than maddening. When you feel SORROW that exceeds the rage,
that's when we can finally understand where this has gone wrong.

When your sadness is greater than your anger.

What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for.
Yes, it was a free act of God's will, but, the government that carried it out was the Romans.
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
You are truley stupid arent you!! B. Kidd takes his name after an outlaw, a killer and a murderer. What does this say about your psycology? Interesting to think about .
Why the Founding Fathers Loved Ancient Rome
Rome's Heroes and America's Founding Fathers - Journal of the American Revolution
Roman ideas, heritage and symbolism in the USA – Enlight Studies
The Founding Fathers & the Classics.
Here is a few of the thousands of examples where this is covered. You little mental dwarf! Name calling is fun, I see why your side does it. Of course my side only does it when there is proof to support the name.

I could help lead you to Salvation, even make you a hero! But, I won't!
You got one thing right in this thread; I ain't Jesus.
The left doesn't believe in Jesus....then claims he was socialist.

The left makes my head hurt

Dear SassyIrishLass
They believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE
which is the same as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But they believe it will imposed through Govt as the central Authority.
they somehow see that Institution as the central filter for
establishing collective will of the people.

But instead of seeking a consensus by free will
they keep wanting to use PARTY and MEDIA to force it by coercive bullying tactics
while complaining about the same tactics for ESTABLISHING POLITICAL RELIGION.

This is, of course, problematic on several levels
1. first it violates Constitutional principles, laws and process
on equal protection from establishment and discrimination by creed
2. it CONTRADICTS itself by violating party principles of
prochoice without govt imposition on private individual liberty
and separation of religious beliefs from govt establishment
3. it promotes equal bullying, exclusion and oppression
instead of solving the real problems preventing equal justice under law
that are really necessary to resolve for true Peace and Justice

So it violates all three: Constitutional laws, Party principles,
and the real process of achieving true Justice and Peace.

The SADDEST thing SassyIrishLass is these people
truly believe they are fighting evil and are working on the
side of Peace and Justice.

When you realize this, that's when you fully comprehend
the TRAGEDY that befalls the human race. It more heartbreaking
than maddening. When you feel SORROW that exceeds the rage,
that's when we can finally understand where this has gone wrong.

When your sadness is greater than your anger.

What you say is exactly what conservatives are doing. But you have been radicalized and cannot see how the conservative desire to use government to pack the courts is against everything you say the right is for.
Which party is doing the most Nationwide Injunctions using the courts............hmmmm
So christ did not preach against the romans huh? LOL. Writing it up as gods will just erases all mistakes right? So the romans and judas are completely innocent huh! I just rape and kill your wife and inslave your son, I am innocent because it was gods will right? Might as well close all the prisons we would save a shit load of money! I know why we never see any good comidies at the movies these days people likke you are so funny they are not needed any more!
Caesar was a freaking DICTATOR.............but try to say it was a Republic right.........lol

Your side wants a PURE DEMOCRACY.........which if you have 50% plus 1.........you have a Dictatorship.
, Our enitre system is created in romes image we all know it. We had a chance to do it better but we have not we are going the same exact direction Rome did only quicker. That all being said you are the best argument here. You are right democracy is not the problem, what it turns into when not nurtured correctly is the problem. 50 percent plus one does not equall dictatorship. All power in ceasers office is a dictatorship. This is the direction we are rapidly moving towards as the branches of the goverment do less and less and cede power to the executive branch. The worst part of this is we are not even going through the same power struggles as rome. tHE SENATE FOUGHT TO KEEP POWER. Here we cede power due to laziness and not wanting to get blamed for failures. A much quicker route to ruin.

Your words..."Our entire system is created in Rome's image....."
You're a F'in fool!
Rome failed to adhere to and knew not what the 10 Commandments stood for. And neither do you!
The foundation of our system and legal system is based in the 10 Commandments!
You're talkin' shit and know nothing about World History and what followed.

You have just enough of very little knowledge, pinpoint at best, to make you dangerous to like-minded ignoramuses.
You are truley stupid arent you!! B. Kidd takes his name after an outlaw, a killer and a murderer. What does this say about your psycology? Interesting to think about .
Why the Founding Fathers Loved Ancient Rome
Rome's Heroes and America's Founding Fathers - Journal of the American Revolution
Roman ideas, heritage and symbolism in the USA – Enlight Studies
The Founding Fathers & the Classics.
Here is a few of the thousands of examples where this is covered. You little mental dwarf! Name calling is fun, I see why your side does it. Of course my side only does it when there is proof to support the name.

I could help lead you to Salvation, even make you a hero! But, I won't!
You got one thing right in this thread; I ain't Jesus.
Nope just anothjer dumb fuck!
PS You could not lead a hog to a truffle!
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Jesus was a rebelleous Jew. Paul was the socialist.
No he wasn't.
I admit the evidence for Jesus being a Jewish zealot is circumstantial. For Paul it is more obvious:

2 Corinthians 8:12-15 New International Version (NIV)
12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, 13 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. 14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, 15 as it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”​

St. Augustine also:

God does not demand much of you. He asks back what he gave you, and from him you take what is enough for you. The superfluities of the rich are the necessities of the poor. When you possess superfluities, you possess what belongs to others. (Exposition on Psalm 147, 12).​

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