Have you noticed all the Right-Wing trolls?

They are everywhere! President Obama (praise be unto Him!) must be doing well, since every Right-Wing member has turned from debating to flat-out trolling.

If you have an example, post it here.

Why don't YOU have an example?
I posted an example already.

Was this it?:
Right after being given a list of Republicans blocking growth:
I've posted a couple of examples today.

dear please post your best example of Republicans blocking growth or admit you lack IQ to defend what you say!

Really? This is what has you panties in a wad?
Princess Baiamonte keeps asking the same question to something I've already answered for him. He's a bit disturbed.

Fabricating One Example must be exhausting.
No, I just haven't posted more yet. I will as I run across them, thread derail attempts notwithstanding.

As Shanty said, repeatedly asking for info that has already been given multiple times is trolling.
They are everywhere! President Obama (praise be unto Him!) must be doing well, since every Right-Wing member has turned from debating to flat-out trolling.

If you have an example, post it here.

Why don't YOU have an example?
I posted an example already.

Was this it?:
Right after being given a list of Republicans blocking growth:
I've posted a couple of examples today.

dear please post your best example of Republicans blocking growth or admit you lack IQ to defend what you say!

Really? This is what has you panties in a wad?
Princess Baiamonte keeps asking the same question to something I've already answered for him. He's a bit disturbed.

Fabricating One Example must be exhausting.
Princess Baiamonte doesn't mind fabricating all day long. When you're a pathological liar like him, it's in your nature.
They are everywhere! President Obama (praise be unto Him!) must be doing well, since every Right-Wing member has turned from debating to flat-out trolling.

If you have an example, post it here.

There must be a lot of regular RW trolls here, because I can't seem to have a decent conversation with a lib anywhere around here without being called names. Thanks for ruining the experience for this n00b, people. :p
I haven't seen you before. Do you say stupid things? That's the only time I insult.

I'm just here to give my opinion on topics and give light humor in popcorn threads like these. I'm not interested in debating anyone's personalities here.
Poor thing.......We'll send a box of tissues to ya............

By the Way, I think Obama still sucks. It is my opinion and if that makes me a troll then so be it...........

No, that doesn't make you a troll.

Uninformed, maybe . . .

For once, we agree.

If eagle was informed, he wouldn't think Obama sucks. He'd know Obama was a law breaking traitor that should be impeached & executed for undermining our national security by providing material comfort to a sworn enemy of the United States.
For everything that you list that you think is law-breaking, I can top with either Bush or Reagan, but you will make excuses for them and won't look at it honestly.

So enjoy your day, and your delusions!

You don't know a damned thing about me, son. I called for Bush's head on a pike over TPA, and Reagan's administration was rampant with cronyism.

Just because somebody calls you out on your bullshit doesn't mean they're one of the mindless idiots on the other end of the spectrum.
Of COURSE you did!

Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

So quick to naysay that you can't even run a quick search to make sure you actually know what you're talking about, I see.

So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Jeb Bush Stop blaming my brother US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're irrelevant. Thank you & stfu.
Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

Amazing you cant say why conservatives from Aristotle to Friedman were mistaken about freedom from liberal govt!.
Who would be dumb enough to give credence to Friedman, when his economic policies failed everywhere they were tried?

dear, China just switched to capitalism as Friedman recommended and instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty!

See why we are positive that liberallism is based in pure ignorance!!
Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

Amazing you cant say why conservatives from Aristotle to Friedman were mistaken about freedom from liberal govt!.
Who would be dumb enough to give credence to Friedman, when his economic policies failed everywhere they were tried?

dear, China just switched to capitalism as Friedman recommended and instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty!

See why we are positive that liberallism is based in pure ignorance!!
Princess, they aren't using Friedman's failed economic models. How is it you're so fucking ignorant? And what does your fear of learning tell us about you?
Princess, they aren't using Friedman's failed economic models.

Dear, Wen Jiaboa came here and said they were switching to Friedman's and Smith's model. If they are not switching to Republican capitalism what have they been switching to since 1980?? Do you know why you have to be asked?

See why we say slow?
You don't know a damned thing about me, son. I called for Bush's head on a pike over TPA, and Reagan's administration was rampant with cronyism.

Just because somebody calls you out on your bullshit doesn't mean they're one of the mindless idiots on the other end of the spectrum.
Of COURSE you did!

Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

So quick to naysay that you can't even run a quick search to make sure you actually know what you're talking about, I see.

So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Jeb Bush Stop blaming my brother US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're irrelevant. Thank you & stfu.
You've again missed my point.

Let me ask another way: didn't Libertarians (which I'm assuming you are claiming to be), or anti-Bush conservatives (a small subset) know about internet political forums? Because they were nowhere to be found during Bush's terms.

Were you pro-Bush during the 2000s and became disenchanted with the GOP, or were you always a Libertarian, but just preferred to keep your opinion to yourself?
You don't know a damned thing about me, son. I called for Bush's head on a pike over TPA, and Reagan's administration was rampant with cronyism.

Just because somebody calls you out on your bullshit doesn't mean they're one of the mindless idiots on the other end of the spectrum.
Of COURSE you did!

Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

So quick to naysay that you can't even run a quick search to make sure you actually know what you're talking about, I see.

So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Jeb Bush Stop blaming my brother US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're irrelevant. Thank you & stfu.
You've again missed my point.

Let me ask another way: didn't Libertarians (which I'm assuming you are claiming to be), or anti-Bush conservatives (a small subset) know about internet political forums? Because they were nowhere to be found during Bush's terms.

Were you pro-Bush during the 2000s and became disenchanted with the GOP, or were you always a Libertarian, but just preferred to keep your opinion to yourself?
Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

Amazing you cant say why conservatives from Aristotle to Friedman were mistaken about freedom from liberal govt!.
Fuck off, troll.

argumentum ad hominem from typical lib without IQ for substance
Princess, they aren't using Friedman's failed economic models.

Dear, Wen Jiaboa came here and said they were switching to Friedman's and Smith's model. If they are not switching to Republican capitalism what have they been switching to since 1980?? Do you know why you have to be asked?

See why we say slow?
Princess... I know you believe your communist brethren whole heatedly. But the adults here are smart enough that a) you're a dope and b) saying and doing are two different things. China is still mostly a state owned enterprise, with some private ownership of wealth. But if your commie pals want to snuff a billionaire Chinese entrepreneur out, they'll give him the chance to give a Princess Baiamonte argument, and it'll kill him like your DOA posts.
You don't know a damned thing about me, son. I called for Bush's head on a pike over TPA, and Reagan's administration was rampant with cronyism.

Just because somebody calls you out on your bullshit doesn't mean they're one of the mindless idiots on the other end of the spectrum.
Of COURSE you did!

Amazing how many Right-Wingers Against Bush have appeared after silence during his terms.

So quick to naysay that you can't even run a quick search to make sure you actually know what you're talking about, I see.

So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So I turned on Fox News for the first time since Tuesday Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Jeb Bush Stop blaming my brother US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're irrelevant. Thank you & stfu.
You've again missed my point.

Let me ask another way: didn't Libertarians (which I'm assuming you are claiming to be), or anti-Bush conservatives (a small subset) know about internet political forums? Because they were nowhere to be found during Bush's terms.

Were you pro-Bush during the 2000s and became disenchanted with the GOP, or were you always a Libertarian, but just preferred to keep your opinion to yourself?

I was a little busy defending the country to be educating no-lifers on the stupidity of stuffed shirts in Washington.
Maybe benghazi and the IRS thing was too much for they're attention spans.

I guess they're all too busy in other threads defending the crazy drunk guy threatening police with a gun, arguing that David Cameron would be a better president than Obama, arguing that Holder should prosecute Biden (don't ask me how the hell that happened :dunno:), and asking a pair of board trolls for econ advice.

You do know that congress has been in recess, right. Don't worry, there's going to a lot more shit hitting the fan and ample room for whining when it does. And then you've got the midterms:)
the closer and closer we get to november, the louder and louder the lefts wailing and slobbery slobbing gets.


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